There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 316 [317] 1 accidentally changed, the fate of a fat paper

Chapter 316 [317] Accidentally changed, the fate of a fat paper
A cute princess dress, a pair of cute little cloth shoes, a round ball head, and a small schoolbag with comics.

At this time, the cute little guy is happily biting a lollipop, and following Li Bu into the airport with his short legs, he doesn't feel sad at all because he is leaving his parents... …

After running for a while, the little guy stopped suddenly and led Li Bu's finger into the airport, looked up at Li Bu and asked, "Uncle Li Bu, let's go to the same big airport as last time this time." Do you live in the room group, the room group where you can swim!!"

"This time we are staying in a hotel, because we are here to earn a small amount of money this time, so we can't play like last time. We have to work this time." After reaching out and touching the little guy's head, Seeing that there was a queue ahead, Li Bu stretched out his hand to hug the little guy, and replied to her with a doting expression on his face.

After returning to the little guy, Li Bu didn't say a word, and directly carried the little guy to check-in, and then sent the suitcase in which the two of them packed their clothes to check-in.

After finishing the check-in, Li Bu carried the little guy through the security check, entered the airport, and then went through the ticket inspection to enter the plane, and went straight to their first-class seats.

After sitting in the seat, the little guy looked at Li Bu again, and said with a cheerful smirk; "Uncle Li Bu, those uncles and aunts just now were so fun, they even used that black thing to scare you. They're so cute they didn't come to scare me, giggling..."

"Dark things? Oh, you mean that, that's from the inspection device, the security uncle uses that to check, to see if other people have lighters on them, it's not for scaring people..." Hearing the little guy's words, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, but after remembering what she said, Li Bu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing Li Bu smiling, although the little guy didn't know what he was laughing at, she felt that there should be something funny, so she immediately followed suit with a cheerful smirk; laugh."

"Your smile is too fake, too perfunctory. Come on, this is your doll to hold by yourself. When you go to sleep, you can use it as a pillow." He squeezed the little guy's face in a funny way After that, Li Bu returned the doll in the carry-on bag to the little guy, so that she could hug her to sleep when she went to sleep.

It's past one o'clock in the noon now, and the little guy is usually asleep at this time, but since she knew that she was going out to play again today, she used excitement to dilute her sleepiness.

I was very excited just now, but after getting on the plane, sitting in the seat, and picking up my doll, the little guy suddenly lost the excitement just now, and the sleepiness was also reminded by Li Bu. Spring-like bee pupae came out...

After the sleepiness came, the little guy squinted his eyes halfway and said to Li Bu, Uncle Li Bu, good afternoon, then hugged the doll, lay on the seat and whimpered and fell into a dream.

To be honest, Li Bu didn't expect the little guy to fall into a dream so quickly, so he was a little stunned at the beginning, but after hearing the sound of the little guy falling asleep, he quickly took it out of his bag. Bring out the blanket to cover the little one.

While Li Bu was helping the little guy cover the blanket, a female passenger on the side suddenly asked Li Bu with an expectant expression; "Sir, sir, this sir!!"

Hearing someone calling him behind him, Li Bu turned around, looked suspiciously at the female passenger who called him in front of him, a woman in her thirties, and asked, "Sister, are you calling me? "

"Well, I'm calling you, Mr., is there any special method for your daughter to put her to sleep so easily?
Can you teach me this method, my kid is very annoying to sleep every day, no matter how coaxed, he will not go to bed until eleven or twelve o'clock every day... After nodding to Li Bu and saying that she called him, the female passenger looked at him expectantly and asked why the little guy fell asleep so easily.

Speaking of why the little guy fell asleep so easily, Li Bu couldn't help but look at the female passenger with a fat figure, and said with a wry smile; "I wake her up at five or six o'clock every morning. Go for a morning jog with me, about one or two kilometers at a time.

After running in the morning, I started to let her draw with me. Of course, sometimes she would be lazy to run to play, but after three hours, I would get up again and take her for a run, this time also About one or two kilometers.

After running like this, she would feel drowsy after eating a full meal every day, as long as she digested a little or sat for a while, at this time, she would go to sleep obediently as long as she was coaxed a little.

In the afternoon, I did the same thing. After playing for three hours, I took her to run for a few kilometers, and then I ran about six or seven kilometers in a day, and this kind of exercise was enough to consume the excess energy in her body , After that, she went to bed almost every time, and she didn't even bring someone to coax her. "

"Using running to consume excess physical strength is not good. My child is a little fat. He will be exhausted after running for more than ten meters. Your method is useless to my son. Do you have other methods? "When she heard that she was going to run, and when she thought of her son crying tired after running for a few steps, the female passenger immediately told Li Bu that this method was impossible.

Hearing what the female passenger said, Li Bu was speechless.

At the same time, he was still a little confused about the mentality of those parents who raised their sons as pigs.

After being speechless, Li Bu looked at the female passenger who was still looking at him expectantly, and said a little weakly; "There is another way, this way is to beat him, use the pain of the body to stimulate his nerve activity , to increase his fatigue, and then he'll cry and cry himself to sleep."

"This method is useful. My husband was angry with my son a few times, so he just beat him up, and then my son was there, crying and falling asleep, but this method can't be used every day. After all, now What kind of association is it. Very strict...hehehe..."

Li Bu's words were originally meant as a joke, but what Li Bu never expected was that the female passenger actually said that his method was useful, and she had tried it several times.

So Li Bu, who heard the female passenger's reply, was stunned at the time. After being stunned for a while, Li Bu taught the female passenger again cruelly; "Then chase him and beat him, let him be beaten while running, After he gets used to it, he won't complain of pain, and he won't feel tired from running!!"

"Sir, is this really okay? Don't everyone say that children are treasures, and they are meant to be used for pain?"

This female passenger also knew that her son was not raised very well, so now it is rare to meet such a parent as Li Bu who can raise the child so cutely, so she immediately showed the attitude of studying, and treated him seriously. Li Bu asked for advice.

A child complains of being tired after running for more than ten meters. Is this a child who is disabled or what?

So when faced with the female passenger's request for advice, Li Bu said in a black-bellied way; "Chasing him to fight may be the best way to get rid of your son's bad habits so far, and there is not even one of them.

And from your chat just now, sister, I can easily tell that your child should be a little boy about ten years old, and he is a little lazy, a little selfish, and refuses to obey discipline.

Afterwards, there must be another one in the family who protects his elders everywhere, which is why he is now overweight, sleeps irregularly, has poor grades in school, picky eaters, does not eat enough snacks, and refuses to stop drinking. It makes you angry just looking at it Right! ! "

"Sir, you are really amazing. You are so right. My son is in his teens. He is very lazy, selfish, and unwilling to listen. Whatever we call him, he often reacts against him." our.

And now it's almost grown into a small meatball, and I don't want to eat any dinner. I just like potato chips, fried chicken, and Coke. Crying, but there was nothing he could do about it.

My husband and I wanted to force him to lose weight several times, but my mother-in-law, the child’s grandmother, always stopped us, saying that the child’s fat is a blessing, hey! ! "Hearing Li Bu's words, the female passenger was excited at first, but her face collapsed after she spoke.

Facing the discouraged female passenger, Li Bu directly looked at her with a serious face and said, "Sister, a child's education is a lifetime thing. After you teach it well, you will have a filial son. You can only raise a prodigal son, or be complained by your children in the future, resenting how you can raise him like this.

Moreover, I think sister, you should not want your son to feel inferior all his life. You should know that a certain organ of an obese little boy will be smaller than a normal child.

Then in the school they all went to the toilet together. You don’t want your son to be laughed at at that time as a small thing. You must know that if you don’t handle this matter properly, it will become a psychological shadow for your son for the rest of his life.

Furthermore, sister, don’t you want your son to have a complete growth process, such as tall and handsome, someone in elementary school praises him for being good-looking, someone has a crush on junior high school, a girl confesses in high school, a girlfriend in college, and then Don't you worry about not having a partner after graduation? "

The female passenger who was not very determined to change her son.

After listening to Li Bu's words, she immediately gritted her teeth and made a cruel decision. Now she would rather have a bad relationship with her mother-in-law than ruin her son.

And he knew what Li Bu said was right, if his son didn't change, then he would have to be fat all the way from primary school to college graduation.

And if that's the case, her son's growth path is not to be said to be liked by others. He probably will still be a dead fat houseboy who has never held hands with a girl before graduation.

What Li Bu didn't know was that just his casual conversation made him change the fate of a fat man.

This fat man's name was Qiu Xiaolong. He didn't know why, after his mother came back from a business trip, she suddenly became a violent queen.

Every morning, he would whip him out of bed with a bamboo stick, and chase him every day for no reason, and even though she was out of breath after chasing him, she still had to chase him for three or four kilometers before letting go. over him.

At first, he thought his mother was just trying to scare him into arrogance so that he could be obedient.

So he tried to give up at that time, but his mother pulled out 78 red marks on his back and butt that day, and the pain was so painful that he didn't even dare to wear pajamas for a week.

In addition to beating him in the morning, whenever he eats potato chips, fried chicken, and drinks Coke, no matter how his grandma protects him, his mother will run over and give him a slap with a bamboo stick. Go to the dinner table to eat obediently, and never dare to eat those things again.

Just like that, Qiu Xiaolong, a poor little fat man, was taken aback by his mother with a bamboo stick in less than a year because of a suggestion from Li Bu, who gave him a baby from a 118-pound chubby to a proud little one. Meatball turned into a handsome, confident, sunny and healthy young man weighing 86 pounds.

Sure enough, knowledge changes destiny, and random suggestions will harm people.

How wonderful, what a cute little chubby guy, who was beaten into a handsome little guy just like that.

It is said that after the incident, Qiu Xiaolong's grandmother, seeing Qiu Xiaolong's grandson who had lost weight all the way, cursed the female passenger many times for being a black-hearted mother, and even tortured her own son.

But she didn't dare to confront the female passenger anymore, because she was a little worried that if she provoked the female passenger, even she would be beaten...

(End of this chapter)

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