The superstar is here

Chapter 671 Goodbye to Your Ex

Chapter 671 Goodbye to Your Ex
The first episode of the first season of "The Voice of China" is over, and the netizens are still full of enthusiasm.

Afterwards, everyone wailed and sighed, it was so wonderful, I want to see the second episode broadcast in the trailer right away.

“It feels like time flies by so fast!”

"Yeah, more than two hours passed before I knew it!"

"There are players from all walks of life."

"It's amazing, there are also overseas Chinese."

"This includes Chinese from all over the world, so tall."

"The trailer is always so attractive, the show crew is too bad."

"Burn to death those who made the announcement!"


On the "Supergirl" side, there are naturally audience comments, some think this season is good and too eye-catching.

Some feel that they have strayed from the original intention of the grassroots, and some players are not ordinary people.

The reason why the first season of the grassroots show "Supergirl" became so popular is that many viewers saw that they also had hope to be on TV.

This season, it has become far away.

Like those top 32 female contestants, how many ordinary people can compare in appearance?
That kind of beauties, not to mention, are one in a million, at least one in a hundred. Well, most of them are at least at the class beauty level, or even at the school beauty level.

The Internet was full of excitement, but people from Boyu Productions, Sanxiang Satellite TV, and Zhejiang Satellite TV began to quiet down.

This night, it is estimated that people from these three parties are more difficult.

Everyone is waiting for tomorrow's ratings.

Ratings determine success or failure, no matter how bragging, how to promote, how to hire trolls, it is useless.

Early the next morning, instead of waiting for the ratings, Chen Ziang rushed to Tian Xiaosheng's studio.

Tian Xiaosheng's movie has been filming for half a month.

The crew rented several houses in a community, including apartments, converted bars, shops, etc.

When Chen Ziang went, Tian Xiaosheng and the others hadn't started work today.

"Last night for filming?" Chen Ziang found Tian Xiaosheng on the set. This guy didn't go home to sleep last night. He was just waking up on the set.

"That's right, it was past four o'clock last night. Hey, filming is more tiring than filming." Tian Xiaosheng said painfully.

"That's right, there is never a time when people are not tired." Chen Ziang laughed.

Tian Xiaosheng suddenly asked curiously: "Mr. Chen, I'm curious, how many exes have you had?"

Chen Ziang glanced at Tian Xiaosheng's lounge, only Tian Xiaosheng was alone, and he didn't tell the truth: "There isn't any."

Tian Xiaosheng obviously didn't believe it: "Then can you come up with this script out of thin air?"

"Why not?" Chen Ziang said in disbelief, "Do you think that I was able to write it because I entered the world of "Dragon and Ba Bu" or "Swordsman"?"

Tian Xiaosheng was at a loss for words, and sighed for a long time: "Although it feels like you made it up, everyone said that this script is too good, and everyone is talking about it."

Chen Ziang had no choice but to change his words: "I had an ex, don't tell it."

Tian Xiaosheng then laughed and said, "I'll just say it, I believe it. Who hasn't had an ex on the road of love?"

Chen Ziang objected: "Not everyone can be called an ex, and an ex is not just an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend. It is the trace left in your heart by everyone who walked by."

Tian Xiaosheng was thoughtful: "This is a movie about breaking up, a story that always goes wrong, the experience is similar, and the ending is similar."

Chen Ziang nodded: "It takes a person to experience several love relationships before he knows how to cherish. Not everyone will let go. There is still a way to go, but we must learn to cherish."

Tian Xiaosheng began to discuss the script with Chen Ziang: "The story of Meng Yun and Lin Jia is heart-wrenching. Three years is a hurdle. Two people who have been in love for six years proposed to break up because of a little friction. He thought she would not leave. , she thought he would keep her. As a result, she left without looking back, and neither did he. "

Chen Ziang nodded. On the road of love, this is probably the case. They are waiting for the other party to speak first: "Lin Jia should be very slow when packing. It is best to carry the luggage several times and leave some things as a way to contact you after breaking up." The reason. When Meng Yun received Lin Jia’s address text message, he swiped his fingertips, wanting to type a greeting. Ask her if she is doing well, and delete it word by word when sending it..."

Tian Xiaosheng quickly took out a small notebook to record.

Well said, their stubbornness in the story is very similar to everyone back then.Too stubborn, always loves to take the initiative in the relationship, thinking that the one who is soft first will lose miserably in the end.

Chen Ziang continued: "Meng Yun wanted to be soft, but felt that during the six years we were together, every time we quarreled, he was the one giving in and begging for peace. This time, he didn't want to do this again. The last time, he lost her forever .If Lin Jia or Meng Yun could let go of a bit of self-esteem and confess their hearts. But the reality is dragging on, and they are holding on. A broken relationship will never be the same as it was before. Everything is changing and lost. Don't pick up things, don't inquire about the scenery you pass by, and don't pester those who have lost. Let's leave if you say goodbye!"

As Chen Ziang spoke, Tian Xiaosheng felt that he saw a gradually clear and complete story.

Yu Fei and Ding Dian, two people who seem to want to break up, are actually just seeking peace in a roundabout way.Yu Fei kept giving in, and Ding Dian was always acting like a baby.She will ask, what part of you do I have.He will say, how many things have you kept from me.

While listening to the story, Tian Xiaosheng was also silent and thinking.

He seemed to see life, all love.

There are always various reasons why two people in love quarrel.But all the starting points are because of caring, you are mine, you can only be mine alone.

When two people quarrel, if one side gives up and admits defeat, acting coquettishly and playing foolishly, it might be fine.

"After all, there is a perfect one." Tian Xiaosheng sighed suddenly.

In the story, Yu Fei and Ding Dian are destined not to break up. After they broke up, they met several times, and they were liquidating, and then counting and counting, they even went to the bed in the hotel.They may be so lingering, until the gray hair.

If you compare, Meng Yun's love for Lin Jia will not be any less than Yu Fei's love, caring, caring, and any kind of emotion will not be less.

Later, the young girl who appeared next to Meng Yun was named Wang Zi.She is very similar to Lin Jia, Lin Jia when she was young.When Wang Zi cried and asked Meng Yun: The more you love me, I feel that you are the compensation for Lin Jia. If you can say I love you when you are turning a corner, I will turn around and run to you.

Meng Yun didn't open his mouth, and he also knew that what he did was unfair to Lin Zi, but he just loved Lin Jia's shadow and entrusted his feelings.

But everything has changed. There is no regret medicine in life, and there is also no undo button. We cannot start over.

Miss it, miss it.

Meng Yun's medicine was not delivered, but his old classmate had already sent Lin Jia to the hospital.Lin Jia got into the taxi with the support of his old classmate, all he could see was the back.

Knowing that Wang Zi was looking for Lin Jia, Meng Yun ran to Lin Jia's house late at night, only to see a pair of women's shoes and a pair of men's leather shoes at the door, and her old classmate was at her house.

The only connection they had since they broke up was two retracted voice calls he made while drunk.

Treating an ex, hating to the bone and loving and killing will never make sense.

The best way to do this is: you never want to make her regret, you want her to be happy, just like you.

Don't lie if you can't call it love, just like it a little bit, don't say you hate it, don't get entangled, don't pretend to sigh, just think that I am too troublesome to keep hurting myself, I tell myself that's how my feelings are.

Lin Jia and Meng Yun were walking, but they still got separated.

Listening to Chen Ziang's series of stories, Tian Xiaosheng suddenly asked: "Mr. Chen, you don't know the stalk of Supreme Treasure in it, are you a bit confused?"

Chen Ziang nodded: "Take it as an advertisement, and we will know about it later."

The lines of Lin Jia and Meng Yun came to Tian Xiaosheng's mind.

Lin Jia: "What if you don't want me?"

Meng Yun: "Then I'll go to the busiest street and shout 'Lin Jia I love you' a hundred times like a supreme treasure."

Meng Yun: "Then what if you don't want me?"

Lin Jia: "Then I will eat mangoes until I die."

In the end, Meng Yun put on the golden hoop and pretended to be Supreme Treasure, shouting hysterically over and over again in the bustling street, I really love you.

In the end, regardless of her allergies, Lin Jia suppressed the pain and itch, and ate mangoes one by one, one after another. I really gave up.

The entanglement between the two after they broke up continued until the last moment of the movie.

In fact, two people are reluctant to leave each other, but they are willing to let go only after their heartache is enough.

Tian Xiaosheng asked: "Mr. Chen, what do you think is the best way to get along with your ex?"

Chen Ziang thought for a while, and said, "Probably, the two of you can sit together again. I'm glad to see that the other party has become a person worthy of admiration and respect because of my departure. This way, the love is not in vain."

Tian Xiaosheng nodded silently, what he said was really good, the reason why many people's feelings are so entangled is actually because the breakup was not good.Breaking up really needs to be decent.

At the end of many sad stories, there are only two sentences: you will not go, he will not come.He is gone, you are lost.

Now that you've lost everything, don't cry anymore.

If the relationship ends inexplicably,

If the story, without warning, is not complete,

If separated, heart-piercing will not help.

Then don't cry, goodbye ex, never again.

Cherish the person in front of you, and strive to make the next love, no breakup, no cold war, no temptation.

Tian Xiaosheng sighed: "In love, we are using each other's youth to teach each other to grow. If the person who is with each other in the end is not the original person, then breaking up is the last lesson that both parties teach each other."

He felt a little blocked, thinking of his ex, who accompanied her from youth to maturity, but the person who accompanied her in the end was not him...
Growth is a very painful word, you may not get it, but you will definitely lose it.

When I was young, I didn't know love, timid and sensitive.I met someone who loved me, but I missed her kindness and didn't cherish it.

How many people have watched the person they like leave, and spent most of their lives regretting it.

Those ridiculous past events, those painful feelings, those people who appeared and disappeared in life.

They influenced him, molded him, perfected him.

When you are in love, you must know how to cherish; after you break up, don't continue to entangle.

No matter how you break up, break up is break up, don't go back.

At this time, each other has their own lives, so stop disturbing each other.

In many cases, when dealing with an ex, what is needed is fulfillment.Not possession, not hate.During those long years, both of them loved deeply and snuggled together for warmth.One difference and two widths, everyone is happy.

Tian Xiaosheng was inexplicably melancholy, his ex was the most familiar stranger, although there was still a chance to meet again, but it must be the opposite.

Probably all the people who broke up did not have the courage to face the reasons for the separation at that time. One sentence is inappropriate, or forget it can be called the best explanation for the past.

People don't have the courage to be caught in the gap of displeasure on both sides, and they don't even have the courage to face all kinds of guards and suspicions. Therefore, it will fade away as they walk, and I hope everyone is safe.

The two broke up because one thought they would not leave and the other thought they would stay.What are you waiting for?Wait for the other party to let go first.

The so-called inappropriateness is an excuse.

We all want a new start, a new life.

At different stages of life, different people will stay.Some people will always come and some people will always leave.

Love should be like that sentence in the movie: When you break up, you have to say goodbye.To break up decently is to let the other party go and fulfill yourself.

The ending of the movie is perhaps the best ending:

Where is the debt, I dare to give and dare to break my heart.

To leave decently is to live up to these years.

Regardless of the ending, I am very grateful to have met.

I loved you, neatly and simply.

Goodbye, never miss to meet.


That's right, the movie Tian Xiaosheng wanted to make was "Predecessor 3" from his previous life.

Originally, Chen Ziang didn't intend to add a "3", but because of Li Yibai, he asked to add it.

In the previous life, "Predecessor 3" seemed to drop a tear gas bomb in the crowd, causing countless people to cry and fall to the cinema.

At the end of the movie, the women cried until they were in tears, crying until they were at the top of their lungs.

One by one, I saw my own story in the movie.

Things are people and nothing is done, and tears shed first.

Love has always been an unreasonable thing, making people irrational and unable to control themselves.

At the moment when the audience let their tears flow wantonly in front of the screen, various benefits of the ex flashed before their eyes one by one.

"I feel that this movie hits people's weaknesses too much, what should I do if it causes bad effects?" Tian Xiaosheng asked.

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "Actually, the movie itself is just to tell people: don't do it, talk about things, cherish the present, and have nothing to do with the ex. It's easy to get together and good to go. It contains all the tolerance and relief of human beings. If you can't let go, you can pretend to let go." , Give a smiling face and never see each other again. No matter what the reason is for breaking off the relationship, it is the best ending to say goodbye in a dignified way... as long as you can capture this theme."

Just as Chen Ziang was visiting the set and stepping on Tian Xiaosheng's set, a phone call came.

When he saw it, it belonged to Fang Xudong.

At this time, Fang Xudong called. Needless to say, the ratings of "Super Girl" and "The Voice of China" came out.

"Hello, Brother Fang." Chen Ziang answered the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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