Chapter 525

Before Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian spoke, Li Longji asked Chen Ziang in surprise: "You asked them to help me to prepare for the production team? What kind of production team? It won't be the TV series of "Dragon Babu" Bar?"

Chen Ziang nodded: "Otherwise what do you think?"

Li Longji was in a cold sweat, so he joined hands for a month or two, and then pulled the crew, it's too whimsical.

How can you become a teacher if you don't mix for ten years?
However, Li Longji didn't say much.

"Tianshui Film and Television also has the copyright of "Tian Long Ba Bu", and I'm going to let me shoot it too." Li Longji smiled, with extremely strong confidence bursting out on his face.

Although the filming of "Swordsman" has only started for more than half a month, it is still a long time before the filming is finished, and it is still far away from the broadcast, but he feels better than ever.

Based on his many years of experience, once Li Longji feels good, he is basically right.

If "Swordsman" becomes popular, according to this trend, it is inevitable for Tianshui Film and Television to let Li Longji make "Dragon Ba Bu".

And Li Longji is also very willing.

In this way, isn't there a competitive relationship with Boyu Film and Television?

At that time, only when there is comparison can there be hurt and a sense of accomplishment.

Li Longji has strong confidence in himself. If he compares with others, he may have no idea, but with Boyu Film and Television, isn't that crushing?
Boyu Film and Television has no hair, starting from scratch.

Many production crews have worked together for many years. Efficiency and tacit understanding have been cultivated through hard work, which is not comparable to ordinary production crews.

"It's okay, I can help you write the script again, and make two versions, one is yours and the other is mine." Chen Ziang and Li Longji recommended themselves.

"Get out!" Li Longji wanted to get rid of Chen Ziang a long time ago, and finally without this obstructive guy, he must let himself go first, and take pictures according to his own ideas?
Respect the original?

Damn it, Li Longji just wants this IP, and then fix it himself.

In the script of "Swordsman", Chen Ziang suppressed Li Longji for half a year, Li Longji was very aggrieved, how could he let Chen Ziang intervene.

"Swordsman" has contract restrictions, but "Dragon Babu" does not.

"You old bastard, you are so kind as to be a donkey." Chen Ziang said dissatisfied.

Li Longji said triumphantly: "After the filming of "Swordsman" is finished, you should stay away from me, it is best not to let me see you again. But before that, you have to continue to make "Swordsman" for me. "

Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian were dumbfounded, the relationship between boss and Li Longji is really good.

If Li Longji was not too old, they would all think that the old and the young are friends, and the relationship would be better.

At the same time, Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian were under a lot of pressure. They also thought that there would be a well-known director filming "Dragon Babu", but they didn't expect it to be such a great director as Li Longji.

And they themselves are still newcomers, so they have shot a few commercial MVs and song MVs.

"You don't want to see me, and I don't want to see you." Chen Ziang smiled, and then told Li Longji: "Without my "Tian Long Ba Bu" crew, you have to finish filming, don't embarrass me."

"You go!" Li Longji blew his beard and stared: "It's better if you don't get blinded, but it's not all a bad thing to be blinded. Use it as a stepping stone for me."

One old and one young are noisy again.

Li Longji said that Chen Ziang didn't respect the old, and Chen Ziang said that Li Longji didn't love the young.

Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian could only laugh apologetically, persuading left and right.

In fact, the old and the young are not really noisy.

After the team broke up, Chen Ziang once again told Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian earnestly: "Seniors, the crew of "Tian Long Ba Bu" is up to you. I will handle the script for you, and Li Qiuting and I will handle the selection of the characters. Pull it up, and at the same time learn the art of directing from Li Longji, I really don't have the skills at my disposal."

"We will, boss." Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian nodded solemnly.

Without Chen Ziang, they would not be able to enter this new and enviable field in this life.

Perhaps, without Chen Ziang, they might not be able to shoot videos for the bride and groom now.

In short, noble people in life are hard to come by.

If you encounter it, you must seize the opportunity.

For the next month or so, Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian humbly learned from Li Longji, and stayed in the crew all day long, observing and asking for advice in various fields.

Chen Ziang's performance of Linghu Chong was mostly "true", which made Li Longji and the crew shake their heads and sigh.

I don't know whether Chen Ziang created the role of Linghu Chong in "Swordsman" because he "created" it, or because he has been substituting this role for many years to play it so naturally.

Anyway, the two blended with each other, and many people in the crew couldn't tell when Chen Ziang was acting and when he was in his normal life.

Before "Swordsman" finished filming, Chen Ziang had already left the film crew because his part had been filmed.

Li Longji is not unreasonable and affectionate, Chen Ziang's performance is too unexpected, this surprise is enough to give him many privileges.

So Li Longji agreed to finish filming Chen Ziang's scenes ahead of schedule and let him go back early.

At the wrap-up banquet, Li Longji sighed with Tianshui Film and Television and the producers: "The price of a newcomer, the people who are invited to watch the king and the film king, we have made a profit. This Chen Ziang is really good!"

Chen Ziang played the role of Linghu Chong, and his salary was based on the newcomer's price. Compared with Li Qiuting, it was almost a fraction of her.

"Director Li, do you have confidence in this Chen Ziang?" The producer laughed.

Although Li Longji didn't praise Chen Ziang very much in person, he was not stingy with his compliments to outsiders, and said with a smile: "I'm more than confident. I dare not say anything about other roles. The role of Linghu Chong was born because of him. I I think the prototype of Linghu Chong should be himself."

"That's good, it made us worry about it for two years, alas." The representative from Tianshui Film and Television breathed a sigh of relief.

The people on the investor side smiled and said nothing, thinking that Li Longji was trying to comfort himself.

At the beginning, the investor wanted to plug people in, and it was still Linghu Chong's role, but due to contract restrictions, they couldn't plug in.

In fact, there were other candidate investors, but after knowing that Chen Ziang was starring, they refused to invest.

It took a long time for Tianshui Film and Television to get the current investor.

"Then let's wait and see, let's wait for the TV series to become popular." Finally, the investors of "Swordsman" raised their glasses.

When TV dramas are popular, many TV stations can sell broadcast copyrights, and they can also sell online broadcast copyrights on various video networks.

People from Tianshui Film and Television whispered to Li Longji: "I finally got rid of this sticky candy."

Li Longji was also very happy. Although Chen Ziang was indeed talented, Li Longji felt that he was not bad, and his qualifications lay there.

Chen Ziang must not be allowed to participate in "Tian Long Ba Bu".

Especially in the script, you have to control it yourself.

As for the role of an actor, let me just invite him to play a less important role.

Although the rivers and lakes are far away, the relationship should be maintained as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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