The superstar is here

Chapter 616 Why Are You So Ugly

Chapter 616 Why Are You So Ugly
Facing the leader’s question about whether Boyu Entertainment has any cooperation with big media such as Wang Yi and Xinlan, the secretary said honestly: “Well, it may be a bit troublesome to check. QQ cooperates with Boyu Entertainment, so it’s easy to see. But Boyu Entertainment and What kind of cooperation with Wangyi, Xinlan and other media, at least publicly, has not been discovered yet. It may also be public, but it was not reported, we did not pay attention, we have no way of knowing, we can only investigate slowly.”

Huanya Group has almost no business relationship with Shizifeng Technology, and Shizifeng Technology has not developed a market in the field of real estate and hotels. As a result, Huanya Group knows most of the information about Shizifeng Technology from the Internet.

What field and what topic to talk about.

The Uniasia Group is in a mixed field, and they mostly talk about things, people, and companies in the field.

The legal representative of Shi Zifeng Technology has been changed long ago.

Shi Jia is very shrewd now, and has prepared various escape routes.

In case something goes wrong at the bottom of the company, the legal representative will definitely not be able to escape if the company is held accountable. Even if it is not directly related to the legal representative, there are still problems such as insufficient supervision and improper employment.

The bigger the company grows, the more precautions Shi Jia takes. It's not that she wants to walk on the edge of the law, but that she is worried about harm from competitors and other people who walk on the edge of the law.

Law, will, notarization, etc. are very interesting chains.

Just like foreign funds, because the inheritance tax is too harsh, don't think that many rich people are very kind, and donate their property to a certain fund after they die in a will.

In fact, the donated inheritance is equivalent to leaving it to future generations.

Because future generations can control these funds to make money.

If it is left directly to future generations, the inheritance tax will drive them crazy, it is better to donate it to the foundation.


In a villa area in Lin'an, Linjiang.

Chen Zi'ang's family lives here now. The management of the community they used to live in is relatively loose, and outsiders can easily come in and out.

As Shi Jia became more and more popular in the business world and domestically, the Chen family had to move out.

There are many, many people in the world who want to get something for nothing.

There are also many people who take risks.

The son of the richest man in Hong Kong was kidnapped in his previous life, and the richest man paid a ransom of 800 billion.

He said in the prosecution: It was his fault that he was so well-known in Hong Kong, but he was not prepared at all, resulting in huge losses and almost a tragedy.

Human life is definitely more important than money. Usually, the ransom demanded by the kidnappers can be used by the victim to strengthen the defense for the rest of his life without worrying about the kidnappers tearing up the ticket.

Now Shi Jia goes out, surrounded by crowds, Chen Feng is not so exaggerated, basically he is a driver, bodyguard, and assistant.

Although there were only two bodyguards for Chen Ziang, they were all found by Guan Xinxin, and they were armed with guns.

There is no suspicion of illegal possession of this gun.

In principle, the law stipulates that private bodyguards cannot have guns, but if you really want to spend money, you can find legal workarounds, such as registering an armed escort company, cash transport company, and spending money to buy relevant licenses.

There is always a bank escort company in every city. If you can’t buy a license, you can buy an escort company, then use the boss as the escort object to declare the escort plan, and get the police’s approval to carry the boss, a living person, with guns.

Of course, Chen Ziang didn't even know that his bodyguard was holding a real gun. Once he found it, he asked if it was real, and the other party said it was fake, so he believed it.

"The house is big, but life is busy." While cooking, Shi Jia chatted with Chen Ziang.

"If you're not busy, you don't have such a big house, just enjoy being busy." Chen Ziang handed the soy sauce to Shi Jia.

"You have an unshaven face, don't you even have time to shave?" Shi Jia glared at her son. She was away in Lin'an for a few days, and when she came back, she seemed to be a few years older.

"Haha, Tongtong likes me like this. She used to grow a little beard, and she said it was very comfortable to wear it." Chen Ziang didn't care. What he didn't dare to say was that he didn't go home sometimes at night these days West Lake Scenic Area squatted to capture the location.

Sometimes the real location may not be as beautiful as the effects, but at least there must be a choice.

"It's too late, scrape it off after eating." Shi Jia blamed.

During dinner, Shi Jia suddenly took the initiative to say: "Huanya Group not only seeks out our company's media, but also seeks out Wangyi, Xinlan and other media."

"Oh?" Chen Ziang was surprised: "Over there, they really want to punish Boyu Entertainment to death."

Shi Jia laughed and said, "How many capitalists do you think are good people? The accumulation of primitive capital is always bloody and cruel. After growing up, they just do a little bit of whitewashing, do some charity, and gain fame."

Speaking of this, she sighed a little: "Actually, we can move faster. Guan Xinxin pointed me to a lot of bright ways. I just need to go to those people, and many things can get twice the result with half the effort, but I dare not, for fear of problems."

Chen Ziang comforted: "Don't worry, she's just a word, don't send things indiscriminately. It's not that you are afraid of giving any benefits to clear up the relationship. But don't be direct, and don't let it go. For example, their children are also in business, so you can take care of them." , for some cooperation..."

Chen Feng smiled and said: "You don't need to teach your mother about this kind of thing, your mother is very smart."

Shi Jia said modestly: "A lot of things don't need to be so thought-provoking now. With the establishment of the brand, a lot of initiative is in our hands."

While chatting, Chen Ziang asked: "Aren't Wangyi and Xinlan media competitors with us? I don't seem to have seen them enter the water?"

Shi Jia brought food to Chen Ziang, and said calmly: "Capitalists can be kind, but they can never betray their own class. If I don't let them enter the water, they have to accept it. Our media and their media are considered competitors, and they are also regarded as Watching and helping each other when they need us. Last time there was a celebrity who had a problem. We didn’t want to let this celebrity publicize and ignore it, but Wangyi and Xinlan opened their mouths and owed us favors, so we went ashore. "

It's rare for a family to eat and chat.

After eating, before Chen Ziang took a shower, Guan Tongtong called.

The two chatted for a while, and started a video chat on QQ.

Not long after, Kuantandan squeezed his head over, but was immediately pushed away by Guan Tongtong: "Wait a minute, I'll take a shower right away, and you can talk to Ziang after you're done."

"Why do I seem to see an uncle? Is it Ziang?" Kuan Dandan said out of the camera.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's Ziang who is videoing with me!" Guan Tongtong said angrily, afraid that Chen Ziang would think too much.

"I don't believe it." Kuan Dandan said, "It's just an uncle, not Ziang."

"Okay, you can talk to him." Guan Tongtong threw the phone to Kuantandan and ran to take a shower.

Soon, Kuantandan was lying on the sofa, ready to video chat with Chen Ziang.

But after seeing Chen Ziang clearly, she was taken aback for a moment, and then cried: "Why are you so ugly?"

Chen Ziang wiped his sweat, this little girl has always had a little appearance association.

(End of this chapter)

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