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Chapter 125 [125] Love buying and selling, crazy online

Chapter 125 [125] Love buying and selling, crazy online
Finally you became someone else’s mistress, I also know it’s not because of love

The night of the city is so bright, but without you by my side..

At the opening ceremony of a supermarket in Gwangju, after Zhang Feng sang Xiaosan once, he looked at the fans on stage with a microphone and asked with a smile, "Now that Xiaosan has finished singing, is there any song you want to hear?"

"Fengfeng, Fengfeng, before singing, can I ask you a personal question, this question is something that all of our Fengfeng support clubs want to know." Hearing Zhang Feng's question, a female fan came together In front of the stage, he raised his head and shouted to Zhang Feng.

The fan in front of him is known to Zhang Feng, and she often appears in places where he performs commercials.

So upon hearing her shout, Zhang Feng hurriedly approached politely, squatted down and held the microphone and asked, "As long as the question is not difficult for me, I can answer you, so what is the question you want to ask me?"

"Fengfeng, haven't you been online recently? Why have you never refuted any of the questions about you on the Internet, and you never came out to explain..." Seeing Zhang Feng squatting down to talk to himself, the fans First, he showed a sweet smile, and then asked Zhang Feng curiously.

Hearing this question from fans, Zhang Feng pouted and nodded vigorously, and then said aggrievedly; "It's been a long time since I haven't surfed the Internet. Since the song "Xiao San" came out, I haven't picked up my phone again. The mobile phone is now with my agent, and anyone who calls me or has any announcements is arranged and received by him.

Why do you ask me if I don't surf the Internet? Could it be that some black material about me appeared on the Internet again?

If it is, just ignore it, I have never been sorry to anyone in my life except that I gave laxatives to my dad's wine when I was ten years old, causing him to have diarrhea for a day. "

"Pour laxatives into your dad's wine. Pfft, Fengfeng, you're so bad, you even screwed over your own dad, giggling."

The female fan was first amused by Zhang Feng, and then quickly straightened the topic and said to Zhang Feng; "Actually, it's nothing, but that woman accepted an interview on the Internet, an interview that lasted for more than an hour.

In the interview, she not only said a lot about your past, but she also admitted that what happened this time was indeed her fault, and you are just a big fool who has been giving.

In addition, at the end of the show, she also sang a song and said something to you. I can’t convey this well. If you want to know, you can check it out online. Now this video is very popular, and the song is also It's very popular, it will come out as soon as you search for it.. "

"Um, I don't know how to answer you on this topic.

How should I put it, let's put it this way, I still can't get out, so let's not bring up the topic of her for the time being.

Let's talk about the song, after all, the boss invited me to sing, not to discuss my lovelorn and being dumped... "Hearing what the fans said, Zhang Feng, who hadn't watched the video, didn't know how to answer this question, so in order not to be embarrassed, he quickly changed the topic to singing.

Seeing that Zhang Feng didn't seem to want to talk about this topic, so the fans simply came to have a good time, and shouted at Zhang Feng; "Zhang Feng, Sun Meimei is calling out now, she begs you to marry her and go home Wife, do you want to marry now?"

"I can't answer you directly on this topic, because I haven't watched the video yet, and I don't know what the content of the video is, so I will answer your question after I go back and watch the video. Bar."

After replying to the fans with a wry smile, Zhang Feng stood up and walked back to the middle of the stage, waved his hand at the job to signal that the music could be played, then took the microphone and said to the fans in the audience with a smile; , we are doing all kinds of business almost every day.

Some people are doing big business with a contract worth hundreds of millions, while others are doing small business for thirty cents or fifty cents.

Some people even trade their family, friendship, and love for profit.

So here I want to ask you a question, if the person who abandoned you came back to you and wanted to buy back the love you had for him, would you sell it? A love song for you! ! "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Feng picked up the microphone, and sang loudly and crisply with the dubbing that he remembered; Betrayed my love, forced me to leave, and I finally knew the truth, tears fell
Betrayed my love, you owed a debt of conscience, no matter how much affection you give, you can never buy it back

At the beginning it was you who wanted to separate, separated and separated, and now you want to use true love to coax me back. Love is not what you want to sell, you can sell it if you want to buy it, let me break away, let me understand, let go. Your love

After Zhang Feng sang a verse, Nala, a rising female star from three entertainment companies, suddenly came out from the backstage.

She walked directly in front of Zhang Feng, with a regretful expression on her face, looking at Zhang Feng's face, while swaying various cool poses, she sang clearly in the way of rapping; betray your love, force I watch you leave, see you and me in pain, tears also fall,

I betrayed your love, I owed a debt of conscience, no matter how much affection I gave, I couldn’t buy it back, although I wanted to separate at the beginning, I realized later, now I hope with my true love, to coax you back, I understand it is I was wrong, love is like what you said, it is not a business, even if you buy it with a thousand dollars, it is not for sale...

After gently shaking his head at Nora and taking a few steps back, Zhang Feng first made a face of rejection, and then picked up the microphone again and sang: "I who betrayed my love, forced me to leave, and finally knew the truth , tears fall
Betrayed my love, you owed a debt of conscience, no matter how much affection you give, you can never buy it back

At the beginning it was you who wanted to separate, separated and separated, now you want to use true love to coax me back, love is not what you want to sell, you can sell it if you want to buy it, let me break free let me understand, let go of your love
Hurt me cruelly, love is so accidental, the true love that is watered with heart, you can only understand with withering, love is not what you want to sell, you can sell it when you want to buy it, let me see through the infatuated person, not worthy of true love.

After singing the song Love Business, Zhang Feng and Na walked up to the fans together, and said with a smile; "Love Business, this is our new song to be released soon, you are the first to listen, so Tell me, does it sound good?"

"It sounds great!!"

Zhang Feng's love business came at a very timely time. Sun Meimei just took over the interview and released a new song. As a result, he directly sent back a love business, and then the Internet became lively.

In less than a day, all kinds of funny short videos of love buying and selling appeared on the Internet, and it was precisely with the appearance of these spoof videos that the song "Love Buying and Selling" was played at an extraordinary speed. It's spreading like crazy.

In addition, such funny scenes have appeared in many commercial streets. As long as there is a store that dares to put "Don't lose the person who loves you", the store next to it will definitely release "Love Trading" immediately to attack him.

And one by one is still enjoying it, so many citizens who go shopping, after a day of shopping, just listen to the love business for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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