There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 516 [517] Sometimes doing good things is actually quite difficult

Chapter 516 [517] Sometimes doing good things is actually quite difficult

Half an hour later, the blushing Huang Xueting bid farewell to the taxi driver, followed Zhang Xiaofeng and the others on the bus, and then the convoy set off again, slowly heading for the second poverty-stricken area.

In the car, Xiao Bu looked back at Huang Xueting from time to time, and asked Li Bu curiously, "Father, is it so easy for you adults to pick up girls?"

"It's easy for Lang to be interested in concubines, but compared to your children's play, I think it's easier for you to fall in love with Tiantian..." He squeezed Xiaobu's face in a funny way Afterwards, Li Bu said to him angrily.

Hearing Li Bu talk about Tian Tian, ​​Xiao Bu immediately said with a melancholy expression; "Hey, I have been away for so long this time, and I don't know if Tian Tian will remember me after I go back."

"What's the use of remembering? Is it possible that after the Chinese New Year, you can still take her to live with her in the capital?" Speaking of Xiao Bu's going back to the capital with Xiao Mingyun after the new year, Li Bu immediately felt A bit reluctant, because before he knew it, he already had a deep relationship with this son.

Of course, he knows that some things are not what he really wants to do. It is obviously impossible for all five sons to be raised together. After all, they are not the masters of peace.

As for the arrangement of Xiaobu, he probably can only try to visit him a few more times a year, how about spending more time with him.

And during the long vacations such as winter vacation and summer vacation, let him come back to live in Lijiacun more often, and satisfy him with the best ability in terms of living conditions.

Hearing that he was going back to the capital, Little Bu was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at Li Bu, and asked seriously; "Father, after I go back to the capital, will you come to see me often? with mom?"

"It will definitely be, when the time comes, Dad will visit our little Bu every month, and after you study, during the winter vacation and summer vacation, Dad will take you back to Lijia Village to live with your grandparents, you Okay?" Smiling and agreeing to Xiaobu, he would visit him often in the future, Li Bu then asked him with a smile, would he like to come back to accompany Li Wanfu and the others during the summer vacation.

After slipping into Li Bu's arms with a smile, Xiao Bu looked up at him and said with a smile, "Father, why don't you live with your mother, and why can't my mother live in Li's Village?" ,very strange?"

"Those are not important, the important thing is that you have to remember that Dad will always love you.

Okay, stop playing around, lie down and rest obediently, and wait until Dad wakes you up again. "It's inconvenient to talk too much about Xiao Mingyun's affairs with Xiao Xiaobu, so in order to change the topic, Li Bu coaxed him to sleep.

I walked for a long time in the morning, and I was still in the car halfway, so the very tired Xiaobu soon lay in Li Bu's arms, and fell asleep slowly with Li Ranran, even Finally, there was a small snoring.

After doting on the two little guys with his coat, Li Bu put a neck brace on himself, and then lay down on the seat and started his lunch break.

This time the drive was a bit shorter than the previous one. Li Bu and the others slept for less than two hours before the car slowly arrived in front of a lake.

[That's right, this time the destination is more difficult to walk, it is directly to cross the river. 】

After getting off the car, Lin Keman and the others walked over, and while taking Xiaobu and Li Ranran from Li Bu's hands, they pointed to the lake and asked Li Bu; "Boss, don't you plan to Let's just swim there with supplies, shall we?"

"Don't make trouble, didn't you see the three fishing boats coming? They should come to pick up the boats we passed by." After handing the two little guys to Lin Keman and the others, Li Bu pointed to the boat that was heading towards the boat on the opposite side. The boat that was coming from the side replied to them angrily.

After hearing Li Bu's words, Han Dongxue, Lin Keman, Zhao Yuhan, and Meng Xiaoqiao all looked at the fishing boat that was getting closer, and Qiqi said to Li Bu with a bitter face; "Boss, are you sure?" Can this fishing boat take those of us there, I wonder!!"

"These three are indeed not enough to pull us in, but oh, look at the back, there are four fishing boats behind, which should be enough for us now..." Li Bu also felt that the three fishing boats were not enough to pull his people and supplies. , suddenly saw a few more boats on the river, so he pointed to the boat and said to Han Dongxue and the others.

And when Li Bu's words fell, all five boats on the lake had already sailed to Li Bu's side, and then parked neatly on the shore.

After the boat stopped, a few strong men jumped off the boat and greeted Li Bu and the others with a smile; Boat, our boat is here to pick you up..."

"Boss, these are the fishing boats we chartered. Since there are no tourist attractions here, there are no big boats here. These fishing boats are the best boats we can find." When several strong men spoke, several The staff of the foundation immediately came forward to explain to Li Bu.

Hearing that the staff said it was the best boat, Li Bu couldn't say anything more, so he waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's make do with this fishing boat, and help get the supplies on board first. , and then get on the boat together, come on, let’s all move.”

After yelling a few words, Li Bu, Li Xiaomu and the others began to unload the goods from the truck and board the ship with the employees of the foundation according to the list.

This time the village was even smaller, with only a dozen or so households, so the supplies were packed quickly.

Then everyone carefully boarded the fishing boat with the supplies, and because they were afraid, they all sat quietly in the boat, and were dragged by a few strong men to the upper reaches of the lake.

Seeing that the strong men sailed upstream instead of directly across the lake, Li Bu immediately asked the strong man in a puzzled way; ah?"

"It will take about an hour. The village is very far away. If it weren't for the people we are familiar with in this area, others would not be able to find that place." After telling Li Bu the time length with a smile, the strong man said proudly The familiarity from this area has come.

Li Bu was stunned for an hour when he heard that he needed to take a fishing boat for an hour, and then asked the strong man with a wry smile, "Brother, can you tell me about the situation in that village?"

"Hey, what can I say in that village, just one word, poor, the children there basically don't go home after they go out to work, and the girls there don't think about marrying the villagers.

So that village, now it can be said that hey. If a few years later, if no one takes care of them, when those old people are gone, it will become an empty village again. "Hearing that Li Bu wanted to know about that village, the strong man gave a bitter smile, and drove the fishing boat on, while telling him helplessly that the village was poor.

While the strong man was chatting with Li Bu, Lin Keman, Zhao Yuhan, and Meng Xiaoqiao, who were not on the boat, were already holding on to the railing, vomiting to death...

(End of this chapter)

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