There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 317 [318] Arrived in the capital smoothly to discuss the release of the movie

Chapter 317 [318] Arrived in the capital smoothly to discuss the release of the movie
The matter of the little chubby guy from the female passenger's house turning into a handsome guy is another story.

At this time, Li Bu had a serious conversation with the female passenger about his experience in managing children.

Just as the plane started to take off slowly, I ended the conversation with her, lay down on the seat, and started to sleep with the blindfold on.

Sleep well until the plane lands smoothly.

Only then did Li Bu slowly take off his blindfold, and then greeted the little guy next to him who had already woken up and was eating snacks with a smile; "Good afternoon, cute little Princess Ranran!!"

"Good afternoon, handsome Uncle Li Bu, giggling." Hearing Li Bu's greeting, the little guy who was stealing snacks quickly put the snacks behind his back, and greeted Li Bu cheerfully.

The little guy's body is only that big, so how can she hide such a large bag of potato chips, but the little guy's serious hiding face is very cute.

After stretching out his hand and pinching the little guy's head, Li Bu pretended to be stern and said to her; "Who gave you these potato chips, did you tell her thank you, and did you get mine next time?" Allowed, you are not allowed to eat people casually, do you understand?"

"The beautiful sister who pushed the cart gave it to me. She said it was free, so I asked her for potato chips." Seeing that she couldn't hide, the little girl stopped hiding When it was finished, he took out the potato chips and replied to Li Bu cheerfully while eating the potato chips with his small mouth.

At this time, it was time to get off the plane, so Li Bu quickly stood up and took out his carry-on bag.

Then I put my blindfold and the little guy's dolls into the bag, and then hugged the little guy who still refused to give up the snacks, and started to follow the crowd to go out and get off the plane one after another.

After getting off the plane and going through a series of inspection procedures, Li Bu walked out of the airport holding the little guy and pulling the suitcase, and then walked directly towards Yun Tianlong and his daughter who were waiting for the plane.

"Uncle Li Bu, Uncle Li Bu, Yunyan misses you so much, hey, Uncle Li Bu, is this your daughter? Your daughter is growing up so fast. When we met last time, she was still in my aunt's stomach Well, it's been a long time since I saw her, she's already this big."

Maybe it's because the little guy has a rich imagination. When Yunyan rushed over and saw the little guy in Li Bu's arms, Yunyan was stunned, and even uttered a godlike sentence.

"This is Ranran, Li Ranran, uncle's niece, she is younger than you, so you can call her sister or Ranran.

However, this is Sister Yunyan, call her sister quickly, and tell us to go to their house for dinner at noon. After answering Yun Yan with a smile, Li Bu smiled and taught the little guy to call Yun Yan his elder sister.

The little guy is a foodie, so after hearing Li Bu say that he is called sister, he can go to Yunyan's house for dinner at noon, the little guy smiled cheerfully at Yunyan; "Sister Yunyan, hello, I am From Li Family Village, named Li Ranran, five years old this year!!"

That's right, the little guy Li Ranran is now five years old.

Although everyone forgot her birthday and didn't even buy her a birthday cake, she still quietly grew one year older.

Hearing the little guy's words, Yun Yan replied very politely; "Sister, my name is Yun Yan, you can call me sister from now on, sister, I am very good at singing and dancing, you live at my house today, do you want me to teach you how to dance?" ah?"

"Okay, I really like dancing. I want my uncle Li Bu to teach me how to dance, but he only teaches me singing, not dancing." After struggling to get down from Li Bu's arms, The little guy held hands with Yun Yan, and the sisters started chatting cheerfully.

Don't start chatting with the two little guys, after shaking hands with Yun Tianlong, Li Bu said with a smile; "This little guy's mother is pregnant and can't control her, and her father has to go to work and has no time to control her. I was bored traveling alone, so I brought her out."

"The little guy is really cute, just like our family Yun Yan when he was a child.

However, to be honest, I really can't believe that you people in Lijia Village can give birth to such a cute baby. "

After replying to Li Bu with a smile, Yun Tianlong resumed his business mode, looked at Li Bu and asked, "Did you bring your finished film? If you bring it, then we will go to the company now, and then I also want to call those high-level executives to watch the film together, and if it is confirmed to be released, it will be on the 11th of this month, that day is Singles’ Day, and there are many people watching the film.”

"To be honest, my movie should have been released during the Chinese New Year, because it is a movie that encourages everyone to go home for the New Year, but because money is a bit tight recently, I am going to put it on the shelves first, hey." Hearing that the scheduled time was November 11, Li Bu sighed first, then nodded in agreement.

Since both of them are people of a certain status, and the two little princesses are not safe in this crowded airport, after the two looked at each other, they hugged each other, and then pulled the suitcase out. It's the airport.

After leaving the airport, Li Bu and the others didn't go directly to Yun Tianlong's house, but went straight to their company in Yun Tianlong's car, and then called together a group of high-level executives from their company to watch the film of people on embarrassing journey up.

The beginning of the film is a beautiful animation, and then the title of [Earth Culture and Entertainment Co., Ltd.] is revealed.

Afterwards, the movie entered the prologue. In the first part, the one with hair should be careful. He scolded his subordinates at the dinner table, and directly scolded his employees to hand in their resignation letters. He also said that this is the best decision you have made this year.

The scene turned to the office of a cattle farm. Bao Bao, played by Zhang Xiaofeng, was leading a group of workers to ask the boss of the cattle farm for wages. In the end, he got an IOU instead of the salary.

Then the screen changed again, and there was a scene of Yi Xin going shopping with his lover, but this scene was not very good, because his lover wanted to become a regular wife, but Yi Xin didn't want her to become a regular.

After three swapped scenes, the film begins to enter the theme.

After arguing with the airport attendants, Yixin reluctantly accepted the economy class seat, while Zhang Xiaofeng showed an astonishing stomach, drinking a bottle of milk that weighed no less than ten catties in one go.

Afterwards, the two got on the plane, but not long after the plane took off, Zhang Xiaofeng started acting like a monster on the plane, sometimes calling the waiter to open the window, sometimes saying that he would not sit on the plane when the plane stopped.

Then in the exchange with Yixin, he also said that it would be great if the plane could break down, but it turned out that the plane really broke down, and they were forced to get off the plane.

The movie continued, little guy, Yun Yan was giggling while watching, Yun Tianlong would occasionally laugh and twitch the corners of his mouth, and the company's senior management would also laugh from time to time.

But as the video continued to play, the atmosphere suddenly became less pleasant, especially when the song [If you have money or not, go home for the New Year] is played.

In the picture, Zhang Xiaofeng led a carload of people, singing about the rich and poor going home for the New Year, which made the high-level executives of the company subconsciously start singing along with the movie with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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