Chapter 509
"I don't care about your and Hollywood's theories, I just want the final cut. If possible, we will continue to talk. Otherwise, please go back." Sun Zhenghong is very persistent about the final cut, and refuses to give in.

Li Qiuting looked at Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang is the big boss, and the big boss has the final say.

Li Qiuting really wanted to agree to Sun Zhenghong and Bo Yu Entertainment's development into the film and television industry. It was difficult at the beginning, and it was inevitable to be patient, regress, and sacrifice interests.

"That's disturbing Director Sun, let's go back and think about it." Chen Ziang ignored Li Qiuting's eyes, said humbly to Sun Zhenghong, and got up to say goodbye.

Li Qiuting had no choice but to stand up and say goodbye to Sun Zhenghong.

Sun Zhenghong got up and sent Chen Ziang and Li Qiuting out.

After Chen Ziang and Li Qiuting left, Sun Zhenghong shook his head: "I still regard myself as a big company. If it weren't for the fear that you would make me blind, I wouldn't want the final right to cut it."

Chen Ziang and Li Qiuting left the community and went to the corner coffee shop to sit and chat.

At the same time, they asked their assistants to book high-speed rail tickets, and they rushed back to Youzhou today.

"Zi'ang, to be honest, we don't have a professional editor. In fact, it's quite appropriate to hand over the final editing rights to Sun Zhenghong." In the coffee shop, Li Qiuting took a sip of coffee and said to Chen Zi'ang after putting down her cup.

Chen Ziang smiled.

Who said there are no professional editors?

Isn't he?
The scripts he presented were all movies in his previous life, not to mention the big hits, at least double the profits.

And he has seen all the movies made from these scripts.

I've seen it, don't you know how to cut it?

How to present it, what style to use, there are templates there, Chen Ziang is more professional than a professional editor.

Of course, if the director is too reckless and blind, he can't cut it.

Therefore, a reliable director is still needed to help shoot it.

"You're thinking too simply." Chen Ziang couldn't tell Li Qiuting that he had a template from his previous life, so he could only explain: "Bo Yu Entertainment will not fully invest, and part of the funds will be drawn from outside. Do you think we can agree, Can the other party agree? In the production of commercial films, the opinion of the producer is very important. The world is not perfect, and film production itself is a process of multi-party cooperation and bargaining. Unless we completely pay for the film by ourselves, or cattle The film studio begged us to make a movie, otherwise no one would be able to hide from reality.

The other investment that Chen Ziang mentioned was Shi Zifeng Technology, and there was another person—Guan Nier.

Not to mention 2000 million, but 6000 to [-] million, Boyu Entertainment has it.

Shi Zifeng technology has more.

But this is venture capital.

Moreover, many people and companies appear to be rich, but their working capital is actually stretched, and they cannot afford too much money at once.

Guan Nier followed Chen Zi'ang's suggestion and planned to start a business, opening an IT company to provide IT services for the government.

At the same time, she spotted Chen Ziang and wanted to take a ride, and asked Chen Ziang what he would do if he invested, and call her.

Chen Ziang said that if he made a movie, Guan Nier didn't hesitate and said that he would vote, but the share would definitely be less.

"That's right." Li Qiuting sighed, not only Boyu Entertainment invested.

If Boyu Entertainment fully invests, Li Qiuting and Xu Ran still don't want to agree, the risk is too great.

Everyone's money is not blown by the wind.

Li Qiuting and Xu Ran couldn't trust Chen Ziang without any reservations before the results came out.

They can do what they are doing now, which is considered to have a lot of trust in Chen Ziang.

Li Qiuting thought about the rules of the film industry, and it was a headache.

Directors basically have editing rights, but the crucial final editing rights are not available to everyone.The right to final cut given by the producer is like a sword given by the emperor, and it is definitely a symbol of power and honor.Moreover, the right to final cut is not a permanent guarantee. If you get this film, the owner of the next film may not give it to you.

Li Qiuting discussed the final cut with Chen Ziang.

Who should have the final cutting rights of the movie?

Does the director have to have this power, sacrosanct?
Do studios often ruin a director's artistry because of commercial considerations?Or can they really grasp the rhythm of the movie better from the perspective of the market?

Is the director's cut necessarily better and more content than the theatrical version?
"Sister Qiu Ting, I hope you can learn and understand Hollywood, which has a relatively complete film system. This will be very useful for our future development. Don't just focus on the domestic market and the system is not perfect." They all sat back to Youzhou The train is gone, Chen Ziang is still discussing with Li Qiuting.

Li Qiuting is now completely convinced by Chen Ziang.

No wonder he can do so well in variety shows.

It turned out that he had researched and investigated.

It was also from Chen Ziang that Li Qiuting learned that in Hollywood, the producer has the final say in the final cut of a film.

At the same time, she learned more about Hollywood.

For example, in Hollywood, the so-called "producer system" is implemented. That is to say, in the production process of a film, the position of the producer is the most important. He controls the film, from investment to script to shooting cycle to production process. Final film editing, screening, distribution...

At present, in China, it basically belongs to the director responsibility system. Although small and medium-sized directors may not have complete control, in general the center of the film is the director. The director controls the direction of the script, film style, camera language, actor selection, etc. It's like an assistant.

However, Hollywood producers are basically experts, and they are very clear about the market, funds, resources and even the political environment.Most of the decisions they make are in line with the laws of the market, although it will inevitably affect the director's personal expression.

There are three main considerations for filmmakers to move scissors:

The first is the length of time. The most ideal film length in the minds of most Hollywood producers is about two hours.This length is most suitable for the appreciation habits of most audiences.

The second is rating. Whether a commercial film is rated PG-13 or R is often related to the life and death of the box office.In some countries, if the cuts are not made according to the official requirements, the film will not even have the opportunity to meet the audience.Therefore, the producers often hope to popularize the film editing and grading in order to win the largest number of viewers.

The third is, of course, the content. The producers naturally have to consider the commercial value, and they like to recombine works that are too literary or have a tight rhythm.

Generally speaking, this kind of producer system can more effectively grasp the quality of the film. Although it may pay the price of stifling classics, it reduces the chance of many shoddy films.As for the director and producer, it seems to be a permanent wrestling dispute.

But strictly speaking, in Hollywood, the producer system does not mean that everything is decided by the producer, and there are often influences from film companies and even investors behind it.

"Then Sun Zhenghong passed?" Li Qiuting asked Chen Ziang.

(End of this chapter)

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