The superstar is here

Chapter 511 1 Everything Has Me

Chapter 511

The Li Yibai that Li Qiuting saw was quite different from before.

Now Li Yibai can be said to be proud of his spring breeze. He dresses like a successful person and is no longer as casual as before.

"The Year in a Hurry" has only been released for less than a month, and the box office has broken through the [-] million mark, which is even stronger than Chen Ziang and Li Qiuting expected.

With a production and distribution cost of more than 2000 million yuan, and such a box office, it caused quite a stir inside and outside the industry.

As a result, it is inevitable to postpone the painting.

This is indeed the case. The key party has issued a notice about the key extension of the film "The Year in a Hurry", announcing that the key will be extended until April.

This means that "The Year in a Hurry", which was released during the Spring Festival, will be screened for two full months.

Generally, film distribution companies will sign film distribution contracts with movie theaters, and the film release is basically one month.If the attendance rate of a movie is quite low within a week or three weeks, cinemas and theaters can decide to release the movie on their own.

But if the movie's box office is good, postponements abound.

Key extensions are not new. In recent years, more and more movies have applied for key extensions with good box office responses.

The extension of the screening period, in the final analysis, is for the film studio to hit a higher box office.

What exactly is a key?What kind of movies can defer the key?
The key can be compared to "the key corresponding to a movie when it is shown on a projector".In order to protect the security of movie copyrights, theaters obtain encrypted digital copy files, the so-called keys, before the movie is released.

The key can only be obtained during the public screening, which not only ensures the realization of normal screenings, but also avoids the possibility of the film source being leaked in advance and being pirated.

The key contains schedule information and has its own time attribute, which can control the movie's release time in theaters. Currently, the keys of most movies are valid for one month.

The extension of the key needs to be communicated with the issuer, the producer, and the key party, and after being approved by the National Press and Publication Commission, the key will be re-produced at an additional extension service fee.

As for what conditions a movie can apply for key extension, it is mainly based on its performance in the market-as long as the movie sells well in the market, the movie copyright can easily apply to the key producer to remake the key for extension.

In the age of film prints, a scrubbed copy for an extended run is the same concept as rekeying in the digital age today.When the "hotness" of a movie still maintains a good momentum after the usual one-month screening period, the film studio often hopes to extend the "vitality" of the movie by postponing the screening.

Compared with North America, the most mature film market in the world, extended screening means that a film has a good reputation and box office performance, and theaters are willing to arrange more screening space for it.

The box office of the films he directed has exceeded everyone's expectations. Li Yibai is now very straight.

It was postponed for another month, and it is not surprising that the box office broke [-] million.

Such an achievement, in youth films, can be regarded as the achievement of a great director.

Wherever he goes now, Li Yibai is regarded as a guest of honor.

For an actor, this is a noble person who can make himself famous.

For investors, this is a VIP who can make a lot of money for themselves.

"Yibai, don't you think about coming over?" Li Qiuting got straight to the point, she had already mentioned it on the phone, and she stopped hiding it.

"Sister Ting." Li Yibai was a little embarrassed: "I think this place is very suitable for me."

Li Qiuting was silent, and asked for a while: "Then how about coming to help our Bo Yu Entertainment direct this movie? Just this one, you are now a celebrity in your company, and it should be no problem to help direct this one."

Li Qiuting doesn't expect Li Yibai to come here, as long as he can direct, Boyu Entertainment's Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian need to lead, they haven't had the chance to enter a mature film crew to hone, and directing a movie now is very risky.

"Sister Ting, you make it difficult for me." Li Yibai said helplessly: "The performance of "The Year in a Hurry" is not bad. The company has given me several scripts for me to choose, and it is difficult for me to choose. The most important thing is that you let me do it now. Helping you shoot, the company will definitely not agree."

Li Qiuting stared at Li Yibai: "If we, Boyu Entertainment, can convince your company to lease you for a while?"

"Sister Ting!" Li Yibai's face changed slightly.

The script given by Chen Ziang was good, but the cost budget was lower than that of "The Year in a Hurry".

Li Yibai didn't want to answer.

He is now going to a higher place, to make a bigger ticket.

Li Qiuting didn't speak, but stared at Li Yibai.

"Sister Ting, please don't make it difficult for me?" Li Yibai is not very good at rejecting people, so he has been delaying seeing Li Qiuting.

Li Qiuting sighed, as expected, but she was still not reconciled and said: "Yibai, "The Year in a Hurry" can be so popular, don't you see the reality clearly?"

Li Yibai frowned slightly.

Li Qiuting continued: "Without me and Ziang's endorsement, without this song "The Year in a Hurry", where did you get the inspiration? Where did you get such a high box office. Let me tell you the truth, I have contacted Mr. Wei of your company, he He is a sensible person who told me that as long as you nod, he is willing to repay the favor."

Li Yibai's face was a little ugly.

Li Qiuting laughed at herself: "It's a pity that I still treat you as a good friend, but your boss agrees, but you don't."

Li Yibai's face turned red, and turned into anger from embarrassment: "Li Qiuting, don't go too far, is it fun to play with people like this?"

Li Qiuting's face turned cold, she got up and picked up her bag, and left without looking back.

Goodbye in the rivers and lakes, we are like strangers.

She met Li Yibai and made the final invitation.

However, Li Yibai has made up his mind.

She was a little disheartened.

What friends are unreliable at all.

In business, it is more about friendship, and he is willing to return the favor of Li Qiuting and Chen Ziang.

But in the end, something went wrong with the "friend".

"The most poisonous woman's heart!" After Li Qiuting left, Li Yibai roared, he was ashamed and annoyed that he was tested for "love" tonight, and it was very fruitful.

Li Qiuting went back to the hotel room arranged for her by the film crew, and called Chen Ziang while drinking: "Li Yibai's side is dead, let's find another way out."

She suffers.

Chen Ziang heard that Li Qiuting's mood was not right, and comforted him: "It's okay, don't worry, I'll find another way."

He thought that Li Qiuting felt guilty because she hadn't made any contribution since joining Boyu Entertainment. In fact, he didn't know that Li Qiuting knew that it was impossible to dig Li Yibai, so behind his back, she negotiated with Li Yibai's owner about renting Li Yibai.

As long as Li Yibai agrees, he can rent it.

However, Li Yibai disagreed.

Li Qiuting felt very sad, feeling betrayed by her friends.

"I'm sorry, I didn't manage it well." Alcohol can release people's inner fragility and true feelings. After drinking, Li Qiuting couldn't help crying.

Chen Ziang was taken aback, why did he cry just now?

"Don't cry, everything is up to me." Chen Ziang quickly comforted her.

(End of this chapter)

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