There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 126 [126] Black-hearted security guards, even the Queen of Heaven

Chapter 126 [126] Black-hearted security guards, even the Queen of Heaven

Jiao Mengyu has always been a person who keeps her word. She said she would come to Li Bu in person to ask for a song, so she really came here in person.

But when she arrived at the destination, she suddenly became a little speechless.

Lijia Village has actually started to close the mountain, and there is a big notice posted there, saying that no one is allowed to go up except for the people of Lijia Village.

In addition, at this moment, the only intersection up the mountain was blocked by a long railing.

In addition, in the security booth on the side, there is also a security guard who seems to have no brains, and is guarding them tightly, not letting them take a step forward.

As for why this security guard's head is not very good, it is because every time Jiao Mengyu and her assistant ask him questions, he will keep rubbing his fingers.

Asked if he could go up the hill, he rubbed his fingers.

When asked if Li Bu was on the mountain, he also rubbed his fingers.

Asked if he could contact Li Bu for help, he continued rubbing his fingers.

You don't need to guess, this security guard with brain problems is Li Bu's eldest brother Li Hong.

In addition, there is nothing wrong with his head, he just wants to get some tips from Jiao Mengyu and the others.

It's just that Jiao Mengyu and her assistant didn't understand what he meant by rubbing his hands at all. Several times when Li Hong rubbed his hands in front of him asking for a tip, Jiao Mengyu and her assistant were scared away by his approach.

Then, the misunderstandings that came and went made Li Hong, who was completely angry from embarrassment, believe that Jiao Mengyu and her assistant didn't want to tip him, and wanted to get close to his younger brother Li Bu.

Therefore, Li Hong, who didn't get a tip, immediately became angry from embarrassment, and became a stern and selfless old bag.

He straightened his tiger face, stared at him, put his security hat on his head, and sat at the door of the container. The posture was so scary that Jiao Mengyu and the two of them didn't dare to approach.

Didi. Didi..

Just when Li Hong, Jiao Mengyu and the others were at a stalemate, a motorcycle carrying four or five pieces of beer stopped in front of Jiao Mengyu and the others, and then directly shouted to Li Hong; "Li Hong, the beer that your brother Li Bu wants , mutton, beef, seafood, you moved it in.."

"Oh, it's Lao Wang, you're here, wait a minute, don't put it down, I'll take down the railing for you, and you ride in to unload the goods, so I don't have to walk a few more steps..." Hearing the deliveryman's voice After shouting, Li Hong immediately ran out cheerfully, opened the railing to let the delivery man in, and said with a cheerful smile.

Boom boom boom. After adding the gas pedal and driving the motorcycle to the side of the container, the deliveryman put down Li Bu's things, looked at Jiao Mengyu and the two outside, and asked Li Hong; "Li Hong, where are the two? Who is the woman with the mask?"

"I don't know, but they look like they should be female stars who came to my brother to buy songs.

But these two are really picky, they want me to put them up without even giving me a tip, and I don't want to do it without a tip, so I stopped. After reaching out and working with the unloading staff, Li Bu put the beer and meat bought by Li Bu into the refrigerator in the kitchen and put them away, then Li Hong smiled and explained why Jiao Mengyu and the others were there.

"I don't like to talk about you, Li Hong, do you know that by doing this, you are blocking your brother's way of making money?

You ask people to tip you how much they can give you, but do you know how much a song of your brother can sell? "After hearing that Li Hong stopped a beautiful girl like Ren Er outside just to order a tip, the delivery man couldn't help criticizing Li Hong for his meddling.

"Block the ghost's way of making money, my brother wishes I could stop them all.

That way he doesn't have to worry about writing songs.

My younger brother is rich now, and he doesn't care about the money for selling songs.

And why don’t I know how much my brother sells songs? The first song he sold was 300 million, the second 200 million, the third 500 million, the fourth 300 million, and the fifth 700 million.

As for how much tip I received, it was more than 1 for the first time, [-] for the second time, and [-] for the third time, hehehe.. After disliking the delivery man for a while, Li Hong proudly talked about his tips and Li Bu's harvest from selling songs.

Everyone knows that Li Bu sells songs very expensively, so the delivery man just put aside the matter and left on his motorcycle without looking back at Li Hong; "Li Hong, I haven't seen you before." For such a person, the tip for entering the door is [-] yuan, why don't you rob the credit union."

"Is 1 very expensive? When I was here, you could go up there with a tip of 10. Others in the village came. If you spent [-] people, they probably wouldn't even look at you, hum." After the delivery man said a few words, Li Hong went back to be his tiger face security guard.

Although I don't know whether Li Hong's conversation with them was intentional or intentional, but Jiao Mengyu and her assistant heard every word accurately.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Jiao Mengyu went directly through the railing, walked in front of the container, and said to Li Hong angrily, "How can you be so irresponsible as a security guard? How can you charge tips randomly as a security guard?" , and the charge is so high!!"

"You think I want to come here to be a security guard, if there are not so many people in the village and everyone has to take turns to be a security guard, I wouldn't be bothered to come here to be a security guard.

And there is no salary for this security guard, so is it wrong for me to charge some tips to subsidize the family? In addition, if I charge tips, people are also willing to give them. Can you control me? "Faced with Jiao Mengyu's questioning, Li Hong responded unceremoniously.

Seeing that Li Hong even took tips so arrogantly, Jiao Mengyu was so angry that he pointed at him and shouted angrily, "It's reasonable for you to take tips, right? Believe it or not, I'll sue you every minute and make you lose this job? "

"Complain to me?

Make me lose this job?

Are you afraid you didn't come here to tease me on purpose? ?

Know who is right now in Li Family Village, my brother! !

I know who my younger brother listened to the most since he was a child, no, listen to me! !

So do you think your complaint can have a regulatory effect on me? "Hearing that Jiao Mengyu wanted to complain about himself and make him lose his job as a security guard, Li Hong was immediately annoyed.

Seeing that Li Hong was so confident, knowing that he couldn't beat Jiao Mengyu, he simply waved his hand and asked his assistant to hand him 1 yuan, and then said through gritted teeth; "1 yuan is for you, now open the railing, let us go up! !"

After swiftly taking the 1 yuan and stuffing it into his pocket, Li Hong turned serious and said solemnly; "Originally, [-] yuan is enough to go up, but now [-] yuan is too little, you scolded me just now. I’m in a bad mood, so you have to add [-] to get up!!”

"I'll give you another 1 yuan. Now, you should open the railing and let us go up." After asking his assistant to give Li Hong another [-] yuan, Jiao Mengyu stopped pretending and took off his mask and hat directly. Gritting his teeth, he looked at Li Hong and shouted.

Once again swiftly put away the 1 yuan and stuffed it into his pocket, Li Hong directly opened the railing, pointed to the empty space opposite the container and said, "You guys are here to find Brother Lizhi, the Internet celebrity, if yes, you don't need to go up That's it, you can just park the car, and he will come down later by himself."

Jiao Mengyu; (σ`д′)σ! !
Assistant; (σ`д')σ! !
God, can you strike a thunderbolt down and kill this unscrupulous security guard right now?

He charged me a tip of 2 yuan, but in the end he still asked me to wait below. Oh my god, how can there be such unscrupulous people in this world?
(End of this chapter)

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