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Chapter 410 [411] 1 clear pond, 1 village eats fish

Chapter 410 [411] One clear pond, one village eats fish
Don't talk about things on the Internet, when Li Bu and Li Hong brothers carried the big eel and soft-shelled turtle back to the village, it soon caused quite a stir again.

A passing woman saw the big eels and turtles that Li Bu and the others were carrying, and immediately exclaimed; Is this what you put in to raise, why is it so big?"

"Maybe my dad or my uncle put it in. It hasn't cleared the pond for several years, so it's not surprising that there are such big grass carp. The big grass carp is almost 20 catties, hehehe..." A person in the village They are very familiar, so Li Bu and Li Hong immediately answered their words with a smile when they heard someone questioning them.

This woman had just returned from working in her own orchard, so when she heard what Li Bu and Li Hong said, she immediately asked them anxiously; If so, sell me one, and my family will use it tomorrow."

Old fashioned people like to worship gods, which is a custom inherited from ancient times.

Moreover, the density of worshiping gods by old-fashioned people is a bit scary. If they want, they can worship gods every day, 365 days a year.

And you may not believe it, but in fact, old fashioned people often worship gods. In fact, it’s just that they want to eat meat. This is not a joke, it’s true.

For example, if you want to eat chicken, the old trendy people will say that the weather is good tomorrow, grab a chicken to worship God, then kill a chicken and come back, then choose a god to worship, and then eat chicken that day .

Another example is that if you want to eat duck, the old trendy people will explain that the weather is bad tomorrow, grab a duck to worship a certain water god, let it bless you, and then eat duck that day.

Then pork can also worship gods, big fish can also worship gods, melons and fruits, snacks, biscuits, snacks, etc. can also worship gods.

Anyway, I just want to eat something, so I just need to worship God to blame, after all, it sounds better to say that I want to worship God than to say that I am hungry, right?

In addition, the old trendy people also have a very special habit and custom.

That is, when buying fish, people are used to buying big fish, such as grass carp, which are less than three or four catties in Laochao. Even the fishmongers will not accept you. The fish they like to buy and buy are all big fish. The bigger the better to sell.

At the same time, Laochao also has a custom. This habit is to eat fish without finishing it. Generally, only the middle meat of the fish is eaten, and then the head and tail of the fish are discarded. The meaning of this is the so-called surplus every year. so】.

Returning to the topic, when they heard that the woman wanted to buy fish, Li Bu and Li Hong quickly nodded with a smile and said, "There are still a lot of fish. Those fish are now raised in the river below my fish pond. If you want to buy them, Just take a snakeskin bag, my dad and the others are still catching fish over there."

"Also, yes, that's fine, then I'll go home to get the money now, it's in your fish pond, right, then I'll just go there later..."

Now every household in the village has an income, so the women who can live and have bulging pockets, after hearing Li Bu and Li Hong say that there are still fish, they immediately smiled and said to go home to get the money.

"Okay, then you can go there later."

After a few words back to the woman with a smile, Li Bu and Li Hong carried the big eels with a smile and walked forward again, passing by Li Wanfu's house towards Li Bu's new house.

When passing by Li Wanfu's house, Liu Yan and Lin Xiang saw that they had no intention of stopping, so they shouted to them, "Where are you going to get the fish?"

"These are soft-shelled turtles and big eels. We need to raise them in the pond at my younger brother's [my] house, and then get them to eat after a few days." Hearing their mother shout, Li Hong and Li Bu Then he stopped and opened the basket to show Liu Yan and the others.

This is incredible.

Liu Yan and Lin Xiang didn't say anything, but Xiao Bu and the little guy quit. They each wore a small hat and hung a small water bottle, and pestered Li Bu and the others, refusing to leave.

Speechlessly, he took the two little guys to the new house, and after raising the big eels and soft-shelled turtles in two separate pools, Li Bu took the two little guys to the fish pond more helplessly.

After the two little guys arrived at the fish pond, they immediately started screaming.

When they saw Li Wanfu, they called grandpa in surprise.

When they saw Li Aiguo, they were pleasantly surprised and called Grandpa Aiguo.

When they saw Li Wanda, they called him uncle.

Even when they saw Wang Mingyu and Wang Shichao catching fish, the two little ones shouted uncle and aunt in surprise.

It could be seen that the two little guys really wanted to go into the water to catch fish, so Li Bu, who had been prepared for a long time, took it out without losing it, and then tied the two little guys to a bitter tree next to the fish pond. I went to the top of the love tree.

After being tied under the tree by Li Bu, Xiao Bu immediately opened his mouth and shouted to Li Wanfu; Little Bu wants to catch fish!!"

"Hey, my good grandson, don't come down if the water is very deep below. Tell grandpa what kind of fish you want, and grandpa will catch you to play with." After opening his mouth, Li Wanfu immediately stopped caring about the fish in the water, and happily stepped forward to take care of his little grandson.

Seeing that Xiao Xiaobu's coquettishness is useful, the little guy immediately followed suit and said coquettishly to Li Wanfu; "Grandpa, we want to see good-looking fish, can you catch them for us to play with?"

Hearing what the two little guys said, Li Wanfu immediately nodded with a smile, and then he smiled and filled a bucket with some clean water and put it in front of the two little guys, and then found them some pretty colored ones. Come and put the fighting fish in the water for them to play.

After the fish played, the two little guys stopped crying immediately, and each of them held a small bamboo, and they were there happily, teasing the little fish to play.

It's just that the little ones were attracted by another thing not long after they finished. The last batch of people from the village who came to buy fish came over, and their eyes were immediately attracted by the big fish in the big fishing net.

Seeing the big grass carp that was bigger than him, Xiao Bu was scared and hid behind the little guy, and said cautiously; "Sister, sister, is that a shark? It's so big..."

"I don't know what kind of fish it is, but it must be delicious to catch such a big fish and cook it at home." Different from Xiao Xiaobu's fear, the little guy who saw the big grass carp I was so greedy that I drool immediately.

And just when the little guy was greedy for fish, Li Bu, Li Hong, Li Aiguo, Wang Shichao, Li Wanda, Li Wanfu, and a group of them finally caught all the fish in the fish pond after a morning of hard work .

After catching the fish, Li Wanfu blocked the water outlet to prevent the fish hidden in the mud from drying out and dying in the sun.

After finishing, the group cleaned themselves up by the river, and then started to go home, preparing to sit at home and wait for Liu Yan and the others to prepare lunch and then have lunch.

And just when Li Bu and the others came home, a spectacular scene occurred in Lijia Village. There are 52 households in Lijia Village. At this time, every household was killing fish, and the fish they killed were all bought from Li Bu’s house. fish...

(End of this chapter)

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