The superstar is here

Chapter 676 Sniped

Chapter 676 Sniped
After Chen's father and Chen's mother discussed with Guan's mother, they returned to Lin'an on the third day and began to prepare for the wedding of Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong.

Guan Xinxin also went to Lin'an to take office.

According to her, her position is not so busy, it is still deputy.

When Guan Xinxin arrived in Lin'an, "Legend of the White Snake" was finally ready to be broadcast.

As early as half a month ago, Zhejiang Satellite TV began to release the trailer of "Legend of the White Snake".

What worried the crew of "The Legend of the White Snake" was that Sanxiang Satellite TV's "Super Girl" was defeated by Zhejiang Satellite TV's "The Voice of China".

As a result, Sanxiang Satellite TV held a grudge, and found Huanya and Tianshui after learning the broadcast date of "Legend of the White Snake".

After the three parties discussed together, they went to find another film and television company.

Finally, Sanxiang Satellite TV introduced a magical TV series called "Snow Fox", which was used to compete with Zhejiang Satellite TV's "Legend of the White Snake".

Although the two sides are not fighting, but some netizens took a closer look.

Let me go, they are all magical TV series, and they are still broadcast at the same time and at the same time.

Obviously, the two sides are on the bar!
"Is the fox better or the snake better?"

"The two are usually well water but not river water, I don't know."

"Sanxiang Satellite TV is out for revenge, haha."

""The Legend of the White Snake" was previewed first, and "Snow Fox" was a few days late, but it was fixed in one episode, isn't it a coincidence."

"Sure, revenge is coming."

"My "A Good Man Gets a Good Job" TV series, isn't it finished? Sanxiang Satellite TV is going to replace "A Good Man Gets a Good Job" and replace it with "Snow Fox"?"

"Sure, stop "A Good Man Gets Well". When the fox comes, all good people will be tricked to death."

"The plot preview of "Snow Fox", is the fox incarnate?"

"It is said that it does not transform, but the White Snake cultivates into a true fruit, transforms into a human body, walks the world, and starts a fantastic journey."

"I like cute pets."

"Oh, I really want to raise a cute pet, the snow fox is so beautiful and cute."


"Snow Fox" and "Legend of the White Snake" both have trailers, and netizens love each other.

The snow fox's pure white and cute appearance has captured the hearts of many viewers.

But the fairy spirit of the White Snake, with a hint of strangeness, also surprised many viewers.

Zhao Ya was just an ordinary actor, she was not famous before this, and she didn't have many fans.

But when the trailer of "Legend of the White Snake" came out, many viewers were amazed.

There is such a beautiful woman in the world, her temperament is unique.

It is said that she has a fairy spirit, but there is still a trace of a monster in her eyes.

The same body of immortals and demons!

This kind of strange woman is rare in the world.

Huanya was a little shocked after seeing the trailer of "Legend of the White Snake".

Zhao Ya was born for "Legend of the White Snake".

No wonder Chen Ziang was so angry that he became a beauty at the beginning.

Zhao Ya wanted to take on the role of "The Legend of the White Snake", but Huanya disagreed, which led Zhao Ya and Huanya to terminate the contract.

Terminating the contract would be a huge loss for Zhao Ya, and her entire family would be ruined.

Chen Ziang couldn't stand it anymore and ordered Huanya to be banned.

"MMP, what is this?" Wu Renzhi and Nie Yunshan felt aggrieved when they thought about it.

Back then, if Zhao Ya was willing to be more obedient, or if Boyu Entertainment was willing to personally speak and use the resources produced by Boyu to mediate, Zhao Ya would not be hurt so deeply even if she terminated the contract.

Isn't it just one role? Just accept it.

Although Huanya cheated Zhao Ya of more than 1000 million yuan in compensation, in the past year, Boyu Entertainment blocked Huanya, how much money did Huanya actually and virtually lose?

More than 1000 million, even [-] million is not enough.

"Looking at the trailer alone, Zhao Ya is indeed the most suitable to play the role of The White Lady." Nie Yunshan said pertinently.

Wu Renzhi's egg hurts, like killing a chicken to get its eggs, picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

Zhao Ya may become a blockbuster in the drama "Legend of the White Snake".

At that time, the value of popular female roles will rise, and they will be able to earn tens of millions for Huanya at least a year.

For these more than 1000 million, hundreds of millions of income in the next few years will be lost.

"Why is the crew of "Legend of the White Snake" so discerning?" Nie Yunshan wondered, she didn't dare to think too big, she only thought that Zhao Ya might be popular, but it wouldn't go anywhere.

Even if she just thought so, she still felt that the "Legend of the White Snake" crew was able to find the unknown Zhao Ya, and their vision was really vicious.

"I heard that Chen Ziang met her by chance and invited her. When she came back, she told her agent about it. She was very rare for this announcement..." Wu Renzhi said a little depressed.

"No matter how good "The Legend of the White Snake" is, it is not as good as "Snow Fox" directed by An Lushan. I heard that An Lushan spent a lot of effort, and it took two years to complete it. Before and after the shooting of "The Legend of the White Snake", it was less than a year." .” Nie Yunshan said.

The director of "Snow Fox" is An Lushan, one of Li Longji's deadly rivals.

Li Longji was alarmed when he learned that An Lushan's TV series was going to save face for Sanxiang Satellite TV.

He ran out from Li Qiuting's crew and went back to Youzhou to find Chen Ziang.

This is more than a week after the trailer of "Snow Fox" came out.

At this time, Chen Ziang had returned to Lin'an with Guan Tongtong.

Li Longji didn't expect that Chen Ziang was not in Youzhou and ran back to his hometown, so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Why did you run back to your hometown?" Li Longji had no choice but to call Chen Ziang, who originally wanted to talk to Chen Ziang face to face.

He really wants to compete with the rival TV series, but this is not something he can decide.

What's more, he hasn't accepted a job to direct recently. In a year or two, he probably still has no hope of fighting against An Lushan.

This time, Chen Ziang's "Legend of the White Snake" and An Lushan's "Snow Fox" faced off head-on, and Li Longji's blood was boiling.

The relationship between him and Chen Ziang is not harmonious, but they are like-minded people.

As for An Lushan and Shi Siming, Li Longji felt that they were great enemies in the previous life and could not be adjusted.

Chen Ziang's "Legend of the White Snake" is going to compete with An Lushan's "Snow Fox", Li Longji is of course on Chen Ziang's side.

As if he was fighting An Lushan.

"I'm going back to my hometown to hold a wedding with my wife, what's wrong?" Chen Ziang asked Li Longji on the phone.

Li Longji was taken aback: "A wedding?"

"That's right, it's been more than a year since I got the certificate. It's time for the wedding, lest my wife run away and I won't cry." Chen Ziang said with a smile.

Guan Tongtong, who was beside him, looked at him with a smile, and ate by himself without making a sound.

After being pregnant with the baby, Guan Tongtong found that her appetite started to increase, and she was very lethargic, wishing to sleep for more than [-] hours a day.

"It's really time to hold the wedding, lest people think you don't care about them." Li Longji said honestly, not taking Chen Ziang's words seriously.

This little guy never told the truth, Li Longji knew it well.

He said that he was afraid that other girls would run away, probably because the other girls were afraid that the little guy would run away.

The fact is true, Guan Tongtong is pregnant, if Chen Ziang wants to run away now, not only Guan Tongtong, but Guan's family will not agree.

Chen Ziang was about to say something, but Li Longji spoke again, very angry: "Why are you holding a wedding, and you don't intend to send me an invitation?"

Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed, and said, "My wife's natal family does not allow people from the circle to be invited."

Li Longji couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid there are too many reporters."

Chen Ziang muttered, he was afraid of a ball, so he rolled as much as he wanted, and the old man of the Guan family would be there.

The Guan family just wanted to keep a low profile, otherwise some people would not dare to speak out when they saw it, let alone publish the news, but the impact would not be good.

"You also know that reporters are troublesome. My wife's natal family is an official." Chen Ziang explained.

Li Longji was taken aback: "An official?"

"Hmm." Chen Ziang only revealed this point, and didn't say any more.

"Let me just say, I've seen that girl before. She is a lady, she is reasonable, decent and generous. You can tell that she is of extraordinary background at a glance. You can do it." Li Longji smiled, no longer entangled in the fact that Chen Ziang didn't plan to invite him to a wedding .

"Normally, the main thing is to seize the opportunity. I also took advantage of my wife's inexperience in relationships when she was young, and I had a heart of Chicheng, and then coaxed and lied to catch up. When she came back to her senses Come on, we've all gotten married and obtained a certificate." Chen Ziang said with a smile.

Guan Tongtong lay down on the sofa after eating snacks, feeling drowsy.

"Don't talk..." Li Longji was about to speak.

Chen Ziang made another sound, apologetically saying: "Director Li, the banquet here in my hometown is not good. I invite you to come. I will make up for it when I return to Youzhou."

"Okay, red envelopes are indispensable for you." Li Longji turned to the topic: "Snow Fox will be broadcast at the same time as your "Legend of the White Snake", you know that."

"I know." Chen Ziang wondered why Li Longji cared about this matter.

"Do you know who the director of "Snow Fox" is?" Li Longji asked.

"I don't know. I don't have the leisure time to pay attention to this. Knowing that "Snow Fox" is going to attack our "Legend of the White Snake", I'm already giving them face." Chen Ziang laughed.

Li Longji was speechless.

This is very similar to Chen Ziang's character.

He will filter out a lot of irrelevant information and never pay attention to it.

"An Lushan, you know that, right?" Li Longji said helplessly.

Chen Ziang nodded: "I know, isn't it your former enemy."

Li Longji thought it was Chen Ziang's teasing, so he didn't care.

"The director of "Snow Fox" is An Lushan." Li Longji said.

Chen Ziang was taken aback: "Fuck, why did An Lushan come to beat me, shouldn't he beat you?"

An Lushan is more famous in the director circle than Li Longji.

Director Li Longji's works have mixed reputation and reputation. The good ones can be compared with the works of master directors like An Lushan and Shi Siming. Whether it is the ratings, commercial value, or artistic value created, they are comparable or even better.

But Li Longji has such a shortcoming, he is easy to drift.

Once there is a good work, the next one will basically rush.

Shi Siming and An Lushan played steadily, not as obvious as Li Longji's weakness.

"I want to fight too, but I don't have this chance." Li Longji said depressedly.

In the past, he, An Lushan, and Shi Siming's film and television works were only broadcast in the same year, and Chen Ziang and An Lushan had never had a fight like this.

This involves too many things, it is inconvenient to operate, and it is impossible for capitalists and TV stations to make special arrangements.

"Come, come, come to our Boyu Entertainment, and sooner or later we will let you fight An Lushan." Chen Ziang laughed.

Li Longji was really moved.

Using "The Legend of Condor Heroes" to attract him is not so attractive.

"This kind of thing is not a joke, can you fight if you want?" Li Longji regretted.

"Why not?" Chen Ziang said seriously, "At least for the next two years, Zhejiang Satellite TV will definitely support us, Boyu Entertainment. They will be happy to accept our little request."

Li Longji was itchy and asked, "Can I shoot "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?"

"Of course, if you come to Boyu Entertainment, I can leave it to you at any time." Chen Ziang said.

Li Longji was a little entangled, and he was a little embarrassed to ask him to leave Tianshui on his own initiative.

Seeing that Li Longji was so entangled, Chen Ziang hoped that Li Longji would come over.

To be honest, with Chen Ziang's current connections, it's only a matter of minutes before he wants to attract investment.

The business expansion of Shi Zifeng Technology is a bit big and a bit too much, but some funds have been drawn out.

Even without relying on Shi Zifeng's technology, someone from the Guan family can pay the bill.

Ning Xiaojia, the Dai's family, raised an investment of tens of millions, and it was a matter of minutes.

Boyu Entertainment is not short of money now, what is short of is talent.

If it weren't for Li Qiuting's connections, it would have been difficult for Boyu Film and Television to recruit a crew.

But now, relying on Zhang Baoying and Beiying, it is not difficult for the two crews to start work at the same time.

Now Boyu Film and Television is preparing for the third crew, and Hao Jian is also going to make a movie.

"Can I help out as a laborer?" Li Longji asked Chen Ziang.

"Don't talk about it." Chen Ziang refused, Li Longji didn't come to Bo Yu for entertainment, so don't even think about filming "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Restricted by the contract, if Li Longji came to help direct "The Legend of Condor Heroes", Tianshui Film and Television has the right to participate in the shares.

This was why Chen Ziang was unwilling.

Why give money to the enemy.

Low risk, high reward, Chen Ziang is not a fool.

Of course, if it is said that Li Longji made "The Legend of Condor Heroes" must have made a lot of money, or did not lose money, then Chen Ziang dare not say.

It's just the size of the risk.

Many investors go crazy when they see low risk and high return.

Chen Ziang knew that the risk was low, so he naturally didn't want outsiders to participate.

"Then let me think about it again." Li Longji said depressedly.

Friendship belongs to friendship, and work still needs to be clearly distinguished.

After making the call, Li Longji stayed for a long time, only to realize that the purpose of the call had not been achieved.

He didn't even ask Chen Ziang if he was confident.

But thinking about it, he shook his head and knew it without asking.

Chen Ziang doesn't even pay attention to who his opponent is, so he must be very confident.

If you have too much confidence, don't be more disappointed when the time comes.

Li Longji wanted to remind Chen Ziang, but he couldn't think about it.

Young people, without encountering some setbacks, will not grow up.

Li Longji has seen the trailers of "Snow Fox" and "Legend of the White Snake".

If only from the preview, "Snow Fox" is more attractive.

The preview of "Legend of the White Snake" is obviously inferior.

An Lushan is famous, and the team is all veterans who have experienced battles. It is easy for them to make a few minutes' notice.

After Chen Ziang hung up the phone with Li Longji, he began to pay attention.

After carrying his wife back to the bed in the room and letting her sleep well, he went to the study to turn on the computer.

There is still some time before dinner, Chen Ziang is not worried that Guan Tongtong will not be able to sleep at night after sleeping too much during the day.

This girl has been lethargic recently, no matter how long she sleeps, she can fall asleep as soon as she lays down on the pillow.

in the study.

Chen Ziang watched the trailer of "Snow Fox".

"Oh, I underestimated the enemy."

(End of this chapter)

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