The superstar is here

Chapter 516 The Couple Sitting in the Green Bamboo Alley

Chapter 516 The Couple Sitting in the Green Bamboo Alley

Although many seniors felt sorry for Chen Ziang's role as Linghu Chong, they still admired the novel "Swordsman", so they also admired and appreciated the original author Jin Daxia.

They are very happy to star in such a novel full of chivalry and Jianghu atmosphere.

There was a kick-off banquet to celebrate, but everyone didn't drink much, and the banquet soon dissipated.

Li Longji and Chen Ziang started chatting about the script again, and even talked about the setting and so on.

In Li Longji's view, to be able to write novels full of quackery, Chen Ziang must have his own quack in his heart.

In the original book, Li Longji dislikes Chen Ziang, but he still has to ask him for advice.

"I saw the scenery of Green Bamboo Lane, and I will shoot that part in the day after tomorrow. I hope that some areas can be improved..." Chen Ziang and Li Longji put forward their own suggestions, and explained: "Linghu Chong can never forget his love for my junior sister. There are more elements of kindness to Ren Yingying, until the final tune, there is still Yue Lingshan between them. It's just that Ren Yingying appeared appropriately, filling the emptiness in his soul and soothing the pain in his heart. Linghu Chong felt that the boy could not think We had no choice but to agree with each other. We asked Linghu Chong to get to know the holy aunt first, and the way to make friends was narrow; When Lane met for the first time, Yingying had to pretend to be an old lady. This scene in Luzhu Lane should be full of poetic and picturesque flavors, with a long charm, where Linghu and Shengnu have laid a deep emotional foundation. We want to make Luzhu Lane a A kind of eternity, and then Linghu Chong will build a bamboo house after returning to Hengshan, when Yingying sees all this, I believe everyone will be moved by the eternal green bamboo alley.”

Listening to Chen Ziang's words, Li Longji was silent and thinking.

The encounter between Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying is very important. It can be said that it is the turning point of Linghu Chong's life. If the turning point of this drama is not handled well, it will make people feel very awkward.

Li Longji has been studying this novel, and the more he reads it, the more he feels invincible, but how to adapt it is another problem.

Even though the original Jin Daxia is here, he still feels that the changes are not satisfactory to him.

Characters, plot, emotional lines...

All of them make Li Longji sometimes feel that he can't do anything, and sometimes he feels that he can make a big move.

What makes Li Longji most dissatisfied is that Chen Ziang plays Linghu Chong, which makes people feel uneasy.

This role is really important.

What is a soul person?

Without this person, the whole world will be rewritten.

The actors of the film crew are all studying this novel, and everyone has various comments on Linghu Chong.

prodigal son?Knight?love?musician?

Or both, if you choose one, you will be attacked.

"Linghu Chong is a bit like Monkey King. What they have in common is that they have suffered a lot, but every time they experience a tribulation, their skill will increase by one point. Linghu Chong's loveliness lies in his infatuation. If we say 'one love in a lifetime', then It's Yue Lingshan. I'm afraid that this role will be ruined, so can I help Lin Ximei handle it?" Chen Ziang asked.

Li Longji almost flipped the table: "Don't push yourself too hard, you, a layman, ruined my play by pointing at you indiscriminately, who should I cry to?"

Chen Ziang coughed, and comforted him: "Director Li, don't be prejudiced against me, I'm really afraid that you'll make my film "Swordsman" blind."

"Blind, without you on the set, this show would be a hundred times better." Li Longji said angrily.

Chen Ziang didn't get angry with Li Longji, his eyes were a little gloomy: "I remember the characters and the plot clearly... Linghu Chong is most sorry for the infatuated Yilin. I saw the actor of Yilin tonight, the innocent In this way, it is best to portray her as a girl with a spring heart. Pure love cannot be mentally retarded or useless, but must be wise, open-minded, and brave. I hope to adapt her a bit: Yilin burned off Linghu Chong's hair, and she forgot in the lonely lamp of the ancient temple. All the good feelings in the past are truly pure in heart and escape into the empty door. But she can't be made the head, she is still a bit cowardly..."

Li Longji listened carefully, he felt the same way and knew Chen Ziang's feelings for this drama.

Just like he directs himself, he doesn't want others to intervene and snatch his rights.

The filming started, and after the filming came to the post-editing, Chen Ziang no longer had anything to hide, and put forward his own opinion: "The prodigal son Linghu Chong can be said to obey a person. He's been lied to. It's very difficult to play him like a gentleman while constantly revealing his sinister side. In the book, he is exposed a little early. In the film, we should pay attention to this point, and it's better to be late. Yue Bu Qunying is a gentleman first, and he is a hypocrite after the conspiracy is exposed. Even if the mask is exposed, he will continue to pretend, which is called hypocrisy. For example, when the conspiracy succeeds, when the sun goes down, he stands alone on the top of Songshan Mountain. How insignificant, at that moment he seemed to feel desolation, loneliness, the extreme coldness of the heights, and a vague sense of loss. The more such magical strokes, the better."

Li Longji nodded secretly, and couldn't help sighing: "The characters in the book are portrayed too successfully, and they all fascinate people. The relationship between Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying is also full of regrets, but it is still fascinating. I I even saw some people make great wishes on the Internet: Marry Ren Yingying as a wife! The love model in the book satisfies men’s psychology: when they are young and easily hurt, they need maternal comfort; When they are successful, they need delicate women to satisfy their masculinity. Ren Yingying just combines these two qualities in one, and what's even better is that other women will be old and faded, but our Yingying is backwards Those who come back to life will be a mother-in-law first, and then a girl. When a man suddenly finds that the yellow-faced woman next to him has turned into a young girl, how should he be happy? Yingying is always Linghu Chong's shadow, saving his life and pushing him But the hero has repeatedly made the beauty sad. How many times Yingying can only look at the back of the prodigal son Linghu galloping on the horse and cannot keep him. When a woman falls in love with a man, she has no self. In the growth history of the hero There is always a young girl with a good family background who appears at the right time and becomes a crucial stepping stone on their way to success. Martial arts are haunted by patriarchal dreams everywhere, so it can be seen that fairy tales are false, but the adult world is real.”

The old and the young don't quarrel anymore, they sit down and talk about the script, characters, plot...

Although the general tone has been set, and the set and other work are proceeding in an orderly manner, but the filming has just started, and the post-editing processing is still far away. It is not too late to discuss anything now.

(End of this chapter)

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