The superstar is here

Chapter 522 When the Swallow Comes to Xinshe, Pear Blossoms Are Behind Qingming

Chapter 522 When the Swallow Comes to Xinshe, Pear Blossoms Are Behind Qingming

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Guan Nier's mother blamed.

But after a while, she sighed: "Your cousin Tongtong is lucky to find a boyfriend she likes, who is outstanding and has potential. With such a son-in-law, Tongtong's mother must have been very happy for a long time. If you can give him back Tongtong, who was in school, set up a platform to accumulate political capital, and in the future she could provide achievements for her career, but she couldn’t find it with a lantern. Your sister-in-law... well, let’s not talk about it, it’s because the family forced her to marry and have children, and it turned out to be It's like this now. Mom doesn't dare to interfere with your love and marriage anymore, as long as the other party can live, um, you should also be more confident, and don't find too bad..."

Guan Nier's mother was a little scared when she thought about Guan Xinxin's current situation. Guan Xinxin almost sent Guan Tianyu's biological father to prison.

Although the other party was at fault first, it is not necessary to kill the other party.

But Guan Xinxin is like that, very hostile, grabbing the opponent's handle.

In this world, no one is perfect, no matter how good a person is, there are times when they make mistakes.

If you want to punish a person, especially a person with a high position, as long as you have power, it is easy.

Of course, the last two families saved Guan Tianyu's biological father.

But this also made the Guan family feel sorry for Guan Xinxin.

The Guan family owes Guan Xinxin a lot.

Guan Nier's mother still clearly remembers that Guan Xinxin, who was still in college, cried to herself and her family, saying that she could pave the way for Guan Tongtong and do everything, but she didn't want to get married so early. The person she likes, if she must get married, she wants to find another one, not Guan Tianyu's biological father.

But the whole Guan family objected, and persuaded her one after another, using both hard and soft tactics. Xiaozhi moved with emotion and reasoned, and said that everything was doomed when she was asked to name Guan Tongtong.

"Mom,'re really stubborn. With so many suitors, isn't she tempted? I think some men are very good. They are young, even if they are not married, they line up to chase her, but she is indifferent." Nier also knows a little about Guan Xinxin, and feels sorry for Guan Xinxin.

Guan Nier's mother shook her head: "I don't know, she has been taking care of Guan Tianyu by herself since she was three years old, and I haven't heard of any man she is interested in until now. I have also persuaded her to find one."

Speaking of this, Guan Nier pricked up her ears.

Her mother, however, looked terrified and said, "Your sister-in-law said that the last one hasn't been sent to prison yet, we'll talk about it after he's sent in."

Guan Nier was covered in cold sweat, the sister-in-law was too scary.

"My uncle continued to associate with his ex-girlfriend during my sister-in-law's pregnancy. After Tianyu was born, he still had affairs with other women. Isn't this a man's bad habit? Is it normal? My sister-in-law should do it, but she must be sent to prison for the rest of her life It's a bit ruthless." Guan Nier was horrified at Guan Xinxin.

No matter how hard she is to her husband after having children, it's scary.

Guan Nier's mother didn't speak. After she got married, the children had grown up, so she turned a blind eye and didn't care.

If she was still young, she would be impulsive and do some stupid things.

the next day.

On the official website of commemorating southern Xinjiang and martyrs who died for the country, a picture of "Qingming" was hung.

The poem "Qingming" became popular on the Internet through media publicity.

Chen Ziang's fans were amazed.

"Chen Ziang?"

"Did Zi Ang write it?"

"I don't know, the same name?"

"Go and ask."


Many fans went to Chen Ziang's microblog to inquire about it.

There were a lot of people asking, and the staff responsible for maintaining Chen Ziang's Weibo gave him feedback.

Chen Ziang logged on to Weibo and posted a graphic message: "When the swallow came to Xinshe, the pear blossom was behind the Qingming Festival... Everyone laughed, the picture was made by his girlfriend, right? Haha..."

Fans were surprised.

"I rely on."

"Zi Ang has a girlfriend?"

"I'm going, aren't you afraid of losing fans if you reveal that you have a girlfriend so early?"

"This is true temperament, honesty, not hypocrisy."

"That is, many artists have been hiding that they have a partner."

"Haha, it doesn't matter if Zi Ang has a girlfriend, we support it!"

"Admiration, I like artists like this. Many artists are secretive, afraid that fans will lose fans if they know they have a partner. Beautiful, is it possible that there is no partner?"

"Nowadays, kids in junior high school have a lot of dating partners. Zi Ang, a sophomore, would you believe me if he said he didn't have a girlfriend?"

"It's so sad, my husband has a girlfriend, woo woo..."


The poem "Qingming" was actually forgotten by fans, and the topic became that Chen Ziang had a girlfriend and announced his love affair.

Some fans are indifferent, some fans praise, and some female fans are very disappointed. How can an idol be snatched away at such a young age?
The entertainment media was surprised, but they also seized this topic and made a lot of hype.

At this time, Chen Ziang broke out that he had a girlfriend, which was a big topic.

"Zi Ang blew himself up to have a girlfriend."

"Zi Ang's mysterious girlfriend?"

"Is Ziang's girlfriend an insider?"

"Zi Ang's girlfriend is suspected to be an outsider."


Articles of entertainment news swiped the screen.

However, there are also conscientious media that bring "Qingming" with them, focusing on promoting the heroic spirit and teaching people not to forget the martyrs.

Aunt Guan Tongtong was very happy after seeing "Qingming", and her impression of Chen Ziang was even better.

When a group of people were worshiping in the Nanjiang Cemetery, she found Guan Tongtong.

"Your boyfriend knows that our family has a resort - Xinghua Village?" She loved Guan Tongtong very much, but now she loves him even more.

The jewel in the palm of the Guan family shoulders great responsibilities for the future of the Guan family. It can even be said that the rise and fall of the Guan family's honor and disgrace after decades will all be on Guan Tongtong.

Such descendants are loved by the elders of the Guan family.

"Auntie, Ziang knew about it." Guan Tongtong replied respectfully. She didn't ask for credit, but rather than taking the initiative to ask for credit, her doing so made Auntie happier.


"Okay, okay." The aunt said three good words in a row: "I really want to meet your boyfriend, and let your cousin and cousin meet him someday. I heard that Nier has learned something from him, your cousin Maybe you can also learn from him, it’s not enough just to keep the foundation laid down by us adults.”

Guan Tongtong smiled and said, "Zi'ang read what you wrote, aunt, and said that he admired you very much and wanted to meet you."

The aunt was even happier. She ranked first in the line of Guan Tongtong's father's generation, older than the uncle.

"Seeing words is like seeing people, Tongtong, you have found a good boyfriend." The aunt boasted.

Guan Tongtong was a little embarrassed: "Auntie, I made you laugh."

Kuan Dandan was happily watching Chen Ziang's Weibo.

Chen Ziang said that the illustration was drawn by his girlfriend.

Seeing the three words "girlfriend", Kuan Dandan was very happy.

But when she heard the conversation between the aunt and the elder sister, she pouted.

"Dandan, when you grow up in the future, you will also find a good boyfriend, not worse than your eldest sister's boyfriend." Auntie said to Kuan Dandan.

"Of course!" Kuantandan said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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