The superstar is here

Chapter 672 Who cares who is who

Chapter 672 Who cares who is who

The confrontation between "Super Girl" and "The Voice of China" has the same significance to ordinary people as the confrontation between various satellite TV variety shows. It is commonplace and nothing to pay attention to.

But for more experienced netizens, it is a little different.

They are looking for fun and sustenance in life, both material and spiritual.

This time, just like the first battle after Boyu Productions moved to the battlefield, it attracted much attention from them.

Even, some netizens paid more attention to this time.

Because the opponents and platforms that Bo Yu Productions faced in the past were not as strong as this time.

Although in the past, Boyu Productions had a difficult battle for ratings after switching to the platform, it was not as difficult this time.

First of all, "Super Girl" is not only a phenomenon-level program, but also a milestone program that has been crowned as a grassroots music talent show both inside and outside the industry. It has a very wide audience and is deeply loved by young audiences.

Secondly, the Sanxiang Satellite TV platform has been the country's No. [-] satellite TV platform in the past few years. Last year, it even won the annual ratings champion, and CCTV was squeezed out of the throne.

Since then, Sanxiang Satellite TV has become the veritable number one satellite TV in the country.

This time, the opponent of Bo Yu's production is the No. [-] satellite TV in the country.

And Zhejiang Satellite TV, which Bo Yu produced this time, only ranked No.5 in the national TV channel's ratings last year.

No.1 is Sanxiang Satellite TV, No.2 is CCTV, No.3 is Dragon TV...

The fifth platform wants to challenge the first platform, the difficulty can be imagined.

Sanxiang Satellite TV is now like a brand, a big IP, just like some platinum writers or great writers in the online novel world, must their books be good-looking?
That's wrong, very wrong, many non-platinum or non-master authors write much better than them, but their subscriptions, manuscript fees, adaptations, etc. are not at the same level as platinum or masters.

Because Platinum and Dashen are brands and IPs, their value cannot be compared with that of ordinary authors.

As a result, many TV viewers now like to watch Sanxiang Satellite TV when they turn on the TV, because there are too many channels, they have no choice, and they are too lazy to watch any good programs.

As a result, even the staff and guests of "The Voice of China" produced by Boyu and Zhejiang Satellite TV felt that if the ratings of "The Voice of China" lost to Sanxiang Satellite TV's "Super Girl", it would be perfectly normal .

Although he thought it was normal, after the first episode of "The Voice of China" was broadcast, Niu Wanli still couldn't sleep all night.

This is the first battle of Boyu Productions after entering Zhejiang Satellite TV.

The previous battle of "Tian Long Ba Bu" was on the side of the film and television center, and it had nothing to do with Niu Wanli.

Winning or losing doesn't matter to Niu Wanli.

This time the showdown between "The Voice of China" and "Super Girl" is different for him.

This is his battle in the variety department.

The program planning and execution basically have nothing to do with him, but he is the boss of Zhejiang Satellite TV's Variety Department.

For Boyu Productions, this is just a sigh of relief, an honor.

But for Niu Wanli, it is a future.

The team of Fang Xudong produced by Boyu also tossed and turned that night, tossing and turning, and it was difficult to sleep.

When Sanxiang Satellite TV provided a platform for Boyu to produce Blood Blade Youzhou Satellite TV, it didn't seem so rare. It seemed that Sanxiang Satellite TV didn't care whether Boyu's production went to Sanxiang Satellite TV or not.

After weighing several platforms, Boyu Productions finally chose the Sanxiang Satellite TV platform that was most conducive to helping them defeat Youzhou Satellite TV's "The Masked Singer".

What made Boyu Productions angry was that they had just entered Sanxiang Satellite TV not long ago, knowing that they were eager to defeat Youzhou Satellite TV's "Masked Singer" Sanxiang Satellite TV, and soon showed their domineering side, disregarding the contract and the gentleman's agreement, and backtracking , Threatening Boyu to make it.

For example, Sanxiang Satellite TV wants to violate the rules and let their newcomers appear on the stage of "I Am a Singer".

Boyu Productions has set the rules long ago. This is the stage for famous singers. Except for Boyu Entertainment's own singers, let alone newcomers, even singers who have debuted for two or three years and have reached second-tier popularity, the "I Am a Singer" program does not consider it.

The consideration is also considering those old singers who debuted for many years, who have been on the first line, surpassed the first line, and then fell to the second and third line.

On the eve of the war, at the beginning of the war, Sanxiang Satellite TV took the opportunity to blackmail Boyu into producing it, which made Fang Xudong's team very aggrieved.

If it is not agreed, even if "I Am a Singer" can be recorded and broadcast as scheduled, at least the file will be changed, making the outside world think that Bo Yu's production is afraid of Youzhou Satellite TV and "The Masked Singer".

This is something that Fang Xudong's team cannot tolerate.

Fang Xudong's team left Youzhou Satellite TV just for "I Am a Singer".

As a result, "I Am a Singer" and Youzhou Satellite TV's "The Masked Singer" are not allowed to fight head-on. For them, it is a lifetime regret.

Even if he lost, he didn't avoid the war like this.

At the beginning, out of desperation, Chen Ziang took out the "Super Girl" program and cooperated with Sanxiang Satellite TV, and Sanxiang Satellite TV let go of "I Am a Singer" program and no longer made up his mind.

I thought that this way, we could live in peace, but I didn’t expect that after knowing that Boyu Entertainment blocked Huanya and Tianshui, Sanxiang Satellite TV, an ally, was doing the same thing, but he was stabbing in the back.

So, things naturally developed to the present, and Boyu Productions withdrew from Sanxiang Satellite TV and went to Zhejiang Satellite TV.

In fact, almost everyone did not know that Chen Ziang had already planned everything.

According to Boyu, this year he will definitely leave Sanxiang Satellite TV and go to Zhejiang Satellite TV.

For "Legend of the White Snake", he prepared meticulously.

Boyu Productions has spent more than a year at Sanxiang Satellite TV, and it's not that he has gained nothing.

On the contrary, the gain is the greatest.

It allows Boyu Productions to gain a foothold and become famous inside and outside the circle.

Platforms make great gods.

Sanxiang Satellite TV is by far the best platform in the country.

Because CCTV is the national media window and represents the country, it has a heavy responsibility and it is impossible to commercialize it. Many programs have no room for development and are too restricted.

As a result, CCTV does not count as a bug in the news network. Except for programs such as the Spring Festival Gala and China Love, other programs are not as good as second-rate satellite TV.

Even now, Chen Ziang's China Love program was said to be too extravagant and wasteful. It started last year and was forced to cancel it, and it will never be seen again.

In the more than a year since he entered Sanxiang Satellite TV, Bo Yu was aggrieved in production, but he also completed his transformation and achieved the highest status.

So even if you leave Sanxiang Satellite TV, like the supreme platinum in the Internet literary world, you will bring a large number of fans to the next platform.

The long dark night will pass, and a new day will always come.

The morning after the first episodes of "Super Girl" and "The Voice of China" aired, countless people were waiting for the announcement of the ratings.

"Oh, I watched "Supergirl" last night. It was very powerful. I don't think I need to say more about the ending. "Supergirl" must win."

"Tch, I don't need to watch "Supergirl", I only watch "The Voice of China", and I don't want to say too much about the ending, "The Voice of China" must win."

"I watched "Super Girl" on the TV series first, and then watched the video of "The Voice of China" that came out on the Internet after the TV broadcast. I have to say that "The Voice of China" is more attractive. The instructor listens to the song with his back to the contestants Listen to the sound, then turn around, this link is too novel and exciting."

"I first watched "The Voice of China" on TV, and then watched the video of "Super Girl" on the Internet. I want to say that "Super Girl" is boring."

"Without contrast, there is no harm."

"Haha, after eating cantaloupe and eating other fruits, I must feel that the taste is very bland."

"I've watched both, and "The Voice of China" is even better. Let me state that I was a fan of "Supergirl" before."

"The Voice of China is indeed more beautiful, and the lineup of mentors is stronger than the lineup of judges of "Supergirl"."

"Although "The Voice of China" is more attractive, but this is the first episode of the first season, and "Super Girl" has been popular for a season, and there are many viewers waiting for the second season of "Super Girl". So, the ratings... It's hard to say .”

"Yes, good quality is not everything. After all, "The Voice of China" has no background, and "Super Girl" has accumulated a season of background, which is worrying."

"The Voice of China is a good program, a conscientious program, and the contestants are all overseas Chinese. This is a grassroots program for Chinese people around the world."

"Even if we lose in the first episode, I'm not afraid. As long as we continue to maintain this quality, in the second, third, and every subsequent episode, "Supergirl" will definitely lose."

"I bet on Supergirl!"

"I bet "The Voice of China" will win!"


Netizens discuss in various forums, social networking sites and other places.

Even on weekends, there is no shortage of people online.

Especially after many forums and social networking sites have released apps, it is very convenient for mobile phone users. They can chat online anytime, anywhere without squatting in front of the computer.

Walking in the street, eating, squatting in the can also surf the Internet.

There are often some netizens chatting on the Internet, one side is eating delicious food, and the other side is pulling stinky excrement and urine.

"Haha, when I was shopping just now, I saw a stunning beauty, with long white legs, tender skin, and an alluring face... Now that I think about it, I feel even more attractive when I eat the delicious food in front of me." Appetite, I feel like I can have another table. By the way, what are you doing?" A netizen who eats mouth-watering food, full of color, fragrance and taste, asked a friend over there, and sent a photo of a table of food.

"So happy. I haven't seen an amazing beauty for a long time. Is it because I'm getting old and have fewer and fewer erotic dreams. This table of delicious food... By the way, I can't tell you why I'm doing it. "The netizen squatting in the pit typed to the netizen over there.

"Oh? Hehe, I understand. What are you talking about when you are old, are you messing with your sister-in-law?" asked the netizen who had dinner with malicious intentions.

"Nothing." The squatting netizen replied.

"Then tell me, what are you doing?"

"You really want to know?"

"Come on, take some pictures."

"Okay, you wait."

Not long after, the netizen who was eating a delicious meal saw the photo sent by the other side.

One by one, golden or dark things were floating in the pit water, and a gust of wind blew in his face, almost spitting out the food in his stomach.

In the future of the Internet, everything is possible.

Ending friends is also a possibility.

This early in the morning, when the team of "The Voice of China" produced by Bo Yu was recording "The Voice of China" in the Tsinghua University Gymnasium, everyone was a little absent-minded and couldn't fully devote themselves to the work, because everyone was waiting for last night's ratings rate results announced.

The team of Sanxiang Satellite TV's "Super Girl" program group was also a little uneasy when they were recording the program.

Before last night, they weren't that worried.

However, anyone who watched "The Voice of China" later began to feel frightened.

The highlights and quality of "The Voice of China" are indeed very dazzling. No matter how you look at it, you will feel that "Super Girl" is slightly inferior.

Wang Dan and Ma Lan, the chief director of "Supergirl", seemed much calmer.

They have great confidence in Sanxiang Satellite TV.

It all depends on the peers!

Since last year, Sanxiang Satellite TV has dominated the national TV stations.

Look at Zhejiang Satellite TV at the time, the food looks too ugly, it scared Boyu production away.

Youzhou Satellite TV's food is not much better, too arrogant and short-sighted, so that it handed over its core variety show production team to Boyu Productions to make Boyu Productions fat.

As for Sujiang Satellite TV, they are too petty and have no responsibility. They were afraid of wolves and tigers in the past, and did not dare to accept Bo Yu's "I Am a Singer" program to compete with Youzhou Satellite TV.

Only Sanxiang Satellite TV, in this chaotic world, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, got mixed up in the position of the first TV station.

"We are number one in the industry, with the largest audience base." Wang Dan's eyes were sharp.

"The Voice of China is really good, but if we want to catch up with our "Supergirl" ratings, I'm afraid it won't work this season." Ma Lan is also very confident.

In all aspects, in theory, it is impossible for "The Voice of China" to surpass the popular "Super Girl" in the first season.

Barring a miracle.

"If a miracle happens so easily, it is not a miracle." Wang Dan is more and more convinced of the victory of "Supergirl".

"I have to admire Boyu's production, which can take the grassroots music talent show to a higher level." Ma Lan admires Boyu's production from the bottom of her heart, but she is very confident in this season's showdown.

People in the industry are amazed at the appearance of "The Voice of China".

"Super Girl" has been considered the pinnacle of grassroots music talent shows. Everyone originally believed that there would be no better grassroots music talent shows for at least five years.

Unexpectedly, another grassroots music talent show that subverts everyone's outlook on life will come out in the second year, which is even more awesome than "Supergirl".

"Even if we lose the ratings battle in the first episode, "The Voice of China" will easily catch up in the next few episodes."

"I don't think there is a 50.00% chance that the ratings of "The Voice of China" will catch up with "Supergirl" this season."

"so little?"

"I'm sure, and I don't care what platform Sanxiang Satellite TV is."

"That's right, let's look at the popularity of "Supergirl", the background is too rich."


Compared with Sanxiang Satellite TV's "Super Girl", the industry is not very optimistic about the ratings of Zhejiang Satellite TV's "The Voice of China" this season.

In the first phase of the battle, fewer people are optimistic about the ratings of "The Voice of China".

No matter what people think inside or outside the circle, the ratings will be announced as scheduled, as usual, if it is not a Chinese New Year holiday.

As soon as the audience rating data came out, after seeing it, Sanxiang Satellite TV was shocked, Zhejiang Satellite TV was shocked, Boyu Production was shocked, netizens were shocked, people inside and outside the industry were shocked...

After receiving Fang Xudong's ratings data and ranking phone report, Chen Ziang was about to put away his phone when the phone suddenly called again.

Seeing the caller ID, he cleared his throat, connected the phone, and then his voice became very low: "Hello."

"Hey, who are you?" A little girl's voice sounded from over there.

"Who dares to ask who I am?"

"Me! I ask who are you?"

"Who do you care about me?"

"I don't care who you are!"

"Then I have to ask who are you?"

"Don't ask who I am, just who are you?"

"Why do you ask who I am?"

"I must ask who you are!"

"Why should I tell you who I am?"

"I want to know who I killed!"

"Hey! Who are you?"

"Hey, who the hell are you?"

"I don't want to say who I am!"

"Then don't ask who I am! Take your life!"


I was always accused of copying before, but this time I can tell you with confidence that all I copied were Xinhua dictionaries, and I have a clear conscience.

Then, someone must have said water again.

Cough, let me tell you, I am not in the water, I am just reasoning with you.

(End of this chapter)

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