There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 480 [481] At this moment, I have lost my husband's family and my mother's family

Chapter 480 [481] At this moment, I have lost my husband's family and my mother's family
After returning from the hospital, Xuexue first asked the driver to wait for her for a while, and then she said bluntly to her parents; "Mom and Dad, besides divorcing that person when I come back this time, I also plan to take the girl away." .”

"What did you say? You want to take the girl away, but if you take the girl with you, would you still be interested in going to work outside?

Besides, isn't it good for the girl to live with us at home, if you come back suddenly and take her away, she might not be able to adapt to life outside... "Hearing Xuexue's words, Xue's father immediately looked at her and asked with a puzzled expression.
"Okay? Is this what you call okay?

She wears clothes that my brother and children don’t want, and her hair is cut like a dog’s mouth. You are not even willing to spend five yuan for a haircut. This is what you call it, okay?

And this weight, I remember when I handed the girl over to you, she was chubby and cute.

But it's only been in your foster care for more than half a year, and now I'm skinny, is this what you call very good?
Finally, let's talk about her character. I remember when I handed the girl over to you, she was a lively and cheerful child.

Now, after seeing me now, I keep getting into my arms, and since I saw me, I have been holding on to my clothes and refusing to let go, for fear that I will lose them if I let go, this is what you call Is it good? "

After roaring in her heart, Xuexue looked at Dad Xue calmly and said, "No need, it's not easy for you to take care of my brother's two children.

So the girl won't stay with you and cause you trouble. Besides, I work outside alone, so I don't trust her. "

"Xue'er, do you think this is okay? Don't go out to work these few days. Dad will ask someone to introduce you to a few partners. It's better for you to choose one..." I don't know if it's out of concern, or out of some mentality , Dad Xue suddenly became concerned about Xuexue, and the question of whether a second marriage is necessary came up.

Xuexue, who was sold by her parents once, did not want to try this so-called second time.

So she directly picked up her daughter and refused; "Don't worry about it, I will find what kind of man I want in the future, and I will catch the plane at five o'clock, so I took the girl away. Girl and mother Would you like to live somewhere else?"

"Okay, but, mom, can you stop leaving the girl, don't you want the girl?

Both grandpa and grandma don't like Yatou, they don't give her food to eat, they only give it to elder brother and them, and Yatou can only eat what they don't want, and she can't get enough.... "It was just a random question at first, but what Xuexue never expected was that the girl who refused to speak since the first meeting, suddenly spoke when she heard Xuexue said that she was going to take her away.

Hearing the girl's words, Xuexue, who originally wanted to leave a support fee of 2 yuan to her parents, suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart.

Then she picked up the girl directly, didn't say anything about packing her luggage, turned around and went out to get in the car, and left in a taxi, without even giving Dad Xue and the others a chance to explain.

Seeing Xuexue leaving so resolutely, Xue's father and Xue's mother rushed out and shouted; "Xuexue, why did you leave like this, don't you want the girl's clothes, and you haven't paid the girl's tuition And food expenses!!" [The last sentence about food expenses was yelled by Mother Xue. 】

"Master, ignore them and send me to the airport, thank you!!"

After telling the driver not to stop, Xuexue hugged the girl in her arms and asked with a distressed face; "Girl, I'm sorry, it's my mother who hurt you. From now on, mother promises to you that no matter what happens in the future, Mom won't be separated from you!!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, mother, don't leave the girl, the girl is so scared.

Grandpa and grandma want to beat the girl, they don't give her food, and they make the girl work every day, and if they don't work, they say they will take the girl out and throw it away. Mom, please don't throw the girl away, the girl is so scared, woo woo. "Maybe it was because of Dad Xue and the others that the girl didn't dare to cry all the time. Now that they were gone, the girl hugged Xuexue directly and burst into tears.

"Don't cry, don't cry, girl is good, mother will never abandon girl again, mother will take our girl with her wherever she goes.

I'm sorry, it's my mother's bad, it's my mother's bad, don't cry, don't cry, woo woo woo. "Hearing what happened to her daughter in her natal family, Xuexue cried out in distress.

He heard Xuexue's mother and son crying in the back seat.

After the taxi driver handed them a box of tissues, he continued to drive his car without turning his head and said, "Girl, life is like this, the first stage of happiness is always full of ups and downs, so don't compromise and go forward bravely." Go forward, there will be happiness waiting for you at the front of the road."

"Master, thank you for your tissues. You are right. The road to happiness is always bumpy, and there will be happiness in the first part of the road." When answering the driver's words, Xuexue still added a sentence silently in her heart ;"Brother Genius, will you be the happiness of me and the girl?"

Ding ding ding. Ding ding ding. Just when Xuexue finished answering the driver's call, the mobile phone in her pocket rang, and the caller ID was still from Dad Xue.

Xuexue, who didn't want to answer at first, looked at the girl who was still sobbing in her arms, and then directly pressed the answer button and said coldly; "Why do you treat the girl like this? Is it because I didn't give you living expenses, or did you say The child I gave birth to is not your offspring, why do you treat our mother and daughter like this, you have hurt me once, isn't that enough?"

"The child is disobedient, I don't care about her, I don't care about her words, my grandson has to be bullied to death by your girl.

Well, I'm not calling to talk to you about this, I'm calling to tell you that you haven't paid me the girl's tuition and living expenses.

And it's almost Chinese New Year now, I think you are quite rich, so don't you have to show respect to us two old people? "It was not Father Xue who answered the phone, but Mother Xue, so the words that came over were not polite at all, just asking for money.

Hearing Mama Xue's words, the girl who had been eavesdropping in Xuexue's arms immediately pouted and shouted; "Grandma is a liar, grandma is a big liar, grandma didn't teach the girl at all, and grandma spent all day The girl is locked in the house, mother, don't give money to the big liar, she is here from the big bad guy."

"In one day, I just lost my husband's family, and now I also lost my mother's family.

I don't know why you all have to treat me like this, but I've had enough of you, so in the future, you can pretend that you never gave birth to my daughter. "

Xuexue didn't question her mother about too many things. After replying to her in a desperate voice, Xuexue hung up the phone directly, and then directly blocked the phone numbers of all the relatives on Sichuan's side .

To be honest, if she didn't need to use her mobile phone to contact Liu Tiancai tomorrow, at this moment, Xuexue would definitely throw her mobile phone away without hesitation, and then completely cut off contact with the people here... no more contact in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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