Chapter 521

As soon as "Qingming" came out, Guan Tongtong's eyes lit up.

Chen Ziang has written poems describing scenes, objects and feelings.

For example, "Bu Suanzi. I live at the head of the Yangtze River", such as "Yellow Crane Tower", such as "Fu of Luoshen"...

But Chen Ziang has never written any poems describing solar terms.

Before entering the study, she thought that Chen Ziang wrote poems praising heroes and martyrs, but she didn't expect him to write solar terms directly.

Such poetry is more popular and popular.

People nowadays live and work in peace and contentment, and few people think of the heroes who died for the country.

That's too far away from them.

"That's great!" Kuan Dandan watched from the sidelines, the simpler and more concise the poems, the more they can be spread.

Life is inherently simple, but the words and sentences are too gorgeous to be sung.

After all, there are many ordinary people in this world.

Guan Tongtong's handwriting is delicate and beautiful, just like herself.

Chen Ziang has memorized this poem for two lifetimes, but he has never liked this poem so much today.

Because it floated on the page, presented in a way he hadn't seen before.

The words are beautiful.

It may also be Aiwujiwu.

In two months, Guan Tongtong will be eighteen.

Chen Ziang felt that he was becoming more and more impetuous and couldn't calm down.

After half a month of separation, when he saw her again, the prehistoric power in his body was almost uncontrollable.

If Kuantandan was not around, he would definitely be out of control.

"My aunt must like it very much." Guan Tongtong said with a smile: "She has watched your "Yellow Crane Tower" and "Bu Suanzi. I Live at the Head of the Yangtze River". She has wanted to see you for a long time."

Aunt Guan Tongtong used to be a well-known literary young woman. Now she is a bit older, but she is still very literary.

"Zi Ang, do you know that my aunt's family has hotels and resorts in Jiangnan?" Kuan Dandan asked curiously.

Chen Ziang looked puzzled: "Does your aunt's family still have this kind of business?"

"Of course, their family has opened a lot of hotels. There is a resort called Xinghua Village in the south of the Yangtze River. I have been there before. It is very beautiful." Kuan Dandan said.

Chen Ziang felt very surprised, such a coincidence.

Guan Tongtong said to his sister: "Tell my aunt that Zi Ang wrote this poem just to promote Xinghua Village for them, did you hear that?"

"Hmm." Kuan Dandan nodded repeatedly.

Chen Ziang wiped his sweat, it really is his girlfriend who is the best, she knows how to protect herself.

But he didn't say much, looking at Guan Tongtong's words, the more he read, the more pleasing he felt, as if the beauty popped out of her soul.

This "Qing Ming" was written by Du Mu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty in his previous life.

It is about what Du Mu saw in the spring rain during the Qingming Festival. The color is light and the mood is bleak. It has been widely recited all the time.The first sentence explains the situation, environment, and atmosphere; the second sentence writes the character, showing the character's bewildered and confused state of mind; the third sentence proposes how to get rid of this state of mind; The wonderful part of this article.The whole poem uses the technique of going from low to high, gradually rising, and the climax is placed at the end. The aftertaste is eloquent and intriguing.

Its vernacular translation is: During the Qingming season in the south of the Yangtze River, there are drizzles, and all the travelers on the road are desperate.May I ask where the local people can buy wine to soothe their worries?The shepherd boy smiled but pointed to Xinghua Mountain Village.

Xinghua Village is a village deep in Xinghua, located in Fengtai Mountain, Qinhuai District, Jinling City.

Chen Ziang didn't know if the resort owned by the aunt's family was there.

Then, the two sisters came over with paintbrushes, without Chen Ziang's instruction, they drew the pictures literally.

One draws a poet, and the other draws a shepherd boy riding a bull.

"This is the old Zi'ang!" Kuan Dandan said with a grin. She painted Chen Zi'ang with the demeanor of an ancient literati, dressed in white, with long flowing hair and a fairy-like appearance.

Guan Tongtong painted a shepherd boy riding a bull, but before he finished the painting, he said to his sister: "Why are you painting the front face? You want to draw him communicating with the shepherd boy. The side facing the shepherd boy is neither fish nor fowl. Do it again."

Kuantandan wanted to refute, but thinking about it, he was very frustrated.

Guan Tongtong changed a new piece of paper, she was about to write, Chen Ziang reminded: "Draw first, and then write after drawing."

The two sisters had to paint first.

Kuan Dandan continued to paint Chen Ziang, while Guan Tongtong continued to paint a shepherd boy riding a bull.

After the painting was finished, the two sisters drew the scenery together, including Xinghua Village in the distance and mountains in the distance.

The paintings are complete, but when Guan Tongtong wrote, he was not satisfied with the writing, and he did not write well the first time.

Have to do it all over again.

"Sister, you are so stupid!" Kuan Dandan was very upset.

"Then you write it." Guan Tongtong was also depressed.

"I won't let you write if I write well."

"Then you still have the nerve to talk about me?"


The two sisters were noisy.

Chen Ziang watched it very happily. No matter how sensible he looks, no matter how good his personality is, he will have emotions.

After tossing and tossing for the fourth time, the two sisters were finally satisfied.

"Give it to the second uncle's family?" Kuan Dandan asked his sister.

Activities such as essay collection are under the jurisdiction of the second aunt.

"You can't say it belongs to us, just say it belongs to a classmate." Guan Tongtong said: "In order to prevent the second aunt from favoritism and giving us preferential treatment."

"Alright." Kuantandan didn't object either.

The two sisters took pictures and contributed articles, but worried that the organizers would not see it, they informed their second aunt.

The second aunt was curious and asked Guan Tongtong to send her a copy as well.

"You can't watch it, it's bad to see it." Guan Tongtong refused.

The second aunt became even more curious, but instead of asking, she went directly to the people below.

Not long after, the second aunt couldn't help laughing when she saw the picture sent by the person below.

The daughter next to her, Guan Nier, couldn't help poking her head over to look at her phone: "What's so funny?"

Guan Nier went to university in Songjiang Mansion, but she is about to graduate. She has been doing internships in Youzhou for half a year, and she just started working in an IT company recently.

"Look." The second aunt handed the phone to her daughter.

Guan Nier saw that it was a painting with text and illustrations on it.

"The painting is quite good." She only looked at the painting, and the artistic conception was very good.

The looming villages and apricot blossoms in the distance, and the mountains farther away...

"Read the characters." Second Aunt reminded.

Guan Nier then read the text.

"A poem?" Guan Nier read out: "It rains heavily during the Qingming Festival, and the passers-by on the road want to die. May I ask where is the restaurant... Hey, it's a good scene. This is the so-called poetic and picturesque."

The second aunt smiled and said, "Look carefully."

Guan Nier looked at the last three words: Chen Ziang.

"Damn it, Chen Ziang wrote it?" Guan Nier exclaimed, the poem was signed "Chen Ziang".

Obviously, it means Chen Ziang wrote it.

"Swearing again!" The second aunt raised her eyebrows.

Guan Nier stuck out her tongue, and looked at the picture carefully.

The more I looked at her, the more amazed I became: "The words seem to be written by Tongtong. The paintings are a bit like Dandan's, but also like Tongtong's paintings."

The second aunt smiled and said, "Your aunt must be very happy to see it."

Guan Nier was a little confused, her eyes lit up soon, and she said coquettishly to her mother: "Mom, I also want to find a boyfriend like this, help me find one."

(End of this chapter)

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