There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 398 [399] Heizi head, Zhang Suifeng is here

Chapter 398 [399] Heizi head, Zhang Suifeng is here

Li Bu has always been a maverick in his work, and he doesn't like others to dictate to him.

If he wants to do good deeds, he will do good deeds, if he wants to start a live broadcast, he will start a live broadcast, if he wants to make a movie, he will make a movie, and he will never follow other people's orders.

At the same time, he will not read the reports that praise himself or slander him. When he reads the report that praises himself, he is worried that he will drift away, but when he reads the report that smears himself, he is worried that his mentality will explode, and then he wants to hit someone.

With such a mentality, Li Bu lived a leisurely life for another two days.

His life in the past two days is very simple. He gets up in the morning to raise chickens and ducks with Wang Shichao to clean up the excrement. At noon, he goes home to take his wife to coax the children. She is taking care of Li Yanmei full-time.

It's just that such a good day was soon broken by one thing.

This incident was that Zhang Suifeng, who was the first to lead the black Li Bu, came by plane, and at this time Li Bu's driver had already sent him to the opposite bank of Lijia Village.

The man was called by himself, so even though Li Bu was not very willing to meet Zhang Suifeng, he finally took the construction team's boat and came to the other side.

As soon as Li Bu arrived on the other side, Zhang Suifeng, who was the only one, jumped on the boat and said to Li Bu while throwing his luggage on board; , It’s really quite mountainous, almost comparable to the mountain village I live in now.”

"A lot of people have come back from the village renovation now, and these workers are all from the bridge construction team. When the bridge was not built half a year ago, I was afraid that if you saw it, you would be so scared that you would turn around and walk back."

He casually took out cigarettes from his pocket, and distributed one to Zhang Suifeng and the workers who sailed the boat. Li Bu smoked cigarettes and asked the workers to sail the boat to take them back.

After subconsciously taking Li Bu's cigarette, Zhang Suifeng didn't light it, but said with a wry smile; "Back then, I spent all my savings at home, and I haven't smoked for many years..."

"You don't smoke, you told me earlier, I thought you still smoke, I ran to my dad's house specially to welcome you, and stole a pack for you while he was away, forget it, master, Here are the cigarettes for you." After replying to Zhang Suifeng speechlessly, Li Bu directly handed over his Zhonghua cigarettes to the workers who sailed the boat.

After the worker said thank you, he smiled and lit a fire by himself, and then continued to drive the boat towards Lijia Village while blowing smoke rings like a handsome man.

Seeing the smoke rings spit out by the workers, Zhang Suifeng thought for a while, then took Li Bu's lighter, and lit the cigarette in his hand.

Then he took a deep breath first, and then opened his mouth lightly. After that, smoke rings came out of Zhang Suifeng's mouth one after another like bubbles.

Seeing Zhang Suifeng blowing out smoke rings, Li Bu tugged at the corners of his mouth in disdain, then picked up the half-smoked cigarette in his hand, smoked it to the bottom in one gulp, and then opened his mouth and nostrils together, like a TV The Bull Demon King inside breathed out three pillars of smoke coolly.

"It can't be done, I haven't smoked for a long time, and I feel a little dizzy after just a few puffs." Seeing Li Bu exhale, Zhang Suifeng threw away the cigarette in his hand, and then conceded to Li Bu with a wry smile.

"Cigarettes, try not to smoke if you can. After all, this stuff costs money..."

After casually replying to Zhang Suifeng a few words, Li Bu jumped ashore slowly at the moment when the workers parked the boat, without turning his head, he continued; Phase three.

The first phase will send you to Bangzi Country tomorrow for comprehensive dead skin and muscle removal, suturing and repair surgery.

The second stage of surgery requires you to rest for a month, and then proceed after the muscles on your face grow back. The second stage of surgery mainly repairs the appearance of the wound, which is the so-called scar removal.

The third stage surgery will be even easier. You don’t even need to go to Bangzi Country anymore. You can have it done directly in the domestic beauty hospital, because the third stage surgery is just for you. Sex maintenance.

So today you will live in our Lijia Village for a day, and tomorrow I will ask the people from the company to send you to Bangzi Country for surgery. After the surgery, you will return to China to continue your training for a month.

One month later, I will go to Bangziguo for the second phase of surgery, and then the third phase will be carried out directly in China. Are there any problems? "

"As long as I can change my face back to be able to see people, let alone going to Bangzi Kingdom tomorrow, it will be fine to go to Bangzi Kingdom today.

By the way, I came here this time because I was worried that you would worry that I would feel guilty, so I didn't bring you any special products.

Next time, after my face is done this time, I will ask my dad to find you a wild boar and make bacon for you. After getting off the boat with his backpack, Zhang Suifeng explained with a smile that he didn't bring a gift this time.

After casually waving his hand, Li Bu pointed to Wang Shichao who was running to watch the excitement and said, "It's okay, this guy in front of you often comes to play without bringing gifts."

"I came here this time to bring a gift, okay, but I didn't bring it to you.

Hey, brother, why are you wearing a half mask for yourself? Are you playing cosplay? "Hearing Li Bu's words, Wang Shichao, who came to ask him to go fishing, immediately spoke back to him. After he finished talking to Li Bu, he angrily asked about Zhang Suifeng's mask again.

At this time, Zhang Suifeng had shoulder-length hair, half of his mask covered his injured left face, half of his long hair was tied and half tied, and the long hair on the left side of his face was hanging down to cover the mask.

And I don't know what Zhang Suifeng is thinking, the clothes he is wearing today are still a set of two-dimensional devil Sadie's costume.

The clothes and the long hair, together with the mask, really feel like playing cosplay.

Hearing Wang Shichao's words and seeing Li Bu staring at his clothes, Zhang Suifeng could only sigh at last, took off his mask, and said with a wry smile; "If I don't dress like this, I will This time, I have to go through security checks at least four or five times, and it is unknown whether I can even board the plane.

And look at my face, can I see people without a mask on my face, but I can't do it with a mask alone, so I have long hair to block it.

With long hair and a mask, if I still wear ordinary clothes, I will definitely be called crazy, right, so I just pretend to be young again, so I rented this suit from others and played with it. cosplay is here. "

"Fuck, let me go, how much hatred must I have with you, to be so cruel to you.

But speaking of you, you are really wicked. It’s okay to make my sister feel comfortable, but you even go to make her girlfriend feel better. Look, retribution is coming, you’ve made your face look like this. After reaching out to cover Zhang Suifeng's mask back, Li Bu got goosebumps all over his body. To be honest, the scars on Zhang Suifeng's face are really scary.

(End of this chapter)

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