Chapter 677 Seeing Chang'an Flowers in One Day
For the trailer of "Legend of the White Snake", Boyu Film and Television did not pay much attention to it.

I put all my heart into post-production and special effects.

There are not many special effects in it, but they are all produced according to the specifications of blockbuster films.

At the beginning, both Li Qiuting and the producer strongly opposed it. It was too expensive. How could TV dramas do this.

But Chen Ziang insisted, paying for additional investment out of his own pocket, Li Qiuting and the others were speechless and didn't say anything more.

It made Li Qiuting think whether Chen Ziang and Zhao Ya were having an affair, otherwise why would they value this TV series so much and want to make it popular.

But thinking about when she was on the set, she often stayed with Chen Ziang in private, and rarely saw Chen Ziang and Zhao Ya in private contact, Li Qiuting didn't think she had an affair.

If she really had an affair, how could she not see a trace of it for several months.

In order to catch up with the summer schedule, and strive to have two broadcasts and three broadcasts in the summer schedule, after the post-production of "Legend of the White Snake" was completed, the trailer was released very quickly, and I didn't pay much attention to it.

So when compared with "Snow Fox", the trailer is indeed slightly inferior.

The plot of "Snow Fox" probably tells the story of a young man raising a wounded little fox as a dog and growing up together. Then the village encountered bandits entering the village, burning, killing and looting.

One person and one fox, warm and passionate.

"Anlu Mountain, well-deserved reputation." After watching the trailer several times, Chen Ziang admired it.

No wonder Li Longji was very aggrieved. Li Longji was an old guy whose strength was unstable. He was a first-rate master and a third-rate master. Of course, he couldn't hold his head up in front of An Lushan and Shi Siming, who were relatively stable.

One "Swordsman" made Li Longji hold his head high in front of An Lushan and Shi Siming, and the next "Dragon and Ba Bu" brought him back to his original form.

Originally, his "Dragon Babu" was not that bad, but he was used to compete with Boyu Film and Television's "Dragon Babu" and lost.

This time it looks bad.

One fire and one flutter, this curse cannot be shaken off Li Longji.

In Youzhou, Li Longji, who was about to rest, suddenly received a call.

He saw that it belonged to Anlu Mountain.

Seeing this call, Li Longji didn't want to answer it.

The two sides have enmity, but it is not the kind of jealousy to fight when they meet.

On the contrary, on the surface everyone is amiable.

Colleagues are enemies, and this sentence is more appropriate to describe the relationship between them.

"Hello." Li Longji answered the phone, but it seemed that he was too small-hearted if he didn't answer.

Immediately, there was another call that made Li Longji want to kill the other party: "Xiao Li."

Li Longji's face was gloomy. The name Xiao Li made him feel uncomfortable.

Li Longji was actually a little bit older than An Lushan, but he was very upset to be treated as a junior by the other party.

"Are you still asleep?" An Lushan's voice came from the other side, old and comfortable.

Sleeping with your sister, how can I answer your phone when I'm asleep?

"Get ready to sleep, what's the matter with calling?" Li Longji felt that An Lushan's calling must not be a good thing.

Sure enough, An Lushan said with a smile: "Xiao Li, our Anshi Li was known as the Three Musketeers back then. You were bullied at the beginning of the year, and the eldest brother came to avenge you."

Li Longji had a dark face. He was the oldest, but his seniority in the circle was younger than that of An Lushan and Shi Siming.

In the circle, seniority and heroes are not judged by age.

Qualifications are everything.

Li Longji sadly became the third child.

"Do you mean "Snow Fox" and "Legend of the White Snake"?" Li Longji asked, pinching his nose.

"That's right, children can be taught." An Lushan was old-fashioned, not polite at all, and completely regarded Li Longji as a junior.

The outside world said it was the Three Musketeers, and Li Longji was the third.

But everyone in the circle knows that Li Longji is not only the third child, but also the younger generation.

If you don't die, you won't die, which is vividly performed by Li Longji.

Li Longji was also upset. He didn't think that he would drift away after he succeeded in a work. He just wanted to go to the next level, and then boldly innovate, according to his own ideas, and abandon all mentality of serving the audience.

Art that considers the audience is trendy.

But the powerful are leading the trend.

It is the ultimate pursuit of artists to create a trend, to be followed by the circle and to be followed by the audience.

Li Longji wants to be that kind of artist.

It's a pity that it ends in failure every time, and the audience does not appreciate his transformation.

"Are you sure that your "Snow Fox" can beat "White Snake" in ratings?" Li Longji pinched his nose.

Although he also felt that An Lushan had a great chance of winning, Li Longji really didn't want to see An Lushan invincible.

"Don't you still believe in big brother?" An Lushan was a little dissatisfied. The Three Musketeers have loved and killed each other for decades.

Why is Li Longji still helping outsiders?
Hearing An Lushan's words, Li Longji wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute, and felt aggrieved.

The big brother who farts, he just pretends to be himself. He Li Longji doesn't admit it, but it's hard to refute it.

"Let's talk about it after it's aired." Li Longji didn't want to talk to An Lushan, and it's not easy to turn his face. Everyone has been in tacit understanding for so many years, and it belongs to mutual competition, which is benign.

An Lushan and Shi Siming are really powerful, mainly because Li Longji can't understand that they regard themselves as big brothers, second brothers or elders.

"You wait, brother, I will avenge you." An Lushan laughed and hung up the phone.

Li Longji didn't feel sleepy at all.

mmp, this guy deliberately called before going to bed, he didn't want him to have a good rest, right?

Not long after, Li Longji's phone rang again.

At first glance, Li Longji's face turned red instantly.

It's Shi Siming's call.

What the hell, these two old boys are trying to trick him on purpose.

Can you take it?
You can lose your grades, but you can't lose your tolerance.

Li Longji finally accepted.

"The third child." Shi Siming called out very naturally, and didn't think it was wrong at all.

Li Longji couldn't bear it any longer: "Fart your fart!"

Shi Siming was puzzled: "Why are you so angry? Who messed with you?"

Li Longji was at a loss for words, and said for a while, "I'm already asleep, what a fucking phone call."

Shi Siming was skeptical, and said a little guilty: "I'm sorry, I thought that after Lao An finished calling you, you would definitely not be able to fall asleep."

Li Longji felt tight in his chest.

Anlu Mountain!
This old guy must have just told Shi Siming about the phone call between the two just now.

Maybe these two old things are drinking together.

Li Longji didn't ask, anyway, he was a little misfired.

These two knew him best.

He also knows the two of them best.

Shi Siming has a dark belly and often pretends to be innocent.

In fact, the heart is the worst.

At this time, which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

"Why can't I sleep? I just dreamed that Lao An's "Snow Fox" couldn't match the ratings of "The Legend of the White Snake". I laughed to death. Haha." Li Longji laughed angrily.

Shi Siming smiled and said: "Third brother, you have no confidence in Lao An. Don't worry, Lao An will definitely avenge you if you take action, so don't worry."

Li Longji wanted to hang up the phone, who wants you to take revenge?
Have something to do with you guys?
But he didn't say anything, everyone was friendly and hypocritical.

"Then thank Lao An for me." Li Longji said with a smile.

"It's not like you don't have his phone. If you want to call to thank him, or buy him a drink in person, you can. Lao An must be free recently, and he needs to rest for a while." Shi Siming said.

How much Li Longji wanted "Legend of the White Snake" to win at this time.

Thinking of the two old faces of An Lushan and Shi Siming, he couldn't sleep or eat, and was very upset.

That night, Li Longji suffered from insomnia and fell asleep very late.

In the dream, he came to Chang'an.

In the prosperous and prosperous times, when Wan Chao came to worship, he saw a man who looked like himself riding a horse, and he saw all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.

Immediately, infinite loneliness filled his heart, prosperity must decline, and he seemed to see the withering after the prosperity ended.

Suddenly, he saw a figure in white, with his back turned away from him, and disappeared outside the white clouds.


As the day drew near, in mid-July, "Snow Fox" and "Legend of the White Snake" finally arrived on the airing day.

On this day, the Internet is very lively.

I don't know how it started, but rumors appeared on the Internet that Sanxiang Satellite TV wanted to take revenge and deliberately sniped "Legend of the White Snake".

Although Sanxiang Satellite TV, Zhejiang Satellite TV, and Boyu Film and Television did not say anything, it exploded on the Internet.

Just like "The Voice of China" doing "Super Girl", the three parties have never spoken, but netizens can see it.

Naturally, the insiders are also more aware that Sanxiang Satellite TV has obvious intentions and wants revenge.

"The Voice of China" is about to enter the finals, and the ratings are all the way to the top of "Super Girl", Sanxiang Satellite TV is aggrieved.

Hearing that "Super Run" is already being recorded and is preparing to take over "The Voice of China", Sanxiang Satellite TV is even more useless.

"Super Run" is too popular, and "The Voice of China" may not have so many viewers.

If such a program is broadcast, Sanxiang Satellite TV will take over the variety show "Super Girl", let alone it, it will definitely fail.

Although that program is also a phenomenon-level program of Sanxiang Satellite TV.

But you don't need to compare to know who is stronger and who is weaker.

You have to put in more effort to produce a phenomenal program.

The Variety Department of Sanxiang Satellite TV was very depressed.

But a phenomenon-level program, so easy to produce, is not a phenomenon-level program, but a trump card program, or an ordinary program.

Under the situation of being suppressed by Zhejiang Satellite TV, the film and television department of Sanxiang Satellite TV had to turn around desperately and introduce the TV series "Snow Fox", which can be called a big production.

After half a year of preparation and several months of filming, "Snow Fox" was not released until nearly a year later.

Sanxiang Satellite TV is very confident.

Not to mention An Lushan.

As soon as his TV series came out, all the TV series in the same period were eclipsed.

Just like "Swordsman" by Li Longji, one of the Three Musketeers, it also dimmed the TV series of the same period.

It's a pity that Li Longji's state was too unstable, and his next work "Dragon Ba Bu" failed.

But An Lushan is different. In the past ten years, he has already stabilized his realm.

"This is An Lushan's TV series. We have seen the sample, and we must be invincible." The people in the film and television department of Sanxiang Satellite TV are full of confidence.

"I've heard about the reputation of Anlu Mountain, and now our satellite TV can vent its anger." Although Wang Dan has never watched "Snow Fox", he is also full of confidence.

Just because it is the name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

An Shili and An Lushan are ranked first because he has the most seniority, the most outstanding works, and is also the most stable one.

After Li Longji's "Dragon Babu" was defeated, some people inside and outside the circle felt that Li Longji was not qualified to be included in the Three Musketeers.

This old guy is too unstable.

"Just wait and see, Zhejiang Satellite TV is being targeted, it's not easy." Wu Renzhi waited for eight o'clock in the evening.

Boyu Entertainment.

"Oh, Sanxiang Satellite TV did not hesitate to import An Lushan's TV series. I heard that the price is very high." Xu Jiahui was very worried. She grew up watching the TV series of The Three Musketeers, so she naturally knew An Lushan.

Facing An Lushan's works, she couldn't even have confidence in her own company's works.

"It's dangerous. Didn't the crew of "Snow Fox" say that the film will be set after the National Day, and it will start in the summer?" Chen Xi also has no confidence in "Legend of the White Snake".

Hao Ming, the actor who played Duan Yu and Xu Xian in tonight's "Legend of the White Snake", is more nervous than other artists.

"Hey, okay, why did you get targeted?" He was distressed.

"Dragon Babu" made him famous, but dissatisfaction is the upward wheel, who doesn't want to keep being popular?

If "Legend of the White Snake" makes him popular again, he will be completely promoted to the first-line niche.

At that time, the worth soared again.

When a popular actor makes a TV series or a movie, the money earned is beyond the reach of ordinary people in their lifetime.

No one will despise more money.

The first starring role is Zhao Ya.

She was also nervous at this time.

She always knew that Chen Ziang invested a lot in this TV series.

Whether it's energy or money, he poured it all out.

On the set, although Chen Ziang didn't have the name of a director, what he did was what the director did.

At the same time, he has a lot of demands on Zhao Ya. Before filming, he often tells her about the play himself.

After being hacked, he always told her patiently. Sometimes he didn't tell her what to do, but just explained the scene and interpreted the role.

After working so hard, Zhao Ya certainly hopes that the TV series "Legend of the White Snake" will become popular.

She didn't hesitate to lose her family and terminate the contract, isn't it just for this role?

It is her dream to make this role known to the world and to live forever.

As long as she has such a classic role in her life, she is content.

In the confrontation between "Snow Fox" and "Legend of the White Snake", she was under more pressure than anyone else.

She is simple, but not stupid.

Sanxiang Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV had such an incident, and the fuse was completely drawn out by her.

Because of her, Boyu Entertainment blocked Huanya, which caused some colleagues to stand in line, and Tianshui also fought with Boyu Entertainment.

Along the way, Sanxiang Satellite TV was also involved and got into a fight with Boyu Entertainment.

Up to now, Sanxiang Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV are fighting.

Sometimes Zhao Ya suspects that it's true that a beauty is a disaster, right?
But she was not sure.

Because she felt that her relationship with Chen Ziang was very ordinary.

There are no unspoken rules between her and Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang chose her purely because she was suitable for the role of the white lady.

Seeing how things had developed to this point, sometimes Zhao Ya felt a little moved by Chen Ziang.

This heartbeat is hard to describe.

Touched, respected, admired, admired... maybe a little bit of all of them.

A man can do this for himself without asking for anything in return, how many women can remain indifferent?

Before I knew it, it was eight o'clock late.

Sanxiang Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV broadcast "Snow Fox" and "Legend of the White Snake" respectively at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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