The superstar is here

Chapter 617 My Family Doesn’t Have a Prairie, I Can’t Support Your Wild Horse

Chapter 617 My Family Doesn’t Have a Prairie, I Can’t Support Your Wild Horse
"I was ugly in the first place, you just found out." Chen Ziang was speechless, and did not comfort the little girl.

Xiao Nizi's eyes widened, she looked left and right at Chen Ziang.


The more she watched, the more sad she cried. This is not her Ziang.

The quality of the video is not very good, and Chen Ziang is not too photogenic. He is really tired recently, exposed to the wind and sun, and has an unshaven beard.

It is not ugly to say that he is ugly, but he is no longer the appearance that Kuantantan liked before.

"When the beard is shaved off, the skin turns white..." Xiao Nizi said while wiping her tears.

"You don't care about me, your sister doesn't care about me, she likes me like this." Chen Ziang originally wanted to tidy himself up tonight, but he definitely refused.

"Hmph, you won't recognize anyone if you put on pants!" Kuan Dandan said in a low voice, curling her lips.

Chen Ziang became impatient: "Don't talk nonsense to me, I didn't!"

Kuan Dandan poked his head over, moved a little closer to the phone, and then whispered, "Don't worry, I won't tell others that you are lying..."

"Fuck, if you want me to die, just say it. Anyway, people will choose to believe you anyway." Chen Ziang interrupted Kuan Dandan, and then hung up the video call.

Don't bother, just hide.

Within two days, Chen Ziang set off to return to Youzhou, but the photographer did not go back. Instead, he continued to go to some places in Jiangsu Province to continue shooting locations.

After returning to Youzhou, Chen Ziang started to get busy again without stopping.

The Yongcheng International Folk Song Art Festival has started rehearsals, but the arrangement of the theme song has not yet been finalized.

There was no surprise in the selection of the theme song in early October. The song submitted by Chen Ziang was almost unanimously approved and was selected as the theme song of this year's folk song art festival.

He even heard from Wang Yin that there might be a permanent theme song.

Because everyone thinks this song is so good.

The arrangement of the theme song was handed over to Chen Ziang. He had communicated with Wang Yin and Xu Ran on the phone before, but there were some things he couldn't do on the phone.

When he came back this time, he just wanted to solve this matter.

Instead of urging him, Wang Yin asked the organizer to help delay the time.

Wang Yin is not only a great singer, but also a cadre with a civilian and military rank. He is said to be the second most influential in the Chinese music scene, and no one dares to say that he is the first.

She has been engaged in music for more than 20 years and has specialized in national vocal music. However, with the development of the times and her own continuous changes, she has her own singing style and artistic characteristics.

Her inheritance, expansion, and re-creation of traditional folk music; the beauty of the timbre of the fusion of true and false voices, the beauty of the breath and the beauty of the charm, the beauty of the temperament of the voice and emotion, etc., give her a strong artistic charm, and she can sing very well. It resonated with the audience and was loved by audiences across the country.

In the past two years, Chen Ziang has made progress, but Wang Yin has made greater progress. Her singing is called a unique music culture, and many theorists in the music industry have launched research on it.

Chen Ziang respected the teacher 100%, even with adoring eyes.

There is an old saying that goes well, listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books.

Most of the time, he doesn't need to deliberately learn anything from Wang Yin, he just chats, and Wang Yin occasionally mentions a few words on the music, which benefits him a lot.

As a large country with a large nation, China has a profound heritage of folk music. Wang Yin has studied it for so many years, so it is natural that Chen Ziang cannot catch up.

"Teacher, what do you think about joining the singing part?" Chen Ziang said to Wang Yin in the recording studio of Boyu Entertainment.

Wang Yin came over today to participate in the arrangement and started trial recording.

Wang Yin tried to sing for a while, but she felt pretty good.

Lan Yeqing was listening, a little dumbfounded.

She watched the whole process today.

Chen Ziang said that Wang Yin could easily add anything to it and achieve it one by one.

If it was me, Lan Yeqing thought it would be fine, but it would take a long time to practice.

For example, in terms of breath, Lan Yeqing found that he could achieve it by holding himself to death, but he couldn't reach Wang Yin's level of ease at all.

Wang Yu was also on the side, secretly surprised, she rarely saw Wang Yin practicing and recording songs.

That talent is really innate, and some people can't practice it for a lifetime.

After the arrangement was finalized, Chen Ziang heaved a sigh of relief.

When recording vocals, Xu Ran, Xu Jiahui, Su Yimi and other singers came to watch, and finally burst into tears.

Still don't look.

That's the real singer, the artist.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that I am a sinner. I am simply swindling money, cheating food, drinking and defrauding the world.

At the same time, everyone was silent and respected Wang Yin.

The shadow of music can be vaguely found in the labor scenes in ancient times.With the development of the times and the progress of society, Chinese folk music has begun to innovate and develop.

According to the development needs of the times, Wang Yin has integrated traditional Chinese folk songs, rap, opera singing and other arts. At the same time, she has learned from and absorbed Western music theories. Combining Chinese and Western music, she has formed her own unique singing style and artistic characteristics.

Of course, there are still many voice artists emerging in this era, but Wang Yin is the most representative and influential.She integrates science, nationality, and times into one, successfully interprets the art of national singing, pushes China's national vocal music to maturity, and is recognized by the international vocal music circle.

In the eyes of the masses, Wang Yin is an "evergreen tree" in the vocal music industry and even in the music industry. Her elegant and refined, national characteristics, elegant singing style, and artistic characteristics of beautiful timbre, charm, and temperament are invaluable in the history of the development of Chinese national vocal music. estimated value.In particular, in the past two years, Wang Yin has built a bridge between Chinese and Western cultures by combining national singing with classical and pop music.

Studying Wang Yin's singing style and artistic characteristics is of great significance for understanding and enriching national music.

After recording the song, Chen Ziang asked Wang Yu and Lan Yeqing to stay.

"Let's have dinner together, I'll let the teacher take you to fly." Chen Ziang said to Wang Yu and Lan Yeqing.

Wang Yu and Lan Yeqing's eyes lit up.

Wang Yin did not reject Chen Ziang, and agreed to have dinner with Chen Ziang and the others.

At the dinner table, Wang Yu didn't hold back, and seriously asked Wang Yin some questions about music.

Wang Yin said with a smile: "China's national vocal music has a long history, which needs to be sorted out, studied and inherited seriously. For example, Chinese opera, quyi, folk songs, etc. have their own characteristics in singing methods, and we should learn from them. , extract the essence, earnestly summarize and improve it. However, we must use a developing and scientific attitude to do this work. China's national vocal music is both scientific and has national characteristics. The audience welcomes, recognizes, and likes it, and it should also have a sense of the times. Our task is to apply the universality of scientific singing methods to the particularity of Chinese national vocal music performances, and finally reflect a vocal training system with Chinese characteristics."

Wang Yu, Lan Yeqing and Chen Ziang listened carefully. Chinese national vocal music is constantly improving its own music theory system, and Wang Yin's contribution is very great.

Her singing style was originally an inheritance of the traditional national style, and she began to explore it at the end, which was earlier and farther than Wang Yu.

"Don't underestimate traditional opera. I have borrowed a lot of its essence now. Opera has been circulated in China for thousands of years. It already has a mature stage art, which integrates various performance forms such as art and acrobatics. There are many types, including Music, singing, dialogue, dancing, etc. can be said to be a collection of "singing, reading, doing, and fighting". The rap in opera is different from Western opera and dance drama. Opera has its own unique artistic charm, such as: performance The figure, flexibility, etc. of the singer. Chinese opera is well-known as a traditional culture, and the emergence of Chinese national vocal music is to some extent an innovative form of opera." Wang Yin is not stingy with her own exploration experience, Tell Wang Yu and others about your experience.

Wang Yu is thoughtful, Wang Yin has a mellow singing voice, etc., especially her flexible figure, which many people have not noticed.

The more in-depth contact with Wang Yin, the more shocked Lan Yeqing is, Wang Yin's talent and hard work are really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Wang Yin was willing to say more because Wang Yu and Lan Yeqing were in Chen Ziang's company.

Otherwise, she might as well go back and teach more people in her art troupe.

Wang Yin's strength is that the more contact she has, the more powerless the singers will feel.

The pursuit of traditional Chinese folk music is elegance and refinement.Wang Yin not only mastered some knowledge of traditional opera, but also learned the singing skills of other outstanding folk singers, and combined them to perform one of her various singing styles-elegant and refined.

When Western music entered China and popular songs began to appear in large numbers, traditional Chinese folk music also began to try to change, so that the fields of music education, music theory, and music creation began to expand the scope of Chinese folk music, such as: techniques Innovation, style orientation, etc. have been broadened.Under such a social background, Wang Yin's singing also began to change appropriately, and began to integrate western music knowledge while retaining the advantages of national vocal music, so as to better integrate with world music and expand the popularity of Chinese music.

Now, Wang Yin's singing style has matured, and she has her own unique singing style in terms of voice expression and singing skills.Her soft voice, smooth breathing, and free breathing control can resonate well with the audience, especially her middle voice is round, relaxed, smooth, and expressive; her high voice is bright, accessible, and has overtones.In this way, her singing style not only shows the soft and delicate timbre of folk songs, but also has the penetrating singing resonance of Western vocal music.

Now, Wang Yu is not only learning from Western music, but also began to explore the path of national singing suitable for her, trying to combine Western symphony with national singing, so that people can feel it in the process of appreciation. National flavor and local color, but also can feel the dignity and elegance of Western symphony.

But it wasn't long before she started walking this road, but Wang Yin has already walked it for several years and walked a long way.

If Wang Yu were to hold two concert venues and two different styles now, she would not be able to do it, but Wang Yin has a degree of control and a performance with ease.

Wang Yin's singing style has broadened the traditional folk vocal style, and at the same time gave her a new style of singing on stage.

At the dinner table, Chen Ziang completely became a passerby.

Wang Yu and Wang Yin discussed the most, and Lan Yeqing asked some questions from time to time.

Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed, he wasn't thinking about it right now, he was afraid that after joining, Wang Yin would have hope for him.

He didn't dare to meet Wang Yin too much, because he was afraid that Wang Yin would think that he was right when he turned back, and then teach him everything.

What will he do?
He was afraid of disappointing the teacher's expectations, and it was impossible for him to inherit the teacher's mantle in this life.

"The times are changing, and the traditional folk singing style needs to be recreated." Wang Yin said to Wang Yu and Lan Yeqing: "The society is constantly improving, and people's living standards and the breadth of knowledge make their appreciation of music constantly improved. Therefore, Chinese folk music had to start to develop in a scientific direction. In the process of singing, on the basis of retaining the national singing method, I began to incorporate the advantages of some other singing methods, such as: bel canto. The unique and scientific national singing method not only has the characteristics of clear enunciation, flexible breath and sweet voice of traditional folk songs, but also has the advantages of wide range, unified vocal range and mixed voice of bel canto. For example, when I was singing "Dragon Boat Tune" Among them, through such a scientific singing method, clear words, sincere feelings, and a high position in the bass area, people can clearly know what story the music is telling, and then it is easy to form a specific picture in the brain. Coupled with the brisk rhythm, it can It resonates well with the audience.”

Wang Yu nodded, accepting the teaching with an open mind.

She knew very well that Wang Yin's attempt had promoted the scientific development of mixed voice skills.

National music itself represents a certain symbol of a nation or a country. China is a large nation, and any music can more or less show its national character.As a national vocal singer, Wang Yin's national character is the soul of her singing style.

However, she recreated the traditional ethnic singing style, that is, innovation, and changed the singing from the aspects of hearing and vision, so as to convey to the audience a full range of ethnic music that is full of ethnic characteristics and can meet the needs of the public. .For example, the innovative singing of "Little Back Basket" can make people have a deeper understanding of the scenes and ethnic customs of the little girls in Xiangxi.

Chen Ziang was listening, although he pretended not to pay much attention, but he was actually very serious, and he admired the teacher very much.

For anything to be sustainable, it must keep pace with the times.As a thing that is closely related to people's lives, music is a product of the times in some respects. Music is different in different times, and it has the characteristics of the times.In this way, if music wants to meet people's appreciation needs, it must make its singing contemporary and attract the attention of the public.The songs sung by Wang Yin clearly highlighted this style. Her musical works began to incorporate elements of the times, and sometimes showed the audience new songs with a cheerful rhythm and the spirit of the times, which was refreshing.

Lan Yeqing was envious of Wang Yin's blend of true and false voices.

On the basis of maintaining her own style and personality, Wang Yin can use falsetto as the lead singer and her real voice as the auxiliary form to sing.

The starting point of this kind of singing is that this kind of mixed sound is closer to the national language, that is, the enunciation is clear and simple, the timbre is easy to express, and the audience is easy to grasp, etc. From the perspective of the senses, it is easier for the public to accept.

After Wang Yin's long-term practice of true and false voices, her singing voice has also changed, showing the characteristics of the fusion of true and false voices, and thus forming her own unique national characteristic voice.

"Breathing is an important link in the singing process. How to control the breathing directly affects the expression of singing. The rhythm of the songs I sing is fast and urgent, so breathing is particularly important. My Some songs are fast-paced and very difficult. But they can breathe freely, allowing the audience to fully feel the smoothness of breathing, the joy of the mood, etc. The breath is properly connected, deep but not exposed, long and continuous, and can show Surprisingly beautiful." Wang Yin said to Wang Yu and Lan Yeqing.

The beauty of breathing and smooth breathing is also one of the unique artistic charms of Wang Yin's singing style.

In addition, Wang Yin also has a beautiful temperament with both voice and emotion.

The artistic charm of singing is not only a good singing skill, but also a matching emotion.Wang Yin herself has the advantage of singing, coupled with the dancing and opera figure she learned in her childhood, and her practical experience as an actor, etc., it makes her overall image look slim and radiant.

When Wang Yin sings, whether she wears Miao costumes or grand costumes, she can show her unique ethnic flavor. Under such circumstances, singing songs that match it can easily bring the audience a sense of temperament and beauty.

After a meal, Wang Yu and Lan Yeqing were convinced by Wang Yin and benefited a lot.

Sending Wang Yin to the car, after she left, looking at Chen Ziang, Wang Yu hesitated to speak.

Chen Ziang knew what Wang Yu wanted to say, so he took the initiative to say, "Do you think it's a waste of money? Hey, I know it too, but it's impossible for me to stay with the teacher."

After sending Lan Yeqing away, Wang Yu and Chen Ziang measured the road, with the bodyguards not far behind.

"Your teacher should be very sad." Wang Yu said.

Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, then sighed: "I know, she said that she only accepts me as a student in her life... I know, she wants to wait for me to turn around."

"You can't look back, your teacher can see it." Wang Yu said, she felt a little sad for Wang Yin.

Wang Yin's inheritance, expansion and re-creation of national vocal music make her singing have a unique style and artistic characteristics.

Her singing is constantly changing and innovating.She dares to innovate on national vocal music, dares to go abroad, and brings Chinese national vocal music to the world music stage and to the international market.

The singing she brings out not only represents her own singing style and artistic value, but also represents the national vocal music of the whole of China.

Such a pioneer must hope that there will be more successors in her heart, and she also hopes that there will be a student who will walk the unfinished road for her when she is unable to move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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