There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 394 【395】Successfully turned female classmate into a female black fan

Chapter 394 【395】Successfully turned female classmate into a female black fan
To be honest, Li Bu admired the IQ of these black fans.

They even thought of changing their screen names to their classmates and teachers, and then hacked themselves.

Subtitles with these names, as long as they take a little care, take a screenshot, make a picture, and then edit, edit and process it, this is definitely a bunch of news that can blacken themselves.

And if they use these screenshots to blackmail themselves, they don't even have to worry about suing them.

After all, the subtitles are real. As for those screen names that bear their teachers and classmates, whether they are real or not, this is none of their business.

But even though they already knew it at this time, these black fans used these names to blacken themselves.

But Li Bu was not angry about it. Instead, he looked at the live broadcast camera with a smile on his face, and said lightly; "Before I knew it, I have graduated for five years, and those who used to study with me, except those who are still studying for Ph.D. Except for the students who took the postgraduate entrance examination, the rest have basically graduated and started working now, and some even have families and children like me.

Let me tell you a story here, this story is true, and I am the protagonist of the story.

When I was driving on the road some time ago, the car broke down suddenly, and then I met one of my roommates by accident, but he is now a traffic policeman who manages the roads. He will definitely help me.

In the end, what do you think he did to me?What you would never have imagined is that he actually impounded my car directly, and said that my car was hopeless, so he drove me to a 4S store to buy a new car.

Classmates, good friends, former dormitory brothers, but ended up impounding my car, and dragged me to his friend's shop to buy a car. Faced with such a thing, an ordinary person would definitely be very angry and very angry. Want to scold him, right? ?

But I didn’t. Not only was I not angry with him, but I was also very grateful to him. I thanked him for letting me give up the old car that might be dangerous at any time. I thank him for letting me own the current car.

At the same time, today, I know that many of you black fans must be my classmates.

In the same way, I am not angry with you, and I am also very grateful to you, thank you for making me lose 1600 million fans who love to join in the fun overnight, and thank you for making my live broadcast room quieter.

Finally, I would like to say one more thing, students, I cherish the fate that I have met with you. I really hope that when I meet you again, I will have a drink and talk with you, or drink tea together, and laugh about the ignorance of the past.

Therefore, I will not hold any of you accountable for your smearing me this time, and I am not angry with you at the same time.

Also, I have written songs for many people and many stories. Today I will write two songs for our friendship and fate, one for girls [You at the same table] and one for girls. This is the first song [Friends] for all my classmates, I hope you will like it.. "

After speaking for a long time, Li Bu took a sip of water first, then found out the accompaniment from his mobile phone, and after opening his voice, he slowly sang along with the accompaniment; [Will you tomorrow? Think of the diary you wrote yesterday, whether you will still miss it tomorrow, you who used to cry the most. .】

【The teachers couldn't remember you, and couldn't figure out the problem. I only remembered you at the same table by chance when I flipped through the photos. 】

【Who married you who was sentimental, who read your diary, who tied up your long hair, who made your wedding dress. 】

【You used to be very careful and asked me to borrow half of an eraser. You also mentioned inadvertently that you like being with me.. 】

[At that time, the sky was always blue, the days always passed too slowly, you always said that graduation was nowhere in sight, and you went your separate ways in a blink of an eye. 】

【Whoever meets you who is sentimental, who comforts you who loves to cry, who reads the letter I wrote to you, who throws it into the wind. 】

[The old days are gone, I will also have my wife, I will also show her photos, and tell her about you at the same table. 】

As Li Buyouyou's singing came to mind, the black fans in the live broadcast room suddenly became a little bit unhinged. They couldn't help but stop the phone buttons and keyboards in their hands, and quietly listened to Li Bu's singing.

Hearing this song about you at the same table, whether it is a fan or a black fan in the live broadcast room, they can't help but think of a certain female [male] classmate in their study career.

At this moment, the male fans can't help but think of the once proud and lovely female classmate, and then silently ask in his heart; "The tablemate who was bullied by me, how are you doing now? You, I want to see what you look like when you grow up, and I also want to see which pig is cheaper than your cabbage."

At this moment, the female fans can't help but think of the male tablemate who always bullied her, and then silently said in her heart; "That boy who bullied me, are you unable to marry a wife now, and are going on blind dates everywhere?" , Heh, let you always bully me, don't know how to treat girls well, you deserve to be single."

When the male and female fans recalled their former tablemates, Li Bu, who had finished singing your tablemate, was drinking water from a water bottle while saying as if recalling;

"I remember, my former female deskmate, her name was Liu Xiuqiong, she was a very smart and lovely girl.

I remember that her family’s living conditions were very good at that time, so she was tall, and then she directly made the family environment impoverished. Those who know always think she is older than me.

But this classmate is really nice, and he often secretly brings me snacks from home. You may not believe me, the first time I ate an apple, the first time I ate an popsicle, and the first time I drank a Coke. My lovely female deskmate gave it to me.

I remember the first time I ate an apple, I felt like I had eaten a fairy fruit. I was stunned when I took a bite. I was rarely shocked how there is such a sweet fruit in the world. The skin was peeled, and I even ate the shell.

It may also be that my luck is relatively bad, and the teachers think that I may bully female classmates, so I have been studying for so long, and she is the only female deskmate, so this song is written for her alright.

Liu Xiuqiong, my former tablemate, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, how are you doing, to be honest, I really want to see what you look like now, and see how cheap you are. "

As soon as Li Bu finished speaking, he was immediately scolded.

Chunyue Fengxia stays pure in the evening [Er Gouzi, you are too itchy to be beaten, right? I haven’t cleaned you up for more than ten years, and forgot my sister’s five-claw candy, right? How dare you call your brother-in-law a pig, even though he is He's quite fat, but you can't say he's a pig. If he's a pig, I'll be a sow, huh.

And my sister, I’m already married, and I’m here in Malaysia. I’ll take my husband and children home for Chinese New Year this year, and we’ll go to your Lijia Village to have tea with you. Remember to entertain us! ! 】

Seeing this subtitle in the live broadcast room, Li Bu immediately clicked on the netizen's profile picture to take a look, and then he immediately smiled in surprise; "Changjiaxiu, you have gained weight, but my brother-in-law is growing fat." It’s so handsome, I take back what I just said, I should say that I want to see who’s cabbage my female classmate is offering, hahaha.”

Chunyue Fengxia Wan Liuchun [[angry][angry] Er Gouzi, you wait for me, I tell you, you will die when I go back, I know you Lijia Village built a bridge, so you wait Let me go back and deal with you, black fans, black this bastard to me, black him, I'll pay you fucking wages. 】

(End of this chapter)

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