The superstar is here

Chapter 510 Peaceful Coexistence

Chapter 510 Peaceful Coexistence
"Pass!" Chen Ziang shook his head: "He doesn't believe us, and we don't believe him yet."

Li Qiuting was worried: "Then what should we do now?"

"Continue to contact Li Yibai. If it doesn't work, I'll find the seniors from Peking University and Tsinghua University." Chen Ziang said, he was talking about the original photography team of the Tinder Project.

They also used the songs of Wang Yu and Xu Jiahui to practice their hands - making MVs.

This team includes students from Peking University and Tsinghua University.

Today, these two groups of students have joined the Bo Yu production team.

At the beginning, Chen Ziang planned to let them stand alone in the future and develop towards the direction of directors.

At present, one or two have started to shoot commercials, but they have to be entrusted with heavy responsibilities. Making movies is a bit of a big leap and the risk is high.

But in terms of risk, Chen Ziang would rather give the script to these two seniors than Sun Zhenghong who insisted on the final cut.

Chen Ziang's previous plan was to hire a capable director first, shoot the script he gave, take these two seniors with him, and after they learned something, invest in a low-budget film for them.

Now it seems that finding a director is not an easy task.

If the grade is too high, people who spend money may not be able to help him make movies, let alone sign people over.

If the grade is low, why should he trust the other party unconditionally and invest in it?

It's better to invest in your own people. If you invest in capital, you will lose money if you lose money.

"You mean Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian?" Li Qiuting was shocked.

Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian are photography students who graduated from Peking University and Tsinghua University. They served as the team leaders of the two photography teams of the Tinder Project, and shot MVs for Wang Yu and Xu Jiahui respectively.

At the beginning, the MV they produced was of a mediocre level, so Chen Ziang threw them into Fang Xudong's team, and they were convinced.

"Supercar" also gave them a season of experience, and now they are a little bit ready to move.

Pull them out to make a low-budget movie, even if it's a loss, Chen Ziang won't feel bad.

"Yes, don't tell them now, let's look at Li Yibai's situation first." Chen Ziang said.

"Okay." Li Qiuting nodded.

After the two returned to Youzhou, they explained the situation to Zhang Baoying—it was yellow.

After all, it was Zhang Baoying who set up the line. Chen Ziang and Li Qiuting gave her a correct answer, and Sun Zhenghong passed.

After the Lantern Festival, Bo Yu Productions and Chen Ziang started to get busy again.

Because the "Super Girl" program has already started, Bo Yu's production team has assigned some people out.

After Chen Ziang provided the planning plan, he directly acted as the shopkeeper without asking any questions.

But for Wang Dan and Sanxiang Satellite TV, it doesn't matter whether Chen Ziang personally participates or not.

Because everyone thinks that it is enough to have Boyu to make it.

Many outsiders don't know how important Chen Ziang's role was in the previous programs produced by Boyu.

Chen Ziang let go, Fang Xudong was not surprised either.

This program is just equivalent to buying one and getting one free for Sanxiang Satellite TV, and by the way, training soldiers for the next program. Fang Xudong doesn't care much about the ratings.

What's more, Boyu's production team has long been able to stand alone. Without Chen Ziang, they only lack the root of the Sea God Needle.

But most of the time, the sea is calm, so what to be afraid of.

Of course, Bo Yu Productions will not intentionally blow up its own brand, and will try its best to make a good program in cooperation with Sanxiang Satellite TV.

"Super Girl" doesn't need Chen Ziang anymore, but "I Am a Singer" still needs it.

He must be present for every recording.

In the ranking announcement link, he cannot be left out.

If any singer is missing, Chen Ziang cannot be missing, otherwise the audience will be impatient.

Back then when it was revealed by the program group that a singer had withdrawn from the competition, the online response was good.

If it was revealed that it was Chen Ziang who quit, then everyone would quit.

Without him, the entertainment of this program would have to be discounted by at least [-]%.

Chen Ziang has been hurrying to record "I Am a Singer" during this time, because "Swordsman" will start shooting soon.

The crew has been stationed in Huairou film and television base one after another.

Li Longji personally ran to find Chen Ziang and asked him to be a great god.

The hardest director in history is probably Li Longji.

Because of contract restrictions, Chen Ziang was like sticky candy, Tianshui Film and Television and the crew of "Swordsman" couldn't get rid of him no matter what.

"My lord, are you alright? The crew has almost settled in. I'm just waiting for you!" As the filming started, Li Longji became friendly to Chen Ziang instead.

"Hey, Director Li, thank you for your hard work. I'll be there in two days. Isn't my filming going to start in a few days?" Chen Ziang was very embarrassed.

Li Longji's egg hurts: "You go there sooner, I'll be more at ease sooner."

The two sides had indeed communicated well before, and Chen Ziang's role was not in these two days.

"Director Li, don't worry. I said I'll be there on time. I won't break my promise. "I Am a Singer" has been recording as fast as possible. There are two more episodes. Uh, there is one more episode. I'll be there after recording." Chen Ziang Appease Li Longji.

Tomorrow there is another episode to be recorded, and Chen Ziang intends to hold on to the last episode, and then find a reason to come back for two days to finish recording the last episode.

After the recording of this last episode, it will be the annual grand ceremony.

The annual grand ceremony is broadcast live, so it doesn't matter if Chen Ziang is missing, because he doesn't need to announce the ranking.

But he couldn't tell Li Longji, lest the old man be impatient.

The Huairou film and television base is in Youzhou, so it is convenient to go back and forth, otherwise, if it is in Hengdian or other film and television bases that are far away, Chen Ziang will be in pain.

"Our whole crew is waiting for you, you have to have some snacks yourself." Li Longji had good words to say, and he was afraid that if Chen Ziang didn't go alone, it would be miserable.

Contract restrictions and laws are protecting Chen Ziang, he can't say it, Tianshui Film and Television and Li Longji have no other choice but to go crazy.

"Definitely, I said Director Li, I'm not that kind of person, don't get angry. If you get angry, you can start scolding, don't hold back, I'm afraid." Chen Ziang was also very polite to Li Longji, for fear of offending the old man.

If Li Longji is hot-tempered and has a hot temper, Chen Ziang is still used to it.

Now that he looks like this, he feels a little uneasy.

"I'm right here, I won't go back to the crew yet, I'll wait for you to set off together." Li Longji was not in a hurry.

Chen Ziang was a little panicked: "Director Li, don't, there are other scenes, you go back first, I said I will report the day after tomorrow, and I will go the day after tomorrow. I promise you in the name of Teacher Zhang."

"Farewell, I'll wait, isn't it just one day, I will be a staff member, a viewer, and watch your recording program. I actually like watching this program." Li Longji laughed and refused to return crew.

Really, Li Longji likes to watch "I Am a Singer"?
Chen Ziang wiped his sweat.

But he couldn't drive Li Longji away, so he had to let him wait.

On this night, Li Qiuting, who had already settled in Huairou Film and Television City, met Li Yibai, who came to the film and television city on the way.

The two parties sat down and discussed in secret about Li Yibai's job-hopping and directing the script of Bo Yu Entertainment's movie.

(End of this chapter)

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