There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 124 [124] Remember, don't lose the person who loves you

Chapter 124 [124] Remember, don't lose the person who loves you

After talking about the three chapters of the agreement she had proposed to Zhang Feng, Sun Meimei broke down again and burst into tears.

When she burst into tears, she was still so beautiful, so haggard, so distressingly beautiful, and so heartbreakingly beautiful, that even the female reporter at the side couldn't help but secretly wiped away tears when she handed her a tissue.

After taking the tissue from the female reporter and wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, Sun Meimei controlled her emotions again and continued to speak with a choked voice; "He also fulfilled the third requirement, his ID card, household registration book, passport, The bank card is still in my hand.

Although I have hurt him all over now, even though I have opened my mouth and someone told him that I don't want him anymore.

But I know that until now, this silly man is still looking forward to, waiting for me to change my mind and go back to him.

But, now that I am full of infamy, I really don't have the courage to face him again. He is in full swing at this time, because I am worried that I will hurt him again, and I am also worried that the wound in his heart that was injured by me has not yet recovered. Healed and torn apart again. "

"Drink your saliva, moisturize your throat, don't damage your throat, we have another link later."

Handed Sun Meimei a bottle of mineral water, and waited for her to finish drinking, then the female reporter asked again; "Zhang Feng is very good, he is not only handsome, but also very profitable, he is a very conspicuous Potential stocks.

So, I can know how good the man who made you cheat on him is, can he be so good that you don't hesitate to give up a peerless man like Zhang Feng, and love him with his infamy? "

Hearing what the female reporter said, Sun Meimei was silent for a while, and then said with a blind expression on my face; "He is not outstanding, he is just a big talker who likes to talk big, hides when something happens, and has no father Just a scumbag who is nothing.

And I'm not really in love with him, I'm just fooled by his flamboyance and huge lies.

He said that he loves me and wants to marry me as his wife, and that he will pay to make a movie to make me a big star, and then I was so foolishly fooled by him that I wanted to be famous.

Speaking of which, the person who ruined me was actually not Zhang Feng, but this bastard.

Without my knowledge, he directly broke up with Zhang Feng on my behalf, and then told Zhang Feng about my cheating, and Zhang Feng dared to post that post only after being enraged by him. "

"Do you regret, do you regret everything you did?

If you had the chance to choose again, would you do it again? Seeing that Sun Meimei didn't cry this time, the female reporter didn't stop and asked again.

After lightly nodding her head, Sun Meimei looked at the camera and replied with a wry smile; "I regret, I regret that I hurt a man who loves me so much, and I also regret that I lost myself and was given by a flamboyant scumbag." Cheated.

If I could choose again, I would choose to agree to Zhang Feng's first marriage proposal, marry him, give birth to him, and give him a warm nest when he comes back from working hard outside. Will step into the entertainment circle half a step! ! "

"By the way, I heard that in addition to being interviewed this time, you will release your first and last single after becoming a free man. Is it true?" Seeing that the time is almost up, the female reporter Hurry up to the rhythm and let Sun Meimei carry out her final link.

Hearing what the female reporter said, Sun Meimei quickly collected her emotions, nodded and said; "Yes, in addition to being interviewed, I will release my first and only single today. At the same time, after this interview is over, I, Sun Meimei, will permanently withdraw from the entertainment circle."

"In terms of feelings, except for the parties involved, no one can judge their right or wrong from the perspective of others, so let's stop gossiping about their feelings, okay?
Now let us enjoy the song brought to us by Sun Meimei, don't lose the one who loves you. "After receiving Sun Meimei's answer, the female reporter immediately returned to her professional smile, smiling and turning the interview room into a recording room in an instant.

In the recording room, Sun Meimei was facing a big screen at this time, and behind the big screen was playing a warm picture of her being with Zhang Feng before, and then she sang in a slightly hoarse voice with a crying sound; ..
I want to be good to you, I want to be good to you, I want to stay with you until I grow old,

I want your warm embrace, I want you well, I love you forever,

If you are not happy, I will be sad, if you are happy, I will smile
Fate is wonderful and quarrels are inevitable. I want you to accompany me until I grow old.

I don't want you to let go and run away, don't lose the person who loves you, don't miss the person who loves you again.

When Sun Meimei sang, Zhang Feng appeared on the screen, and when she sang this song, she also sang it from Zhang Feng's perspective, and she sang it for herself, so when Sun Meimei sang it , is singing with tears.

How many people can there be who have seen through the separation and reunion of the world and know how to love?

Don't lose the one who loves you, don't miss the one who loves you,

There is only one me in this world, I can’t find it, I’m afraid no one will love you like me..

When the last sentence was finished, Sun Meimei knelt on the ground and pleaded to the camera with a trembling voice; "Feng, I was wrong, I don't want anything now, I quit the entertainment industry, and I don't want you to be rich or rich." Talented, I just want to marry you, give birth to you, and grow old with you, don’t avoid it, come back and marry me and be your wife, husband!!”

This video, which lasted one hour, 32 minutes and 53 seconds, was uploaded to the Internet without any editing, and then directly caused a big explosion on the Internet.

Seeing this video, some people scolded Sun Meimei for being shameless, and they were ashamed to ask Zhang Feng for forgiveness when they made a mistake.

There are also people who asked Zhang Feng to forgive her and take her home. After all, it is really not easy to grow old with the woman he loves. Opportunities are hard to come by. Don't miss this time, and regret it later if you can't find it.

But one thing I have to admit is that these people are all crying, sad, tearing, eyes blurred, or red and swollen, and they write these comments.

In the offices of the presidents of the three entertainment companies, after watching Sun Meimei's video, Zhang Honglei directly locked the door of his office, and then hid in the corner by himself, covering his mouth, like a crying boy, silently Aoao burst into tears.

At this moment, Zhang Honglei wished that this video was sent by her.

How he wished his own her could also send him such a video.

That way, he would definitely rush to her without hesitation and take her home, the rest, the rest, even if the world would collapse and the galaxy would be messed up because of this, it was no longer important to him up.

Knowing that it is impossible for her to come back, Zhang Honglei finally cried bitterly after looking at this relationship from the perspective of an elder, and sent Zhang Feng a text message, a text message with only nine characters.

"Don't lose the one who loves you."

(End of this chapter)

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