The superstar is here

Chapter 450 The Incomparably Beautiful Flower Blooms

Chapter 450 The Incomparably Beautiful Flower Blooms

After Huang Yihong sang his masterpiece "Night Watchman", he bowed and left the stage without saying a word.

The audience stood up and applauded, the applause was thunderous and enthusiastic.

"It's been a long time since I heard Huang Yihong sing on stage."

"Ginger is still old and spicy."

Several senior musicians commented, and their words were full of praise.

The audience is also a feast for the ears, "Night Watchman" has been re-arranged, more passionate and more tragic.

This stage seems to have stimulated the potential of a famous singer, the first song is so explosive.

"Two words: nice to hear!"

"Three words: Super nice!"


Netizens barrage, all kinds of compliments, there are also crooked ones, densely packed subtitles.

After Huang Yihong stepped down, Angela came on stage.

The camera followed Huang Yihong, only to see Huang Yihong took the tissue handed by others to wipe his sweat, and said bitterly: "I'm so nervous!"

The audience watched it very hilariously.

"Just be nervous."

"Haha, we like to see you nervous."


"Too powerful!"

Netizens keep barking.

Huang Yihong returned to the singer hall. He was the only singer in the hall at this time. He stretched out his hand to the host who was following him, and said with lingering fear: "Look, my palms are full of sweat."

The audience is happier.

This program forced famous singers to do this, which is unheard of and interesting.

"Behaved very well, steady, accurate, and ruthless." The manager laughed.


The second one to appear was Jiang Yifeng.

He also sang his own representative work, although there are not many representative works, but this one is one of the hottest songs of the year, "The Light Chaser".

A song given by Chen Ziang.

"if we assume
You are the fireworks on the sea

I am the foam of the waves

a moment

Your light illuminates me"

The singing voice is clean and refreshing, just like Jiang Yifeng's image.

"if we assume
you are a distant galaxy

Dazzling to make people want to cry
I'm chasing your eyes
I always look at the night sky when I'm alone"

The audience listened carefully, and Jiang Yifeng on the stage suddenly made people feel distressed.

It seems that he is not only missing his youth, but also taking everyone back to youth.

"I can follow you

Sleepwalking like a shadow chasing the light

I can wait at this intersection
whether you will pass
Whenever I lift my head up for you
Even tears feel free
Some love is like the sun falling down
own and lose

The meaning of the words is true and the singing style contains a pure love and firm commitment, which makes people hear the innocence and hear the story. This feeling, there is love and worship, but it is never humble.

The song is clean and soothing, and the lyrics are straight to the heart. Jiang Yifeng's singing sings an unspeakable love, which makes people unconsciously fall into the memories of their youthful past.

"Extraordinary performance."

"It's a bit sad to hear."

"Youth is so beautiful!"


After "The Light Chaser" finished singing, Jiang Yifeng left the stage, and the audience sighed.

Although many people have heard it, the live singing seems to make the audience feel more.

There is still a treasured sword in the front, and there are newcomers in the world in the back.

The audience was hooked.

Jiang Yifeng's performance is perfect.

The third singer is Tong Dawei.

Tong Dawei has not been as active as before in the past two years, but on the popularity list, he still belongs to the top line and is very stable.Unlike Chen Ziang, he hasn't stood still yet.

Tong Dawei sang his masterpiece - "Laughing in the Red Dust".

"I was ups and downs in the world of mortals, and I met her.

The bicycle on the street corner is telling her story, stepping on the skirt of the bicycle.

The skirts in memory filled my sight.


Similar to rock songs, it can be said to be light rock.

Good memories.

Like an uncle recalling the youthfulness and sweetness of his youth.

No one knows what will happen in the future. Only after passing through can you know what you met and what you missed.

In the rough and unrestrained singing, there is no pain, no sweetness, only faint memories.

"Dawei is not sad, but I feel that Dawei is so pitiful."

"Under the vicissitudes of the uncle, there is also a yearning for loli hidden."

"It was too far-fetched for Dawei to sing this song back then, but now it's very natural."

"Dawei let it go, life has really changed too many people."

Dawei's story-telling singing is even more popular.

I have struggled, regretted, and missed, and now I sing it, just like telling other people's stories, calm and calm.

But it is precisely this calmness that makes people want to stop.

The singers are doing great!

The circle was amazed, is this stage so magical, each one is sharper than the other.

The fourth singer to appear is Xu Jiahui.

Contemporary inspirational goddess, beautiful people, and inspirational songs.

Xu Jiahui, who is tall and mature, sang her famous work-"Chasing Dreams with a Pure Heart".

"Where is the world full of flowers

If it exists then I will definitely go


This song turned the audience up, as if it could give people endless power to pursue their dreams.

The audience was very excited. The stage of "I Am a Singer" seemed to inspire the fighting spirit of the singers, and they performed exceptionally one by one.

The musicians in the circle nodded secretly, they are experts.

For this program, the singers really worked hard, prepared extremely well, and put in real effort.

No matter from the arrangement or the live performance, they have put out 100% energy and strength.

Usually when participating in a show, the singers just sing casually, and some even fake it.

But "I Am a Singer" is not, it is like a talent singing competition, can contestants sing fake songs?
On the stage of "The Masked Singer", the singers went there for fun, and they didn't really work hard at all.

That kind of singing quality is not at the same level as "I Am a Singer" in general.

The fifth singer to appear is Weiwei.

Weiwei sang her famous work - "Spring Bird", not the song she invited Chen Ziang later.

"Spring comes to the edge of the endless wheat fields, and layers of green waves are swaying in the green wheat seedlings, making a rustling sound, as if singing happily for the arrival of spring..."

When it came to Weiwei, an expert could see that Weiwei made a mistake, and there was a section that was not on the same beat.

The sixth singer appeared, Lan Yeqing.

What Lanye sings is also her own famous song, but it is relatively small, folk songs.

However, her singing skills are astonishing, and her folk song arrangement is also popular, which opened the audience's eyes.

No matter the song you like, so far, Lan Yeqing has played the most steadily and has the best singing skills in the audience.

She may be present, but she is relatively weak in ranking, and she dared to use this kind of folk song as a pop adaptation, and performed this song with soft folk and pop singing.

The last singer.

Without Angela's introduction and prompting, everyone knows that it is her.

Before that, before each singer appeared on stage, she had prompts to evaluate the singers when she talked.

This time, it is no exception.

"She has lost control of her family, friends, and career over the years, but she has come through with strength. Some time ago, someone suddenly appeared in her life and told her that the wounds she had suffered would grow into scars, and then she would be prescribed Incomparably beautiful flowers." Angela had a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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