The superstar is here

Chapter 634 Come to Boyu for Entertainment

Chapter 634 Come to Boyu for Entertainment
"Boy, don't be so ambitious. Young people have to keep their feet on the ground and take one step at a time." Li Longji taught him a lesson. The success of "Swordsman" made him hold his head high in front of An Lushan and Shi Siming. There are some problems in pointing out the country.

"I don't know that some people are geniuses, don't they judge heroes by their age?" Chen Ziang said with a smile, the old god is still there, and his momentum is not at all inferior. It seems that he is already a master director of a generation.

Li Longji's heart moved: "When will you go back to Youzhou and show me your "Dragon Babu" first?"

Boyu Film and Television's "Dragon and Babu" has been completed in the later stage, but Tianshui Film and Television has only started to work for a short time, and it will not be finished until at least after the year.

Li Longji couldn't help but want to watch Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" first.

"It's been sealed, so I can't read it." Chen Ziang refused.

"Shut up." Li Longji blew his beard and stared, and he started to grow a beard, so that he looked more like an artist with high morals.

"Old guy, how about we make a bet?" Chen Ziang said suddenly.

Li Longji became vigilant: "What bet?"

Chen Ziang thought for a while, and said, "I am the screenwriter of "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" and "Legend of the White Snake", and I am half and half the director."

Li Longji nodded, he knew this very well, Chen Ziang didn't hide many things from him because he needed to ask him for advice.

"Your "Dragon Babu" premiered on Sanxiang Satellite TV. My "Dragon Babu" and "Legend of the White Snake" definitely won't premiere there..." Chen Ziang said.

Before he finished speaking, Li Longji asked: "The filming of "Legend of the White Snake" has only started for half a month, why are you so sure you won't premiere it on Sanxiang Satellite TV? Did you get into some trouble again?"

"It's hard to say, but after next year, we won't be banned from Boyu Entertainment, and they won't have too much contact with our Boyu Entertainment." Chen Ziang smiled lightly.

"That's too much?" Li Longji frowned. Sanxiang Satellite TV's domineering is obvious to all, but they do have domineering capital. Not to mention variety shows and their top hosts, the TV series they participated in co-shooting and introducing are also very success.

In the past two years, Sanxiang Satellite TV has been thriving and developed in an all-round way. It is not possible to damage their foundation by poaching a few hosts or talents.

How helpless it was for King Lan Ling to scold his teammates.

Relying on one person, no matter how powerful he is, cannot save a company or a TV station.

The country does not object to the semi-commercialization of any TV station.

However, there are more than 30 satellite TV stations across the country, and only about five of them have been successful in semi-commercialization.

Sanxiang Satellite TV is the one at the forefront, and the semi-commercialization is the most successful.

The strength of the remaining few is uneven.

In this way, Sanxiang Satellite TV, which is riding the dust, is getting more and more courageous, and its domineering style is getting bigger and bigger.

At the beginning of last year in the lunar calendar, they were still a little apprehensive and made friends with Boyu's production. Now that the copyright of "Super Girl" has been bought out, the second season of "I Am a Singer" will continue to fall on their satellite TV. They don't have to worry about Boyu's production at all. .

"That's Sanxiang Satellite TV. Didn't they announce the total ratings of all TV channels in the country last year? Sanxiang Satellite TV ranked first, even stronger than CCTV." Chen Ziang exclaimed.

The lunar calendar has not yet celebrated the new year, but the new calendar is already in January of the new year.

A few days after the total audience ratings of various TV channels across the country for the past twelve months were announced, people in the industry shook their heads and sighed.

Sanxiang Satellite TV is already the veritable number one satellite TV in the country.

Before this, CCTV had always been number one, but it was overtaken by Sanxiang TV last year.

Although there are not many overtakers, Sanxiang Satellite TV has completed a transformation.

If things go on like this, it is impossible for CCTV to return to the number one throne.

And Sanxiang Satellite TV will become more and more terrifying.

"Without your two programs, Sanxiang Satellite TV would not have won the first place last year." Li Longji didn't know what to say.

Indeed, Sanxiang Satellite TV did not have the two programs "Super Girl" and "I Am a Singer" last year, and the total ratings must not surpass CCTV's.

"Do you think we, Boyu, are just making wedding dresses?" Chen Ziang laughed, with an expression of indifference.

"It's a little bit, isn't it because you think that you have made a lot of contributions and can't see the way, so the other party can't bear it?" Li Longji asked.

"How is it possible, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, how can it be possible for such an upright person like me to be so incapable of doing things." Chen Ziang denied.

Li Longji did not argue with Chen Ziang on this matter, nodded and said: "The second CCTV appears, they do have the capital to look down on any entertainment giant, let alone you, Boyu Entertainment, who has not yet become a giant."

"Stop talking nonsense." Chen Ziang returned to the topic: "Continue with our bet."

Li Longji felt a little bad, but he didn't hesitate, and asked, "What bet, let's talk."

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "That is, if your "Dragon Babu" premiere ratings beat any of my "Dragon Babu" and "White Snake" premiere ratings, I owe you a big favor. But If you can't exceed it, come to Boyu for entertainment."

Li Longji raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean? Look down on me? I think my "Dragon and Babu" can't compare with your two TV series!"

Chen Ziang was indifferent, and said, "You are the director, I am convinced. But you meddling indiscriminately as the screenwriter, I really look down on your ability to write stories."

Li Longji wanted to get mad, but soon his face turned red. He also knew his own shortcomings.

When there is a lot of power, he can't help dictating the screenwriter. If the screenwriter doesn't know how to behave and make him anxious, he will directly tell the other party to get out.

At the beginning, Chen Ziang was in charge of the screenwriter of "Swordsman", and he was still the lead actor. The contract was right there, and Li Longji often pointed fingers at him.

Chen Ziang couldn't bear it later, and told him to get the hell out.

He didn't know how many times he almost suffocated Li Longji to death.

It's not that Li Longji's intervention in the screenwriting will blind the work, but sometimes it is not satisfactory.

At least Li Longji has no credit for the great success of the script of "Swordsman".

On the contrary, if he hadn't desperately begged Chen Ziang to change some places, it might have been more successful.

Of course, Li Longji will not admit that his ability to make up stories is not good.

Until now, sometimes Li Longji still feels that if Chen Ziang had listened to him, "Swordsman" might have been more exciting and popular.

Look, until now, there are satellite TV rebroadcasts of "Swordsman".

Since the premiere of "Swordsman" last summer, it dominated the screen throughout the second half of last year.

If there are no popular dramas this year, it is estimated that it will continue to dominate the screen for several months.

"How?" Chen Ziang asked again: "Do you dare to bet with me?"

Immediately, he explained again: "Don't say anything that looks down on you. If I look down on you, why should I make this bet with you?"

 Suddenly, I found that there was a gap in the previous book that I didn't fill in. Let me fill it in here. It is a couplet written by Su Tong for Dalong's newlyweds.

  The upper line is: new people, new wells and new drill bits; the second line is: the deeper the drill, the deeper the oil.The horizontal batch is: Yuemingsong.

  "Ming" read apart.

(End of this chapter)

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