There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 479 [480] Exchange all my savings for free Xuexue

Chapter 479 [480] Exchange all my savings for free Xuexue
You are very much like a person, and there are still several stories.

But when Li Bu finished telling the first story, Li Yanmei had already fallen asleep holding his hand, so he stopped telling it.

After lightly kissing Li Yanmei's forehead and saying [wife good night], Li Bu covered Li Yanmei with a quilt, allowing her to continue sleeping comfortably.

After Li Yanmei was arranged, Li Bu carefully went into the bathroom to take a shower, then took another quilt and lay down on the new sofa that he had just bought in the corner of the hospital bed to rest.

On the other hand, Xuexue returned to her hometown smoothly after taking a taxi for more than two hours.

Seeing his daughter running back in the middle of the night, Xuexue's father couldn't help but ask when he opened the door; "Xue'er, why are you back at this time? What happened?"

"Dad, I've made up my mind. I won't go to court. As long as the other side is willing to sign the divorce agreement, I agree to give them 10 yuan as compensation. Now you help me contact them, and he will sign immediately. I'll give the money right away!!" Xuexue, who was in a hurry to leave, didn't beat around the bush to her father, and directly stated her purpose of coming back.

Hearing Xuexue's words, Xuexue's father first took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, took a few big puffs, and then said bitterly: "Xue'er, I'm sorry, it's dad who hurt you. "

"Dad, everyone has their own destiny, you can just treat it as my destiny, I don't blame you for my fate.

But I hope you will understand me, I am still young, it is impossible for me to continue to serve that person for the sake of fame. "She said she didn't blame her father for being a fake, but Xuexue didn't want to say it, because she planned to take her daughter away this time and never come back to this place again.

Knowing that his daughter was telling lies, Xuexue's father did not expose Xuexue, but sighed; "That person is now in the hospital in the county seat. His condition worsened yesterday, and the hospital has already given him medical attention. There was an ultimatum, and they said it had to be amputated, or he would lose it.

During the daytime today, people from their family also came over. They said that as long as we can get him 5 yuan for surgery and 5 yuan for living expenses, they are willing to settle the divorce agreement. Sign it and give the child to you for custody. "

"Driver wait, driver wait, can the driver take us to the hospital again? Please, I will double the fare for you!!" Hearing her father said that the person was in the county hospital, Xuexue was about to go there Take one last look at him, and then end that ridiculous marriage with him that shouldn't have happened.

The driver, who was about to turn around and was about to leave, quickly reversed the car back when he heard that there was still work to do.

Seeing that the driver had parked the car, Xuexue put her luggage on the car again.

Then he went into the house and called his brother, hugged his daughter, took his parents with him, and then the family went directly to the hospital by car.

After the group arrived at the hospital, Xuexue told the driver to wait for them in the parking space below, and then the group of five went directly to Xuexue's husband's ward.

When Xuexue and the others arrived at the ward, a strong man who was Xuexue's husband and brother opened his mouth to scold Xuexue.

However, when he saw that Xuexue came with his daughter in his arms, the strong man immediately changed his words; "You are here, take the child in and have a look, our family can't afford the medical expenses, you can see him this time After that, it might be the last time I see him."

Gently nodded, Xuexue didn't say anything, but directly hugged her daughter, walked into the ward and came to the bed, looked at the middle-aged man on the bed, and said lightly; "I'll bring my daughter to see you Is there anything you want to say to me and my daughter?"

The middle-aged man on the hospital bed was stunned for a moment after hearing Xuexue's words, and then when he recognized that she was his wife, his expression suddenly became extremely exciting, surprised, unbelievable, lost, bitter, Happy, sad, relieved.

After a bitter smile, the middle-aged man looked at Xuexue, and said in a weak voice; "Marrying me has wronged you, I heard from my brother that you want to divorce me, right?

Don't talk, just listen to me, I understand you if you want a divorce, after all, a construction worker like me can't give you a happy life at all, not to mention that I am disabled now.

Xuexue, I'm sorry, I don't have much culture, so I couldn't give you the life you should have, so I agree to you if you want a divorce. After all, divorce is better than widowhood... "

"Do you think I want to divorce you because you can't give me a better life?
Do you think I've found a rich man now that I'm dressed beautifully?

Let me tell you the truth, you are the only one who has touched my body so far, and I have not betrayed you once, and the clothes I wear are just a set of ordinary clothes in the outside city.

And the reason why I want to divorce you is because you never treat me as a human being. I have been married to you for four years, but you have imprisoned me like an animal for four years.

Even if I gave birth to a daughter for you, you still don't believe me, and you still detain me all day long.

I am a human being, and I am a healthy person both physically and mentally, but what do you think of me? You treat me like a tool, just a beautiful toy you bought back.

How did you treat me in these four years of life? Don’t you yourself have a little 13? Beat me when you drink alcohol, beat me when the food is not good, beat me when something is not going well, and beat me if you don’t serve you well .

I am your wife, not a sandbag you bought back. My heart is actually very traditional. As long as you treat me as well as a brother treats his sister-in-law, that’s fine. Then I’m willing to follow you wholeheartedly.

But in the past four years, you have treated dogs better than me, so how can you let me continue to live with you, how dare I continue to live with you? ? "Although she said sad words, although there were tears in the corners of her eyes, there was a smile on Xuexue's face at this moment, a desolate smile.

After finishing what she wanted to say, Xuexue took out a divorce agreement from her bag and handed it to the middle-aged man, and said calmly; "I will lend you all the medical expenses and subsequent living expenses." Come here, you only need to sign on it, and I will transfer 10 yuan to you immediately!!"

Seeing Xuexue who has now changed from a sloppy village girl to a beautiful woman.

Although the middle-aged man regretted it a bit, in the face of survival, he finally signed his name on the divorce agreement, bit his finger and pressed bloody handprints on it.

After pressing the fingerprints, the middle-aged man handed the divorce agreement to Xuexue, and then looked at Xuexue's daughter who was a little scared of him in his arms, and said to Xuexue with a bitter face; If so, when she grows up, bring her back to see me, and let me know what my daughter looks like when she grows up... "

After lightly nodding her head, Xuexue walked out of the ward with the strong man before, and went to the front desk of the hospital together, where she got 12 in a flash.

After that, Xuexue took her family and left the hospital without looking back. After that... the man who gave her nightmares was no longer hers.

After paying all her savings, she finally got the freedom she wanted. Now that she is single, she can pursue her own happiness! !

(End of this chapter)

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