The superstar is here

Chapter 517 The Conflict and Combination of Art

Chapter 517 The Conflict and Combination of Art
One old and one young, sitting at a table by the window in a restaurant, sat face to face for the first time in history, and calmly discussed the conflict and combination of novel art and film and television art.

The arrow is on the string, and at the critical moment, both of them are no longer angry.

"Director Li, this drama is very important to you, and it is also very important to me." Chen Ziang confessed, "I still have a few martial arts novels that I can adapt, and this is the first one."

Li Longji sighed: "I know, everyone should try their best, and I will consider your opinions."

Chen Ziang admired this old man more and more. This is an artistic attitude, which is worthy of respect.

"Film and TV works must not only be faithful to the original, but also go beyond the original and shoot what is written between the lines. I know Director Li, you want the film and television works to have unique thinking, to elucidate the undiscovered thoughts between the lines, and to fill the gaps between the lines. What I want to say Yes, the real theme of "Swordsman" is the conflict between the world of power that dominates the rivers and lakes and the world of freedom of the mind, and it is a subversion of the so-called traditional 'concept of justice'." Chen Ziang said.

Li Longji was fascinated by what he heard, and was a little annoyed that he didn't sit down and discuss it with Chen Ziang seriously.

The author of the original work devoted so much energy to discussing with himself, but as a result, he was prejudiced and could hardly talk about it.

Li Longji blamed himself for letting go of his prejudices after the filming actually started, and felt a little bit like seeing each other too late.

"You continue to say that it will take two months to shoot, and it's still too late. Maybe I don't understand the work enough to capture the essence. This novel is so popular, I already knew it had its own uniqueness, but I was just confused for a while. I couldn't calm down and ask you for advice." Li Longji said ashamedly.

Chen Ziang didn't care either, he nodded and was about to continue, Li Qiuting who left at the end of the banquet went back and forth.

"Give me the key to your room, and I'll go in for a run." Li Qiuting did not avoid suspicion, and asked Chen Ziang for his room key in front of Li Longji.

Chen Ziang and Li Qiuting are very familiar with each other now, and they already belong to the category of male and female girlfriends.

Li Longji was a little speechless, the young men and women nowadays, Ben put him as an old man to doubt life.

It's no wonder that some high-level executives who control the power of the crew like to make unspoken rules, and there are too many artists who don't love themselves.

Chen Ziang was afraid that Li Longji was going wrong, so he quickly explained to Li Longji: "I like to exercise more. After I checked into the hotel room, I bought a treadmill. Sister Qiu Ting has become addicted to running on my treadmill for the past two days."

Li Qiuting rolled her eyes at Chen Ziang, feeling that Chen Ziang was doing too much, and Li Longji might not think so much without an explanation. This explanation became darker and darker.

There are many handsome men and beautiful women in the crew, compared to some groups, it is more likely to have sex indiscriminately.

After all, men like beautiful women and women like handsome men.

Such a group of handsome men and beautiful women gathered together...

Li Qiuting didn't care about those gossips that were made out of nothing, because she was used to it.

Chen Ziang didn't have it yet, especially since his girlfriend's family was so powerful that he didn't dare to make scandals.

At least he can't use the scandal to hype up and gain popularity by himself.

"Sister Qiuting, it's just in time for you to come. Sit down and chat with us." In the end, Chen Ziang didn't give Li Qiuting the key and asked her to sit down.

Li Qiuting knew that Chen Ziang was "strictly controlled by his wife", so she had to sit down and felt more and more that when she got married in the future, she couldn't find someone who was too powerful with her husband's family, lest she would have no right to speak at home.

After Li Qiuting sat down, Chen Ziang returned to the topic and said to Li Longji: "In "Swordsman", the abandonment of traditional ethics is bound to be full of contradictions and confusion. This struggle is mainly reflected in Linghu Chong. He has difficulty adapting to power. There are conflicts in the world, and it is unavoidable to be lonely in a free spiritual world. In the impermanence, he took Ren Yingying's hand, and they took each other to the end of the world and retreated into the rivers and lakes."

Li Qiuting didn't think she was interested in listening to Chen Ziang and Li Longji's chat, but when she heard this, her eyes lit up.

This tone, she likes it.

Chen Ziang continued: "In the process of transformation, Linghu Chong has been questioning, asking himself, Master Fang Zheng, and Mr. Mo Da. From thinking about the cliff face to being expelled from the teacher's school, from revealing the master's true form to killing Dongfang Bubai, Linghu Chong Gradually he understood that the desire for power can annihilate human nature, and also understood that the distinction between good and evil is sometimes not so clear, and finally realized that "only a great hero can show his true colors, and a real celebrity is a gentleman". Before that, he couldn't even face Ren Yingying This is especially true for Ren Yingying. The distinction between good and evil is the biggest obstacle between the two. When Linghu Chong became the head of the Hengshan School, Yingying played the piano and wept alone; The mountain was filled with mist, but the two of them seemed to be separated by thousands of mountains, and they could only look at each other two by two; when this pair of Bi people gathered at the top of Mount Heng, Linghu Chong still didn't understand how he had fallen in love with the Demon Sect. The daughter of the leader of the Demon Cult?"

Li Longji was fascinated.

Li Qiuting was also a little taken aback when he heard it, as if he was a bit uncomfortable.

"What do you say about 'Swordsman', the ending can't help but be sad. Qu Yang and Liu Zhengfeng said that they went to "Swordsman" and were free from the shackles of the world, but this "Swordsman" is at the price of their lives; Linghu Chong can be called "Swordsman" But there are tears in this smile, and sadness in pride. Ningzhong, who was regarded as his own mother, died, and his childhood sweetheart junior sister died. The master who obeyed his own words had to kill him himself. The spiritual home - Huashan School has long since disappeared. This young hero must be full of scars in his heart, which cannot be soothed by Ren Yingying, who played "Swordsman" with him. We not only want to express the struggle of men, but also the confusion of women, which proves that It is said that women are born to dream. When Yue Lingshan died, she still had fantasies about the husband who stabbed him to death; I would rather commit suicide. The poor mother and daughter died under the sword of the jade girl. This sword is the dream in their hearts..." Chen Ziang told Li Longji and Li Qiuting the theme and theme of "Swordsman" artistic conception.

Li Qiuting's nose was sour. She had read the original book, but she had never felt so sad.

Hearing what Chen Ziang said, it was all a tragedy.

It turned out that I only saw the surface, like watching a play, and didn't pay attention to experience, let alone go deep into the characters and stories.

Chen Ziang told him to stay, it turned out that it wasn't entirely for avoiding suspicion, but for this reason, Li Qiuting felt that it was right to stay.

Listening to Chen Ziang's words helped her a lot in understanding and interpreting the role of Ren Yingying.

Li Longji took out his notes a long time ago, and carefully wrote down the golden words of Chen Ziang's "original work".

The retreat of Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying seems to be the happy ending of the family, but they didn't expect to carry so many things behind them.

If you can't capture the essence of "Swordsman", how can you shoot the Jianghu in the minds of fans and audiences?
(End of this chapter)

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