There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 395 [396] The black fans who can't go black if they are black

Chapter 395 [396] The black fans who can't go black if they are black

Seeing Chunyue Fengxia Wanliu Chun's subtitles, the black fans in the live broadcast room didn't even move.

Let alone accepting jobs at this time, they themselves are a little bit now, and they don't know how to get to Hei Libu.

In addition, among these black fans, some black fans who didn't use salary to black Libu are already holding their mobile phones at this time, starting to check their class chat groups, and asking their friends to find their former female deskmate. The contact information has gone.

Of course, even the black fans who took the money to black Li Bu subconsciously fell silent at this moment. Although they are professional black fans, they are also human beings, and they also have a seatmate, okay?

So that's it, because of Li Bu's "You at the same table", the live broadcast room, which was originally full of black material, suddenly became extremely quiet at this moment, without a single subtitle, without a single gift, and some were just entered by others Tips for the live broadcast.

And [Chunyue Fengxia Wanliuchun] saw that no one else would help him to black Li Bu, so he directly started to speak up and take the lead in clamoring to black Li Bu;...

[Everyone, come to Hei Li Bu, Li Bu is a bad boy, not only did he like to pack injustice when he was a child, but he would also harm other people's crops when he was hungry. 】

[This kid used to be very poor at home, and he was often so poor that he had nothing to bring to school for lunch. Then when he was hungry, he often went to destroy the crops behind the school. 】

[Sweet potatoes, corn, sugar cane, he would steal them when he was hungry, and he was even caught several times for this, but everyone knew that his family was really poor, so they didn’t blame him And how to embarrass him. 】

[Then when this kid was in junior high school, because his family was still very poor, he always wore clothes that his brother and his father didn’t want, and was often ridiculed as a thief, a mountain crook, a poor ghost, etc., so for these things, he directly From the first day of junior high school to the third year of junior high school, for those who were beaten, I can only say that you deserve it. 】

[After this kid went to high school, it is said that his family was still very poor at that time, and he still had no pocket money, and he often couldn't even afford ordinary meals. 】

[But later, I heard that he made some good roommate brothers, those brothers helped him when he was most difficult, and because of these brothers in high school, he got into a lot of fights. 】

[Black, black, everyone come to black him, don’t you say he is a hooligan, don’t you say he is a thief, don’t you say he is not worthy of being an idol, come black him, continue to give him. 】

[Why is it not black? I feel like you are a group of saints. Do you think that when a person is too hungry, he will care who owns the thing, and what he thinks at that time is just to fill his stomach and nothing more. , Is it wrong to want to fill your stomach?How is he wrong? 】

[Also, he was only less than ten years old at that time, a teenager, in order not to make himself hungry, he ate some sweet potatoes from others, but the owner of the sweet potatoes didn’t say anything, you farts The people I saw, why are you chattering here, did they eat yours, or did they steal yours? 】

[Furthermore, for those students who say he is a hooligan and a bully, I just want to ask you, you are so shameless, do you dare to go out when it rains? 】

[Why is he a rascal? He kissed his childhood sweetheart, and now he will marry her when he grows up, so he can’t kiss his wife in advance, and other wives are willing to kiss him and marry him, you people What are you worrying about? Is it too full to eat, or too free to do nothing? 】

[There are also those who are called Mr. Li Bu on the Internet. You are a bunch of black-hearted guys. This guy has been loved by the teachers since he was a child. The teacher saw that he was often hungry, so he brought things from home by himself. Give him food, you said the teachers love him so much, might they come to blackmail him, is it possible? 】

[Finally, let’s scold you black fans. You are all a bunch of unscrupulous villains, disgusting villains. Do you know how much Li Bu suffered, how much sweat and tears he shed? 】

[He only got better in the past six months, and then he had his own career and family property, but he didn't forget his roots after he got better. He established a foundation, he invested in improving his hometown, and he also treated his family well. Fans, for their own fans, don't hesitate to spend 800 million out of their own pockets to save their lovers. 】

[More than that, he even jumped into the big river opposite Lijia Village after he made his fortune, in order to rescue a little boy, and did he publicize it afterwards, did he ask for anything, no, no, he didn’t have anything did not do it. 】

[So, such a good idol, such a good person.

You just ate other people's food because of his hunger when he was a child.

Fighting with others because of dignity and not being bullied.

Because he liked it, he kissed his wife early.

Just come to blackmail him, do you feel sorry for your conscience, won't your heart hurt? 】

[Hack him, hack him, keep hacking, aren’t you very capable? Come hack him, hack him until he quits the network, hack him so badly, dare not help others in the future, hack him so In the future, I will see death and refuse to save him, black, black, continue to black! ! 】

I have to say that Li Bu's female deskmate is really tough and tough. She is alone, with a keyboard, and she is stupefied. She has made all the black fans so angry that they dare not type back to her.

At the same time, her words awakened many people, and made many people understand why Li Bu stole, fought, and played hooligans in the first place.

I'm Li Bu's elementary school classmate [Li Bu, I'm sorry, I just wanted to find your black material to black you, so I found out that you had the experience of stealing things, so I used this to black you, sorry ! ! 】

After loving you, I realized [Li Bu, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ridiculed you at the beginning, and I shouldn't have hacked you at this time, I'm really sorry! ! 】

I'm Li Bu's teacher [I'm sorry Li Bu, I shouldn't blackmail you, and I shouldn't call you poor. I apologize to you for my impoliteness when I was a child and my irrationality before. I'm sorry. 】

Although he knew that the matter of being hacked would not pass so quickly, Li Bu replied happily when he saw the subtitles apologizing to himself in the live broadcast room; "I never hated you, and the fights when I was young It is indeed my fault.

Alright, let's let him pass on the past, now fulfill the promise just now, and give everyone another new song [Friends].

At the same time, I also hope that the friends who hacked me today will stop resenting and dislike me when they meet me in the future. I hope that we will be friends when we meet in the future, friends who can say hello, friends, I will give it to you. "

After smiling and saying a few words to the fans in the live broadcast room, Li Bu turned on his mobile phone, found out the soundtrack of his friend, and then held a small microphone there, and began to sing slowly along with the accompaniment;

[In these years alone, the wind and the rain have gone, there have been tears and mistakes, and I still remember what to stick to.. 】

[True love will be understood, will be lonely and will look back, and there will always be a dream with you in my heart. 】

[Friends walk together for a lifetime, those days are no longer there, a word for a lifetime, a cup of wine for a lifetime of love. 】

[A friend has never been alone, you will understand when you say a friend, there are still injuries and pain, and there is still me to go.. 】

The previous song made people can’t help but think of my deskmate [You at the same table], which made the black fans a little bit unpopular, but now it’s another song with deep love [Friend], which directly makes the black fans , I regret that I took money today to be a black fan...

(End of this chapter)

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