There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 397 [398] When you guys are hacking him, he is silently doing good deeds

Chapter 397 [398] When you guys are hacking him, he is silently doing good deeds
The black hand behind the scenes came from Xiangjiang, which Li Bu did not expect, and it was also unexpected by everyone.

Normally, Li Bu wouldn't even know about it, but one person let him know about it.

The person who let Li Bu know about this matter was none other than Zhou Xiaoxin, one of the important figures in this matter.

Zhou Xiaoxin got the news from his own power when the black fans refunded Xiang Huaqiang's money.

Knowing that the cause of this matter turned out to be himself, Zhou Xiaoxin was very depressed, very aggrieved, very annoyed, and had nothing to do at the time, and it was because he had nothing to do, so he told Li Bu about it of.

Li Bu, who was fishing, learned that the incident was caused by Zhou Xiaoxin, so he was so angry that he greeted Zhou Xiaoxin and the women of Xianghuaqiang's family cordially in Hokkien.

After greeting all the women in the two families, Li Bu directly said to Zhou Xiaoxin that it was all right, and that this matter will be over for now. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and they will have a chance to find this place again.

Zhou Xiaoxin originally thought that Li Bu would be very angry because of this matter, or because he was jealous of Xianghuaqiang, he would give up on him.

But in the end, the answer he got was to forget it like this, and just find the place later.

This answer stunned Zhou Xiaoxin for a while, but it also reassured him a lot, because it meant that Li Bu had clearly told him that he was not afraid of Xianghuaqiang anymore.

After getting such an answer from Li Bu, Zhou Xiaoxin put the matter down directly, and then buried himself in the crew to continue filming his first movie.

And when Zhou Xiaoxin went to shoot the movie with peace of mind, Li Bu actually didn't really let it go, he has completely held grudges on this Hongkong entertainment boss named Xiang Huaqiang.

At the same time, Li Bu also began to plan in his heart how to get it back, and this scene between himself and Xiang Huaqiang came.

This time, he plans to find a Xiangjiang entertainment company that is comparable to Xianghuaqiang, and then use this company to use movies and Cantonese songs to make his name in Xiangjiang, and by the way, suppress this Xiangjiang boss who took the initiative to provoke him.

Of course, it is impossible to retaliate against Xiang Huaqiang now, so Li Bu quickly put this matter aside, and he quickly shifted his mind from career to good deeds.

Recently, Li Bu has received many applications for help from impoverished mountainous areas, and Li Bu also sent people to check these areas.

What dissatisfied Li Bu was that many people in these impoverished mountainous areas did not really need help, but they already regarded the help of others as a source of income for themselves.

For example, in a mountainous area in Guizhou, in order to get this mountainous area out of poverty, the state directly built a road leading to the outside for them.

As a result, none of the people inside were willing to come out to work or do business to improve their living conditions.

Instead, they started to publicize their poverty on the Internet through self-media.

But not to mention, because the village is full of lazy people, and everyone is wearing tattered clothes, this really made them welcome a lot of Internet celebrities, celebrities, entrepreneurs, micro-businessmen, etc., come here while doing good deeds.

Then you may not believe it. After receiving help from others, these people did not buy pigs and sheep to raise and improve their living conditions. Instead, they used the supplies and money given by others to eat and eat. The drink was swayed, and nothing left was swayed.

Later, even more funny things happened. There was a rich man worth tens of billions. Seeing that their village was pitiful, he planned to renovate their village and houses for free, and planned to demolish their dilapidated tile-roofed houses. and then build them buildings or bungalows to live in....

As a result, they directly refused him, saying that if they want to do good deeds, they just need to give them the money. In the future, they will build their own houses, so they don't need to worry about rich people like them.

At that time, after the rich man said MMMP speechlessly in his heart, he left a batch of supplies and left the village without looking back.

After that, the news spread, and then there were no celebrities, Internet celebrities, or entrepreneurs to fund them, and even the local government rejected their applications from poor households.

Just kidding, there are only 53 households in a village, but 56 households in the whole village are applying for poor households.

Who dares to criticize this, this batch is not only about losing the black hat, this batch is probably going to be infamous for thousands of years.

Without the subsidy, the impoverished households could not get it. In desperation, they went back to the previous miserable days.

And recently, they didn't know where they got the news from the Li Bu Foundation, so they sent no less than [-] funding applications to Li Bu's foundation within a month.

However, after unannounced visits to their village, the employees of the foundation all chose to reject their applications.

There is no way, the reputation of this village is too bad. Although they are spending Li Bu's money to do good deeds, they don't want their love to be used to support lazy people.

Of course, due to the fact that the village has submitted too many applications recently, one of the village's applications was sent to Li Bu in the end.

When Li Bu just read the application, he refused, but in the end, considering that the village is located in a mountainous area, and the weather is cold for the elderly, it will be very difficult for the elderly inside, so he finally chose to approve the supplies to the village.

Li Bu's material approval is only based on the number of people in the mountain area, and then he arranged material support for them. Li Bu's arrangement for them was that each person had a bag of 150 catties of rice for the winter, a quilt worth [-] yuan, and a A coat, a barrel of oil, and ten packets of salt.

After arranging this, Li Bu noted such a sentence on the village's funding record, the funding is only for this one time, and it cannot be implemented a second time, and additional materials cannot be increased.

After Li Bu's arrangement was made, vehicles with materials attached to the Li's Foundation began to set off from major urban areas, and began to go to the mountainous areas continuously, and began to give to the poor villagers, left-behind children, and left-behind elderly. Ladies and gentlemen, kindly sent supplies and love.

Then the reporters and writers on the Internet were a little embarrassed to go to Hei Libu again.

They really can't go black now, and they don't have the face to go black anymore, and of course they dare not go black anymore.

Why don't you dare to go on black again, because Li Bu's love for the winter is not only in the Guangdong area, but also in the whole of China at the same time. It is said that the total expenditure of materials is as high as 5000 million yuan. many.

Also, in the previous reports of Black Libu, all the comments below will appear in this way.

[When you were still slandering him, he was doing good deeds silently, so I asked you, how did you slander him against your conscience, brother, you are so heartless, do you dare not go out when it rains? ? 】

(End of this chapter)

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