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Chapter 418 [419] Liu Jialiang; Happiness just came suddenly

Chapter 418 [419] Liu Jialiang; Happiness just came suddenly

Li Bu and the others cook delicious food.

In addition to the busy work that the big guys have been running around recently, each of them has a particularly good appetite, so the big guys ate very well this meal, and the three tables were eaten clean.

Especially the big eel steamed by Li Bu, the big guys gave it a special face, and directly ate it with one chopstick, a skeleton with only a head and a tail.

After the food, Li Bu even brought out Li Wanfu's medicinal wine in order to reward the big guys, and poured a small cup for each of the big guys to replenish their bodies.

Then when the big guys were about to break up and go back to their respective homes, Li Bu suddenly stopped, and at some point he was replaced by Liu Jialiang who never expected the crew to come here.

After being called out by Li Bu alone, Liu Jialiang hurriedly leaned in front of Li Bu, and asked with a flattering expression, "Boss, what's the matter with calling me out?
That boss, although I haven’t made you any money recently, I’ve actually worked very hard. It’s just that I haven’t had the chances like Yixin and Shuangxi. If you give me a chance, I can also soaring. "

"Don't say I'm biased and don't give you a chance, show me your best form now, and then sing Xiaowei for me a cappella, your chance lies in this song." Hearing Liu Jialiang's words, Li While taking him to a relatively quiet place, Bu looked at him and said with a serious face.

"I will definitely make good use of this opportunity. Boss, please wait for me. I will open my throat first, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!"

After thanking Li Bu for a while, Liu Jialiang opened his voice first, and then sang Xiaowei; "There is a beautiful little girl, her name is Xiaowei, she has gentle eyes, she quietly steal my heart

Xiaowei, do you know how much I love you, I want to fly you to the sky, see how beautiful the stars are, and take one off and give it to you with my own hands. "

After listening to Liu Jialiang singing Xiaowei, Li Bu touched his chin, looked at him and said calmly; "Sing Pray for Buddha once, if you don't know, you can use your mobile phone to play the accompaniment."

Hearing Li Bu's words, Liu Jialiang almost didn't hesitate, and directly sang to pray to the Buddha; "When the moonlight shines on my face, I think I will change my appearance soon. There is a kind of heart-piercing The soup, drinking it has magical powers, close your eyes and see heaven, that is the place where your smile is hidden. "

"Very good, great, you have passed my test perfectly, and now I have a chance for you to soar into the sky, do you want to have a try?" After Liu Jialiang sang "Praying for Buddha", Li Bu said loudly. Looking at him with a smile on his face, he asked a question that he couldn't refuse no matter what...

Unexpectedly, he couldn't refuse, so Liu Jialiang decided to be straightforward, and nodded to Li Bu with a smile; "Yes, it's just the opportunity you give me, boss, I want it!!"

"This opportunity is great and dangerous. If you don't do it well, you may bear a lot of infamy, so are you sure you really want this opportunity?" Seeing Liu Jialiang being so straightforward, Li Bu couldn't help asking again him.

Liu Jialiang didn't dislike Li Bu's long-windedness, so he nodded again and said, "I want it, even if I get scolded and hacked, I want this chance, and I believe that you won't harm me, boss!!"

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll give you this chance.

And the opportunity I want to give you is to take all the songs I sang off the shelves and fill them in with your cover songs. After that, I will completely retire behind the scenes, and you will enter the music circle and start appearing as the Prince of Sadness.

And after you cover all these songs of mine, I will write you a sad song of pop music for three months, so that you can continue to be popular.

However, since pop music is destined to only be popular for a while, you need to go out and run more activities when each song is popular, so as to earn more money for yourself and the company. After nodding to Liu Jialiang, Li Bu told him the opportunity he wanted to give him.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Liu Jialiang was stunned for a moment, then immediately looked at Li Bu, and exclaimed in disbelief; "Boss, you mean, those songs you sang by yourself will be sung to me in the future, and Your version will still be withdrawn, really, do you really want to praise me like this?"

"I told you that when I accepted you. Did I tell you that as long as you play well with me, I promise you will be popular?" I don't know if I have ever boasted to Liu Jialiang.

Hearing Li Bu's question, Liu Jialiang shook his head after thinking for a while and said, "I forgot too, probably he never said such a thing to me."

"I haven't said it, then you can just take it as I said it. As long as you follow me well in the future, I will guarantee that you will be popular. Now I give you the opportunity. In a week, you give me my previous All the songs sung were recorded.

Then, after your songs are finished, all my songs will be taken off the shelves to make way for you. I have given you such a great opportunity, whether you can seize it depends on your own ability.

Alright, go back and have a good rest. By the way, tell Yixiu that you are leaving, and your agent will probably come to pick you up in these two days. After patting Liu Jialiang on the shoulder with a smile, Li Bu sent him back to rest.

After nodded excitedly, Liu Jialiang turned and left, and said to Li Bu gratefully; "Boss, I will definitely work hard and never let you down."

"Come on, believe in yourself, just like I believe in you and am willing to make way for you, go back and rest..." After nodding with a smile, Li Bu himself turned back to the room to accompany Li Yanmei and the little guy to watch TV went.

On the other side, after leaving Li Wanfu's house, Liu Jialiang immediately yelled happily; "Yeah yeah yeah I finally got my chance, I want to be hot, my Liu Jialiang is going to be hot, I'm going to be hot Yes, hahaha."

"Hello, Xiaojiajia, why are you so excited? What did the boss ask you to do just now, hehehe..." Liu Jialiang hadn't finished his excitement when someone hugged his shoulders and looked up. The person is Zhang Xiaofeng.

Before he could answer Zhang Xiaofeng's words, someone hugged his other shoulder immediately, and it was also heard, and he asked with a smirk; "Yes, Xiaojiajia, the boss called you just now. Why did you go, hehehe..."

"It's nothing, but the boss said that I'm not very suitable for filming, so he's going to transfer me back to sing, and then he asked me to say hello to you in advance..." Liu Jialiang is still not sure if he is really capable of being given by Li Bu. Therefore, he did not dare to tell all about his opportunity, but only revealed a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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