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Chapter 412 [413] Happy Fish Feast Lunch, Li Buzhen Can Cook

Chapter 412 [413] Happy Fish Feast Lunch, Li Buzhen Can Cook

Not to mention, Li Bu placed the fried dace and small fish in such a way, and then put a few flowers carved from tomatoes and grapes. The posture of star hotel food.

After setting out the dace and small fish, Li Bu gave Li Xiaowang a small fish as a reward.

Then he took out the oil from the oil pan, scrubbed the oil pan again, then re-oiled it, and added the side dishes that Liu Yan had prepared long ago, and then Li Bu fried it with Throw the carp I bought into the pot and start braised carp.

To make braised carp in brown sauce, it needs to be simmered on a low fire to make it more delicious, so Li Bu asked Li Xiaowang to turn down the fire a little bit, and then he put it there to slowly simmer it, and he himself made it before. Good grass carp meat, stir again.

After stirring the grass carp meat, Li Bu opened the lid of the iron pot, and after taking a look at the boiling water inside, he found a spoon. The fish meat was dug into round balls, and then put into the water to make fish balls.

The grass carp that Li Bu got weighed nearly 23 catties. After removing the fish head and skeleton, the fish meat weighed nearly [-] catties, so as a last resort, Li Bu had to put the fish balls into the pot twice.

After making a large pot of fish balls for the first time, Li Bu stopped making fish balls, washed his hands and asked Li Xiaowang to turn down the fire on the braised fish side, and then he quickly took them out of the cupboard. A special dish for fish came out, and the braised fish was put in it.

After packing the braised fish in brown sauce, Li Bu casually put it into the cupboard, then he washed the pot with clean water, and then poured water into it for Li Xiaowang to start boiling the water.

While Li Xiaowang was helping to boil the water, Li Bu removed the ribs from the previous piece of pork belly and cut it into slices.

Then I found chopped plum vegetables from the cabinet, peeled a taro, washed it, sliced ​​it, put a slice of taro and a slice of pork belly on the plate, and then prepared the prepared plum vegetables as ingredients Cover it on top, and finally put it in the pot to steam....

It took longer to steam this one, so Li Bu took advantage of the spare time and quickly picked up the fish balls that had already been cooked in the first pot, and put them in a large basin.

After picking up the first batch of fish balls, Li Bu grabbed the fish with one hand and dug with a spoon in the other, and continued to make fish balls like this, and this time Li Bu directly made all the fish meat into fish balls .

After making all the fish meat into fish balls, Li Bu asked Li Xiaowang to cook the third stove [there are three stoves in the countryside. ] Then pour the oil into the hot pan, then pour the skeleton and head of the grass carp into it and copy it.

Copying also takes a certain amount of time, so Li Bu took advantage of this time again to scoop up the second batch of ready-made fish balls.

After scooping up all the fish balls, Li Bu ate one fish ball and took a sip of the soup used to make the fish balls.

After discovering that the fish balls were delicious and the fish ball soup was also drinkable, Li Bu asked Li Xiaowang to extinguish the fried fish side, and then shoveled the fried fish heads and skeletons to the fish ball soup side with a spatula. Come on, and put down some cabbage and tofu and seasonings, and then it's another delicious fish head soup.

After finishing all this, Li Bu felt that he couldn't just eat fish, so he took out an unfinished stewed wild duck from the refrigerator at home, and then chopped it into pieces and fried it with green onions for a second. Served a dish of scallion-flavored braised duck.

The duck meat is ready, the fish soup is ready, the pork with pickled vegetables is steamed, and the white rice is ready at this time, so Li Bu told Li Xiaowang to turn off the fire, and then called Liu Yan, Lin Xiang, and Chunmei, and then the big guys started serving the dishes.

Seeing Li Bu’s cooking, small fish diving [a platter of small fishes], eight fish earning water [a platter of dace], braised carp, fish balls, braised duck meat with scallions, fish head tofu soup, pickled vegetables Rou, Liu Yan, Lin Xiang, and Chunmei were all stunned.

This is the first time they have seen someone who can make such beautiful dishes, and it is also the first time they know that Li Bu can really cook.

Like Liu Yan and the others, Li Wanfu, Li Aiguo, Li Wanda, and Li Hong, when they saw the dishes being brought out, couldn't believe that these well-made dishes were from Li Bu hand.

"These dishes, shouldn't they just look good, won't they be delicious?"

After muttering a few words in their hearts, the three elders, Li Wanfu, Li Aiguo, Li Wanda, picked up the chopsticks first, and began to try the dishes that Liu Yan and the others brought out.

The small fish are crunchy and have a slight salty aroma. They are absolutely delicious with wine, even as a snack.

Fried dace, the three of them directly cut into three pieces, and then ate it there. It was also very fragrant and crispy, so crispy that even the bones could be eaten. This was also a good appetizer with wine.

Fish balls are very Q, very elastic, with the sweetness of fish and the aroma of ingredients. They are delicious and suitable for everyone. If you like spicy food, you can even dip them in chili sauce instead of spicy food. The ones can be eaten directly.

After tasting all the fish soup, braised pork with preserved vegetables, and braised fish, Li Wanfu, Li Aiguo, and Li Wanda were shocked because they found that the dishes made by Li Bu were not only beautiful, but also delicious. They are also quite delicious.

Seeing that the food was pretty good, Li Wanfu quickly smiled and greeted everyone to start eating; "Liu Yan, bring out some drinks and white wine. Women and children drink drinks, and men drink. I've been in the fish all morning." The pond works with water, so it’s better to drink some wine to get rid of the cold, and everyone will enjoy it.”

After getting the order to eat, Li Hong directly picked up the chopsticks and began to try the fish balls.

After eating one and found it delicious, he gave Li Xiaowang a bowl full of fish balls and praised Li Bu: "Brother, I believe you have opened a restaurant now, and the fish balls are well made. Eat it, it is elastic and has a fragrant taste, not even fishy, ​​it is delicious."

"Don't worry about eating by yourself. Your daughter-in-law is down here. Do you want to eat faster and bring food back for her?" Hearing Li Hong's words, he remembered that he still had a daughter-in-law at the foot of the mountain. Liu Yan urged him directly.

Hearing his mother's words, Li Hong turned his chopsticks towards Xiao Yuzai unhurriedly, and replied to Liu Yan with a wry smile; "My mother-in-law probably doesn't plan to go back, she's been in the country for a few days. It’s been a month, and I haven’t returned to their place yet!!”

"Haven't left yet? No, didn't you say you sent her to the airport last time? Why haven't you left yet??
Have you left yet? Why don't you tell Mom? Mom hasn't gone down the mountain for so long. Chuni's mother can't complain about me all day long? "Hearing that her in-laws hadn't returned to China, Liu Yan was stunned, and at the same time blamed Li Hong for being ignorant.

Hearing his mother's scolding, Li Hong waved his hands speechlessly and said, "I also just found out that they didn't go back to China.

They just came back to my house yesterday. When they said they were leaving to go home, they actually went out to work with my brother-in-law. This time it’s almost Chinese New Year, so they paid their wages and came back.

Also, they said that the wages here are high, so what if you can't make money when you go home, it seems that they plan to let my brother-in-law work here or something.

It's not good for me to say anything now, and as a junior, I can't let them go out to work, so I bought a building with more than 100 million yuan in my community for them to live in.

And today it is because of their presence that I dare to bring Xiao Wang here, or else you think I dare to leave my pregnant wife and come up the mountain? ? "

(End of this chapter)

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