Chapter 508
Li Qiuting looked at Chen Ziang.

Almost every director wants to monopolize the power and hold the final cutting right in their own hands.

Chen Ziang understands that after all, many directors regard the films they direct as their own children.

My own children, of course I want to raise them by myself, and cut out the final version by myself.

Chen Ziang frowned slightly. Even though the director wanted the final cut rights, as a businessman and producer, he didn't want to hand over the final cut rights to Sun Zhenghong.

The chances of the opponent being unreliable are very high.

Li Longji and Tianshui Film and Television have always been terrified of Ling Huchong, the protagonist of "Swordsman" starring Chen Ziang who has no film and television work experience, and they have never been relieved.

Of course, Chen Ziang was worried about Sun Zhenghong's final cut.

"You are the one who has the final cutting power. You are equivalent to a person with a car. If you hand over the steering wheel, you will hand over the fate to you." Chen Ziang sighed.

Sun Zhenghong's request is too high.

In Sun Zhenghong's resume, he has not obtained the final cut right so far.

But he made this request to Chen Ziang, obviously because Boyu Entertainment is a novice.

"When you decided to hand over the script to me, didn't the fate of this movie have already been handed over to me?" Sun Zhenghong smiled.

Chen Ziang persuaded him patiently: "Director Sun, we have to follow the Hollywood system. There is a reason why they can compete for the hegemony of the world's film industry. The cultivation and reserve of talents, the improvement of the system and process... According to the normal Hollywood rules, first of all, editors generally Can not appear on the shooting scene, what he can only see is the final material. To the greatest extent, the decisions made by the director and production team during the shooting process will not affect the final editing of the film. For example, you know that "The Brave" The movie is famous, right?"

Sun Zhenghong frowned, but still nodded.

This "Brave" movie has a global box office of more than 20 billion, but the investment is only more than [-] million.

Chen Ziang continued: "When filming "The Brave", the director Bill Dorrent used a long shot with a super-large crane arm and a large dispatch in a war scene. He claimed that this shot cost 30 yuan, and he was very proud of it. I wanted to use it at the beginning of the movie. As a result, when editing, his editor Stephen felt that the artistic conception was not good, and he used other shots. Dorrent was very angry and asked me where the 30 shots went. Stephen said that I don’t know about that shot. It’s so expensive, and the shot isn’t good enough, you see I cut it for you. Gibson was very upset at first, but after reading the editor’s version, he finally admitted that his shot was scum, so he gave up.”

Sun Zhenghong was stunned, is there such a thing?
If it is in China, Sun Zhenghong may still know such behind-the-scenes tidbits.

But that's Hollywood, and I know what the hell.

So Chen Ziang said it with a serious look, and Sun Zhenghong looked confused, not knowing whether it was true or not.

However, Sun Zhenghong knows that some editors in the film industry don't even read the script or shot book, but use their own understanding of the film to make rough cuts and hand them over to the director or producer.

The editor is out of pre-production, but some directors sit next to the editor during the post-editing process.

The distribution of rights between directors and editors also varies from person to person, and it all depends on tacit agreement, and there are no fixed rules.

Some directors like to delegate power to the editor. After the preliminary explanation of the intention, they will not make a sound, and only give some revision suggestions at the end.Some don't even appear until the rough cut is complete.

Some directors like to completely control the editor, and the editor is his tool, but the editor will give suggestions on some details.

Occasionally, the director will do it himself.

But no matter what, most of the final final version is not up to the director.It's the producers or studios who decide.

"As far as I know, there have been cuts made by the producers in Hollywood, which are not at the same level as the cuts made by the director." Sun Zhenghong retorted, he really wanted to get the final cut right, like he had so many children, But none of them were raised by themselves, very unwilling.

But he also knew that with his qualifications, he would not be able to get the final cut right with his boss.

Therefore, he can only fight for power at Boyu Entertainment, even if the director's fee is less, it can be negotiated.

Chen Ziang felt melancholy. Most directors work with editors to complete the editing, and few want to be monopolized by themselves.

"I know that you also want to make a good movie, edit a good movie, and don't want to waste time editing on it... But this request is difficult for us to accept." Chen Ziang regretted it.

Where there is cooperation, there will be disagreement. There is a metaphor in the industry. The relationship between director and editor is like a husband and wife relationship. It requires mutual trust and cooperation, but there will always be noise during the period.

Most big directors have had the experience of taking pictures with the editor, and the editor's duty is to tell the director his professional opinion, and patiently work with the director to find the best solution.

But not all editors are good-natured.But most editors have a slightly better temper than directors.

In any case, it is rare for a director to do his own editing, because even the most talented directors have blind spots about their own work.

As for film art, an editor, as a pair of calm eyes, is almost a must.

Some directors are also editors themselves, but they never edit their own films.That kind of movie emperor-level god has to shoot, direct, and edit by himself, and ordinary people really can't learn it.

The art of film itself cannot be completed by only one person. Photography, lighting, art, costumes, makeup, scenery, etc., every detail affects the artistic style of the film.

The director on the shooting site can’t take care of everything in detail, but needs to hire suitable professionals in advance according to the requirements of his own film and artistic conception. Choose and direct others to complete.

It is rare to see the director pointing fingers at the lighting design on the scene. These artistic details have been communicated with the director of photography in the previous preparation meeting, and the director of photography will instruct the lighting engineer to complete it.

Of course, the choice of editor is generally decided by the director himself.Every editor has his own style and strengths, and most directors usually have their own fixed editor. The result of long-term cooperation is that the editor will have a deep understanding of the director's style, and the tacit understanding is so great that the director does not need to work hard. When talking about editing, you know how to edit, so many people work together for a lifetime.

The importance of a good editor can only be realized by being a director.Every master-level director must have a master-level editor behind him.Without these master-level editors, it is really difficult for master directors to bring out their artistic concepts 120%. With them, it may be possible to explode [-]%.

Chen Ziang patiently persuaded Sun Zhenghong: "Director Sun, Hollywood editing itself has many established industry rules and mature editing concepts and skills, how the editing team operates, how the various assistants and editors cooperate, and the editing skills for genre montage norms, etc. etc., but this is only a decision on the technical level, and it belongs to the category of industrialized production of Hollywood movies. On these issues, unless the director himself has a very special idea, and the reason is strong enough to convince the editor, it is generally in accordance with the objective laws mastered by the editor Do. Facts have also proved that the Hollywood editing techniques that have been developed for a century can stand the test. For decisions on the artistic level, such as the overall rhythm of the story, the internal logic of the plot, or the specific processing of a certain group of shots, we will give You have your say... I know you want to make a good film, but when a child is born, he should be sent to school, not at home to teach himself."

Sun Zhenghong was a little confused, but Chen Ziang spoke clearly, like an old hand in the film industry.

This is still a lower-body animal that is under 20 years old, playing games all day, or looking for a girlfriend everywhere?

In fact, Li Qiuting was even more dumbfounded. She thought that her understanding and insights into the film process surpassed Chen Ziang's by a few blocks.

As a result, some of what Chen Ziang said made her feel confused, but thinking about it, it was too professional and not bluffing.

(End of this chapter)

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