The superstar is here

Chapter 526 The Big Winner in Life

Chapter 526 The Big Winner in Life

A few days after Chen Ziang came back from the film crew, Shi Jia, who just came to Youzhou for a meeting, went to Yanjiao courtyard to see the wedding room together.

Yanjiao Courtyard is the community where Guan Xinxin's villa is located.

At the same time, it is also the community where Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong's wedding room is located.

Chen Ziang had been on the set for more than a month, and Guan Tongtong was concerned about the decoration and design of the wedding room.

She likes this villa very much, especially seeing the swimming pool, she is very happy.

Kuantandan is more excited than Guan Tongtong, she likes swimming.

For more than a month, on weekends, both sisters came to supervise the renovation.

Kuantandan chose a room and decorated it according to her favorite style. From now on, this room will be hers.

Other places are decided by Guan Tongtong.

Chen Ziang didn't have any ideas, how to decorate, how to design, and what furniture to buy were all handed over to Guan Tongtong. As long as she liked it, he liked it.

Guan Xinxin happened to be free this afternoon. She hadn't seen Shi Jia since years ago, so she rushed back from work to the small courtyard in Yanjiao, and waited outside Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong's wedding room for Chen Ziang and Shi Jia to come over.

"Xinxin." Shi Jia was very happy to see Guan Xinxin, but at the same time, she also kept her mind and couldn't treat Guan Xinxin as a daughter-in-law.

Guan Xinxin was a little surprised, and felt that Shi Jia was a little stranger to her, but she didn't say anything, and respectfully called her elder sister.

Shi Jia was flattered, Guan Xinxin kept her status very low, it was like a daughter-in-law respecting her mother-in-law.

Chen Ziang casually observed from the side, thinking that this is not bad.

Last time he frightened Shi Jia.

It's okay to be scared, lest Shi Jia be too casual with Guan Xinxin, it would be troublesome if Guan Tongtong finds out one day.

Guan Tongtong hadn't married yet, so she was naturally easy to talk about now, and when she became a daughter-in-law and even had children, she would have more power to speak.

At that time, if Shi Jia still treats her like before, she will dare to challenge Shi Jia.

The so-called king does not see the king.

Shi Jia is strong and is called the Queen of Stone by the outside world.

Guan Tongtong is relatively restrained, but she is becoming more and more like a queen.

The two have been in the truth for a long time, and sooner or later a war will break out.

"Sister, my mother is very simple, otherwise she wouldn't be deceived by my father, especially now that she is so rich and she won't go far away... Don't be too nice to her." Chen Ziang had a headache, and Guan Xinxin was too nice to Shi Jia.

"Sister Shi is a big winner in life, with a happy family and a very nourishing life." Guan Xinxin smiled, with a hint of envy in her eyes.

Shi Jia blamed Chen Ziang: "Are you right to say that about your mother? To tell you the truth, if I hadn't given birth to you, I would have run away a long time ago. I was afraid that finding a stepdad for you would not hurt you, so I endured it. , a lifetime is over."

When saying this, Shi Jia quietly looked at Guan Xinxin from the corner of her eyes.

She didn't know what Guan Xinxin was thinking, but she told Guan Xinxin from the side that the so-called happiness was actually very illusory. What outsiders saw was that they thought other people's happiness was not necessarily very happy.

Of course, Shi Jia thought that he was indeed very happy. The greatest happiness was having a son like Chen Ziang, and nothing else mattered.

Guan Xinxin didn't speak, she was a little silent.

When Shi Jia came to her house as a guest, she knew that Shi Jia had discovered that her relationship with Chen Ziang was not normal.

Don't tell the truth, but everyone knows it well.

"Mom." Chen Ziang wanted to cry, but he could hear the meaning of Shi Jia's story.

He was telling Shi Jia to be more rational and not to get too close to Guan Xinxin.

But now Shi Jia is not only going too far, but also speaking a little too harshly.

Isn't this educating Guan Xinxin?

"Tianyu likes Ziang very much, and Ziang treats Tianyu very well." Guan Xinxin said politely after a moment of silence.

Shi Jia was a little embarrassed, and forced a smile: "That's good, that's good."

Chen Ziang was caught in the middle, speechless.

But he also discovered that Shi Jia is not Guan Xinxin's opponent.

Seeing Shi Jia like this, in order to ease the atmosphere, Guan Xinxin said: "We are all doing it for Zi Ang's well-being, nothing else matters, is it?"

Shi Jia nodded quickly: "Yes, thank you for your hard work."

Guan Xinxin shook her head: "It's not hard. Only after I met Zi Ang did I know that being a woman is good. I have peace of mind, steadfastness, and seeing hope, so I can do other things well."

Shi Jia was silent.

Chen Ziang looked left and right.

In a person's life, there will always be some people who will be hurt.

Some people are loved by oneself, some are strangers, and some are people who are not at ease.

Then, the three of them walked together and went in to see the wedding room.

The wedding room has been decorated, and there are various plants and air purifiers in the house to remove formaldehyde.

The decoration and design of the house are very impressive, Shi Jia couldn't help but quietly praised Guan Tongtong to Chen Ziang.

"The house is so big, I will stay at home and do nothing all day, just clean it." Chen Ziang said.

"Help people for cleaning, and spend the rest of the time planting flowers and raising fish by yourself. It's really a waste of time on things you don't want to do. It's better to use it to make money. The money you earn during these hours is much more than the money you spend hiring people." Guan Xinxin laughed.

Shi Jia was on the side, and Guan Xinxin looked a little like a little girl today, with obviously more smiles than usual.

"Talk, I have to have dinner with some partners tonight, so I'm going back first." After turning around the house, Shi Jia hurried back to the city, and the driver and assistant were waiting for her outside.

After Shi Jia left, Guan Xinxin took Chen Ziang to sit at her home.

The wedding room is still emitting formaldehyde, which has a bit of a smell, and it is not good to stay in it for a long time.

After entering Guan Xinxin's house, Chen Ziang took a look, and the house must have been unoccupied for a few days.

Guan Xinxin and Guan Tianyu don't live here long, they only come over on weekends.

Sometimes it is troublesome to run around on weekends, and I am not as diligent as before.

But there are people at home every week to take care of the flowers and plants.

"I'll boil water to make tea." Chen Ziang took the teapot to rinse, and returned to put it on the electric board of the coffee table.

The tea table is very advanced and has the function of automatically pouring water and boiling water.

Guan Xinxin took the tea tray and teacup to rinse, came back and knelt on the carpet in front of the coffee table, and took out the tea leaves from the coffee table drawer.

Chen Ziang looked a little crazy at her dignified and virtuous appearance.

"Does it look good?" Guan Xinxin asked without raising her head while she was busy.

"Well, it looks good!" Chen Ziang said subconsciously.

A smile appeared on Guan Xinxin's face: "No matter how beautiful it is, you will get tired after looking at it for a long time, which is the so-called aesthetic fatigue."

"Nothing." Chen Ziang shook his head: "The more I look at it, the more I feel distressed. I wish I could give everything to me."

"Well, some people have never experienced it, and they also know that life is not easy, so they are sensible." Guan Xinxin waited for the water to boil, and did not rush to put the tea leaves. The taste is the best when the temperature drops to a certain temperature.

"Sister, I had a bad dream." Chen Ziang said suddenly.

"Dreams are usually reversed." Guan Xinxin didn't ask Chen Ziang what his dream was. If it was Guan Tongtong or Kuan Dandan, he would have asked him a long time ago.

"My mother is not good at handling things in life. I told her that you are scary." Chen Ziang said shamelessly.

Guan Xinxin smiled: "That's fine. I also found that your mother is very powerful in the eyes of outsiders. In fact, she has only been in the business world for a few years, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. I grew up in such a family since I was a child. She has a little more knowledge than your mother, and has a better understanding of the world, so she can handle it fairly."

Chen Ziang was silent. He felt that maybe that night at Youzhou Terrace, what he opened was the gate of heaven, not the gate of hell.

"A woman's soul channel is a magical path." After thinking about it, Chen Ziang blurted out.

Guan Xinxin glanced at him, and continued to make tea: "I'll make soup for you tonight, make up more."

"No need, I'm in good health, and the shooting range is still far." Chen Ziang said cheekily.

(End of this chapter)

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