The superstar is here

Chapter 635 The Great War

Chapter 635 The Great War

Li Longji was very depressed, and made a bet with Chen Ziang that if he lost, he would have to leave Tianshui Film and Television and go to Boyu for entertainment.

No matter how ruthless, cruel and tyrannical Tianshui Film and Television is to outsiders, it is still very good to Li Longji.

Chen Ziang also knew this, and said: "I don't know what your feelings are, but I just want to say that what Tianshui likes is only your title and qualifications, not you. If you fall down one day, there is someone who can replace you." People, they will definitely put you in the cold palace without hesitation. I will not be so chilling here. After you come, all the film and television adaptations of those martial arts novels will be handed over to you. Sign the contract, black and white, you blind me Never mind."

Chen Ziang said so, but he was not worried at all that Li Longji would go blind.

Let's fool this old guy over first.

Now it is mainly to give Li Longji the warmth of a confidant.

He believed in Li Longji so much, Li Longji somewhat had the idea of ​​dying for his confidant.

"What about momentum? What about confidence?" Li Longji didn't speak, but Chen Ziang continued: "Didn't you say that self-confidence is the most important thing? You don't even dare to go to the table, because you are afraid that you will lose."

Li Longji is really hard to get off.

Not betting means that he is afraid of Chen Ziang, a newborn calf.

For gambling, he was really afraid of losing, so he had to feel sorry for his boss and come to Boyu for entertainment.

If he loses, he will definitely not regret it. This is not the foundation of Li Longji's character and foothold.

"If you lose, don't you tell me what benefits you can do to me?" Li Longji dragged his time and said in a grumpy manner.

Chen Ziang knew Li Longji very well, and said with a smile: "If you lose to the artists of Boyu Entertainment, you will make TV dramas in the future, and I will send you whatever you want. Of course, don't think about it, no matter whether you are a man or a woman, you don't want to sneak into it." Sleep them with the rules."

Li Longji was speechless: "I'm quite old, and I don't have so many needs. Don't treat a gentleman with a villain's heart. Also, my orientation is normal, and I'm not interested in any fresh meat."

Speaking of this, he sneered again: "How many powerful artists does Boyu Entertainment have now? I can choose whatever I want!"

"Chenxi, Ning Ying, Hao Ming... They are indeed not that famous yet, but that doesn't mean they won't be in the future. Besides, you forgot that there is Li Qiuting? She is half-retired, and her net worth is now higher than before. Rare things are more expensive, she will not accept other people's movies and TV shows in the future, she will only accept our Boyu. The green light I gave you can't be bought by money." Chen Ziang said seriously.

Li Longji nodded secretly. At the peak of Li Qiuting's peak, she retreated bravely, causing her salary to quickly reach the top of the country.

Although the popularity is still worse than those old superstars, it is not far away.

However, she has had too much exposure in the past few years, and she continues to dangle in the public eye, and her popularity cannot rise any further.

Some things can only be promoted with time.

"Li Qiuting really wants to quit the showbiz?" Li Longji asked.

Li Qiuting did not announce her withdrawal to the outside world, but in fact she has already quit the showbiz.

In the past year or so, she has paid back favors by guest appearances, and she has almost paid off, and there will be very few guest appearances in the future, let alone starring roles.

"Well, no one can hire the starring role. She will try to direct a TV series this year." Chen Ziang said.

"Director? TV series?" Li Longji was surprised: "She really can't wait, she wants to play in person. What type of TV series?"

Chen Ziang didn't hide anything, and said: "Sister Qiuting wants to create her own world, and acting can no longer satisfy her. After so many years of acting career, it is estimated that every actor will have his own ideas, rather than being limited to one role... She wants The types of TV dramas I shoot belong to romance, comedy, and costume dramas."

"Do you, Boyu Entertainment, have so many sponsors?" Li Longji asked curiously, shooting this one and that one without any profit, so they took one after another.

"There are not many sponsors, but it is impossible for our company to have tens of millions." Chen Ziang was very angry.

Li Longji has a black hair, isn't it so flamboyant?

This kind of investment is actually similar to investment and gambling.

Before the end, who knows whether to win or lose?
It is estimated that only tens of billions of people will not regard tens of millions as money.

Li Qiuting is so popular, she must have a net worth of hundreds of millions.

But if you make TV series or movies, you can earn a lot.

But after the filming, they were thrown into Curry, and there were quite a few who never saw the light of day.

Those who have not seen the sun, needless to say, really have nothing to lose.

"I have something to do. I want to get together with my old friends. I'm leaving first." Li Longji put down his chopsticks, stopped eating, and wanted to slip away.

"What about the bet?" Chen Ziang didn't stop Li Longji, and asked with a smile. He knew that the old guy wanted to pretend that he had forgotten or had never heard of the bet Chen Ziang said.

Li Longji couldn't hold back on his face: "The bet is too small."

Chen Ziang nodded: "Then add more conditions, the previous conditions remain the same, plus the total ratings of Zhejiang Satellite TV this year surpassed Sanxiang Satellite TV. If all the conditions are met, you can come to Boyu Entertainment!"

Li Longji stood there dumbfounded, thinking he heard it wrong: "Zhejiang Satellite TV? No. [-] in total ratings?"

"Well, it's Zhejiang Satellite TV, No. [-]." Chen Ziang said seriously.

"Zhejiang Satellite TV's total ratings are the first, what does it have to do with you?" Li Longji was a little puzzled.

Chen Ziang said: "It's a big deal, Bo Yu Entertainment will use all its firepower this year to help Zhejiang Satellite TV become the number one TV channel in the country."

Li Longji opened his mouth, as if he didn't know Chen Ziang.

For a long time, he couldn't help but said: "Do you think your Bo Yu is God or Buddha?"

"That's what I think, isn't it crazy?" Chen Ziang picked up his teacup and took a sip.

The tea made by my sister-in-law is delicious.

Let her make tea when I get home.

The tea outside, no matter how good the tea leaves are, if you don't know how to brew them, it's useless and wasteful.

"Okay, regardless of whether it has anything to do with your Boyu Entertainment or not, in January next year, the total ratings will be announced, and Zhejiang Satellite TV will be No. [-]. I'll pack up and come to you right away." Li Longji smiled and didn't hesitate anymore.

Obviously, he would rather choose to believe that his "Dragon Babu" lost to Chen Ziang's "Tianlong Babu" and "Legend of the White Snake", and he would not believe that Zhejiang Satellite TV, which failed to rank among the top five TV channels in the country, could suddenly get first.

Sanxiang Satellite TV is so powerful, I dare not say that this year it will be better than CCTV.

"Okay, then go if you have something to do." Chen Ziang said with a smile.

Li Longji blushed and had a thick neck.

I have a fart, just now I just wanted to escape, now I have taken all the bets, where can I go?
Chen Ziang got up, picked up his coat, and sent Li Longji out.

Li Longji was very sad, he had nowhere to go, the most he could do was go back to the hotel.

But Chen Ziang couldn't help but send him outside the cold hotel.

It's so cold in the north in January!

Although there was no snow, there were piles of snow on the side of the road.

The snow is melting and it is cold.

"Director Li, where are you going? I'll call you a taxi." Chen Ziang stood on the side of the road and looked around.

"Where I didn't go, you kid can't help but be full of bad water? There are no old friends in the city who want to break through the door, so I'm here to break through your door and go back to the city early tomorrow morning." Li Longji finally couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily: "Don't think about me coming to visit the class again in the future, you can fend for yourself."

"Haha, let's go back to the hotel together, it's not far anyway, let's walk back." Chen Ziang stopped pretending to be confused, and took Li Longji back to the hotel slowly.

Back at the hotel, Li Longji was still very angry and said that he wanted to go to a spa.

"Pay him the bill." Chen Ziang told the assistant: "You can pay him for normal items, but if he wants special services, don't buy it for him, let him buy it himself."

Li Longji left with a dark face, and Chen Ziang didn't care what the old guy was doing, and went back to the room by himself.

Before he got back to his room, his cell phone rang.

When I took it out, I found it belonged to Lin Siyan.

Such a coincidence?
Chen Ziang was a little speechless, remembering that Lin Siyan called him at the beginning of this semester.

In order to reward her, he said he would treat her to a spa when he went back.

Later, he suspected that a woman had to take off her upper body when going to a spa, so he hesitated.

After returning to Youzhou, in order to verify this, he specially invited his wife to go to the spa together.

The result is true.

The couple lay side by side on the bed, and two female technicians gave them a spa. Guan Tongtong was naked from the upper body.

Later, Chen Ziang went there secretly once again, and asked the female technician, was there a male technician there?

The other party said yes, when some female customers come to the spa, they call male technicians.

Chen Ziang suddenly realized that men and women are both animals, and they are actually very similar inside.

Then, Chen Ziang released Lin Siyan's pigeons again.

It's okay to have a normal massage together, but it's okay to have a spa together.

Certainly not.

After answering Lin Siyan's phone call, the other party started to settle accounts with him after a few words: "How many times have you released me?" The tone was very resentful.

"Ah? Did I promise you anything recently?" Chen Ziang pretended to be confused.

"You don't remember?" Lin Siyan asked.

"I don't remember." Chen Ziang said cheekily: "Actually, you should know that most of the promises made by men are empty words, don't believe them."

Lin Siyan was silent for a moment: "I went to your house last night."

"Karma?" Chen Ziang was surprised: "Did my wife invite you over?"

"Yeah." Lin Siyan said: "Go for a swim. Your swimming pool is really good. You can put down the shed in winter and turn it into an indoor swimming pool. Tongtong also asked me to bring one or two girlfriends there. She also has three girls over there. Come here, my child, I came back after playing very late at your house last night."

Chen Ziang yelled it was a pity: "Why don't you wait for me to go back, I want to swim too."

Lin Siyan smiled: "I wouldn't take my girlfriends to swim there when you were here, and Tongtong would definitely not ask you sister Nier and the others to come here."

"That's right, Tongtong is not that generous. I can play with them, but Tongtong is definitely not willing to swim." Chen Ziang nodded.

"That's not certain, Tongtong's figure is better than all of them, she must have such confidence." Lin Siyan said enviously.

Chen Ziang was slightly proud: "That must be done."

When Guan Tongtong was standing with a girl who was about the same height, Chen Ziang secretly looked at her. It was obvious that Guan Tongtong's legs were longer than the other's.

So far he has not found a girl who is about the same height as Guan Tongtong, and who has longer legs than hers.

"By the way, I mentioned it to Tongtong last night, saying that you promised to treat me to the spa." Lin Siyan said suddenly.

Chen Ziang's mind was full of black lines.

How dare you say that, you want to kill me.

But he didn't say anything, and said with some embarrassment: "Things can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately."

Lin Siyan took him into the army: "Who is talking nonsense and making promises?"

Chen Ziang was speechless.

Lin Siyan smiled suddenly: "I just separated from Tongtong, we went to the spa tonight, she said you didn't invite me, she invited me for you."

Chen Ziang asked nervously, "Is it the female technician called?"

Lin Siyan smiled: "Of course, Tongtong said that she has been to this club several times, and there are only female technicians in it, and it is not open to men."

"I thought you would sue and say it was a male technician." Chen Ziang wiped his sweat.

Lin Siyan said seriously: "I don't know how to use such a small method, it will have the opposite effect."

The women's war seems to be coming.

Chen Ziang felt a biting murderous aura.

Guan Tongtong and Lin Siyan are not fuel-efficient lamps.

"Everyone is happy. There are still many beautiful things in life. There are many things waiting for us to do. Don't waste on meaningless things. For example, if you have time, you can go to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and appreciate the colorful world. Eat the best food, drink the strongest wine, sleep the most beautiful... sleep in the most comfortable bed. If you are energetic, you can go to the mountains to help poor children. Looking at their lives, we will feel that our life is How happy." Chen Ziang said.

Lin Siyan shook her head: "I think what I'm doing now is very meaningful."

After pondering for a moment, Chen Ziang said, "You are on the wrong path."

As he said that, he had already entered the room, took off his coat and threw it on the sofa in the living room.

"How do you know it's wrong if you don't go over there?" Lin Siyan said.

"Okay, I'll do something meaningful too." Chen Ziang wanted to hang up the phone.

"What's the matter?" Lin Siyan asked.

"Go take a shower, isn't it very meaningful, haha." Chen Ziang laughed.

Lin Siyan didn't bother him and hung up the phone.

After hanging up with Lin Siyan, Chen Ziang called Guan Tongtong.

This girl has already arrived home. This home is the rented apartment in the city. She has not returned to live in the small courtyard in Yanjiao.

"Have you been playing with Lin Siyan these two days?" Chen Ziang asked.

"Well, how about repaying the debts of the husband and wife?" Guan Tongtong said with a grin, she knew that Lin Siyan must have said something to Chen Ziang.

Facing Lin Siyan's intimacy with Chen Ziang, who did not hide much, Guan Tongtong did not use strong tactics, but chose to get in touch with him.

She didn't know how big the effect was, but at least it didn't develop in a bad direction.

The two women couldn't talk to each other, and Guan Tongtong didn't plan to talk to Lin Siyan, she just wanted to be confident.

"My wife is awesome." Chen Ziang thanked.

Guan Tongtong snickered over there.

Chen Ziang was puzzled: "What are you laughing at?"

Guan Tongtong couldn't help laughing for a while before saying, "No wonder I had to go to the spa last time. My husband is so cute, hehe, my wife will reward you with one, wuma~"

"Oh, don't, I have a reaction." Chen Ziang wailed.

"Big villain, come back, I'm at home. Wuma~" Guan Tongtong continued to seduce Chen Ziang.

(End of this chapter)

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