The superstar is here

Chapter 449 Night Watchman

Chapter 449 Night Watchman
The seven singers exchanged pleasantries and chatted. After saying hello, under the arrangement of the program group, they were led by the staff to their respective rooms that the program group had arranged for them long ago.

At this time, it is the broker's turn to act.

A group of people rushed out to grab the singer in the singer's room!
"Jiang Yifeng and Lan Yeqing are relatively new, and they won't reject people. They all want to rob Weiwei and Angela. I'm looking for Jiang Yifeng."

Some hosts were smart, they didn't squeeze with a few singers to grab Angela's big names, but chose Jiang Yifeng and Lan Yeqing who were neglected.

The host tried all kinds of ways to grab singers, recommending himself one by one, similar to an interview, making the audience laugh.

Wu Xiaochun is watching "I Am a Singer", it hurts to watch.

He had the same thoughts as many people in the industry, Mad, how could he still do such a show? How did Bo Yu produce it?
Sanxiang Satellite TV is also bold enough, so many well-known hosts are willing to let Bo Yu produce them as green leaves.

Then read on, and those who are interested will soon find out.

The famous singer competition itself is something that makes singers nervous and concerned. Without a partner who specializes in creating the atmosphere and relaxing the singer's mood, the recording effect will be very poor.

Singers are not actors, they don't know how to act.

The competition began, and a very slender woman in a red dress stepped out from the end of the stage.

Because of the stage lighting, everyone couldn't see who it was for a while.


"I don't know who is the host of this popular show before it was aired?"

"The first sister of Sanxiang Satellite TV, Ye Ye?"

"It's not like Ye Ye, this figure...Ye Ye seems to be taller."

The audience stared wide-eyed, unable to see the face of the woman who came out.

Just when the audience in front of the screen was wondering who this woman was, the audience on the TV cheered.

Soon, everyone finally saw the face of the woman on stage.

Hey, was Angela the first to sing?
But not like ah.

I saw her stepping on high heels and wearing a red dress, like a proud and strong red rose.

She holds a microphone in one hand and a... like a line card in the other.

"Good evening everyone!" Angela said with a smile on her face.



Everyone cheers.

Lu Jingjing and Wu Xiaochun of Youzhou Satellite TV raised their eyebrows. Seeing Angela's posture, she was undoubtedly the host.

Those in the industry are well versed in the rules of the stage, and basically know what Angela is doing on stage by looking at her attire and line cards.

"This Angela doesn't have a host qualification certificate. Sanxiang Satellite TV and Boyu Productions dare to let her be the host?" Wu Xiaochun's eyes lit up, and he showed a slight smile.

Lu Jingjing also sneered.

Boyu is finished!
Sanxiang Satellite TV dared to indulge Boyu's production like this.

Angela is the host, this matter must have been produced by Boyu.

"Boyu's production is still too young to leave such a big handle." Lu Jingjing stared at Angela on the screen and smiled triumphantly.

Wu Xiaochun was even more excited. Angela didn't have a host qualification certificate, which was known in the circle.

Without a host qualification certificate, you cannot work.

For example, how can you teach without a teacher qualification certificate?

One report and one accurate!

Colleagues are enemies.

However, Angela's next sentence stunned Lu Jingjing, Wu Xiaochun and other insiders.

"Welcome to the recording site of the first episode of "I'm a Singer" program aired under the name of the QQ shopping mall that doesn't leave home. I'm Angela, the music speaker..." Angela laughed very much Effortless and natural, never seemed to take any hits, as always.

Music speaker?
What the hell, is there such a saying?
What's going on here?
Boyu's production is relatively tender, but Sanxiang Satellite TV is not tender.

Chen Ziang wasn't tender either, he knew that without a host qualification certificate, An Qi would definitely be reported by her peers if she ever appeared on such a stage.

It is also a troublesome thing to report one and disrupt the situation.

When Chen Ziang proposed to have a singer as the host, Sanxiang Satellite TV explained the seriousness of the problem.

Those who were serious were ordered to stop recording for rectification, and those who were less serious were removed from the "host".

Chen Ziang directly changed the concept, leaving Sanxiang Satellite TV speechless.

I have stated that I am not the host, but just a speaker, you can't stop me from speaking on the stage, right?

Lu Jingjing and Wu Xiaochun looked as ugly as if they had eaten a dead mouse.

Why, I thought I had seized the opportunity.

As a result, people have long thought that it is impossible to leave this loophole for colleagues to stab in the back.

Chen Ziang originally wanted to give Xu Jiahui the opportunity of being a music speaker, but Xu Jiahui is still too young, and her stage experience is too little compared to Angela, Weiwei and others.

So after Angela agreed to come over, Chen Ziang decided to leave this opportunity to her.

Of course, it was after Angela intended to set up her own studio and came to Boyu for entertainment that Chen Ziang gave her this opportunity.

Otherwise, it would be better to give it to Weiwei, Weiwei is sure to come here.

In addition, Xu Jiahui is still a student, so she doesn't have much time to prepare for "I Am a Singer" as a singer and as a speaker.

Angela has just returned, full of energy and plenty of time.

On stage, Typhoon Angela was steady and lively.

Soon, amid the eager anticipation of the audience, the competition kicked off.

The first one to play was the unlucky egg Huang Yihong.

The guy got number one in the lottery.

Huang Yihong appeared on the stage, and the audience cheered again.



Huang Yihong remained silent, walked to the front of the stage, covered his chest, took a deep breath, and then bowed slightly to the band, indicating that it was time to start.

Affected by the atmosphere, the audience suddenly felt tense.

This is a competition for famous singers.

In the past, I only saw civilian singers fighting in talent shows. Now, this show is full of famous singers, and there are even current or former kings and queens.

Huang Yihong sang "The Night Watchman", one of his masterpieces.

This is not a love song, nor is it a school ballad, but a patriotic song like an ancient poem.

"The long night is coming, I will watch from now on until I die."

Still a familiar smell, a familiar voice.

It's just that over the years, the singer's life and experience have undergone many changes.

"I will not marry a wife, hold land, or have children. I will not wear a crown, and will not compete for honor and favor."

Huang Yihong sang very affectionately, not singing himself, but the protagonist in the lyrics.

"I will do my duty, I will live and die here. I am the sword in the dark, the guard on the Wall. I am the fire against the cold, the light at the dawn, the horn to wake the sleepers, the shield to guard the kingdom. I will live And glory to the Night's Watch, tonight and every night."

Back then, this song was a clear stream among the extravagant music and was very popular.

Although it is not Huang Yihong's first well-known song, it is also one of his most widely circulated masterpieces.

(End of this chapter)

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