There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 517 [518] A village where even the children don't want to come

Chapter 517 [518] A village where even the children don't want to come back

"As people's lives are getting better and better, the whole people are starting to move towards a well-off life, so when there is a better way out, everyone starts to pursue a better life.

So some relatively closed mountain villages like here are gradually abandoned and forgotten by people.

To be honest, although the current mountain life seems to be very hard for the rich people in the city, compared with the life of the people in the past, the life now is actually very good.

I still remember more than ten years ago, when I was a child, I was really poor. I was so poor that I couldn’t even afford shoes, I was so poor that I could only eat half full, and I was so poor that I was laughed at even going to school. is heterogeneous.

On the other hand, today's poor people can eat enough and dress warmly, but the only thing that can't be fulfilled is probably the lack of a wife. "Speaking of the poverty in the past and the poverty now, Li Bu couldn't help showing a sigh, and sighed with the strong man.

Hearing Li Bu's exclamation, the burly man was stunned for a moment, and then he continued to drive forward, saying with a look of recollection; "Isn't it, when I was young, I was really poor. At that time, if you could eat white rice for a meal, you would live like a god.

What to eat at that time, eat sweet potato porridge, eat white porridge, sweet potato porridge is sweet potato with a handful of rice, and white rice porridge is porridge made with a handful of rice and a large pot of water.

Just like this, I often don’t get enough to eat, what to do if I don’t have enough to eat, go up the mountain to catch cicadas, catch bugs, catch bees, catch birds, frogs, loaches, eels, etc. to roast and eat.

So compared to the previous life, the current life is really good. It's a pity that people nowadays just don't know how to be satisfied, and they always think about comparing this and that with others.

Do you say that those children who linger in the city and never come back are really happy, are they really happy?I don't think they are happy, but they would rather cry in the concrete world than come back and laugh in the mountains. Who can do it?Why. "

"In the final analysis, people are too smart and prices are too high. When people become smart, they don't just think about future generations. They all think about having fun by themselves. Look at how many DINKs and DINKs are out there now. Married but never having children.

There is another reason, this reason is that there are too few girls and too many boys, which makes the yin and yang imbalance, resulting in too much competition for marriage, hey. "

"Isn't it? Now there are too few girls and too many boys. You know, my cousin married a big fat girl who weighs more than 150 pounds. She is stupid and can't do anything. She is too lazy to follow a pig It seems so, but my cousin still spent 20 yuan to get it home for her."

"Then the bride price here is relatively expensive. I also got married this year. When I got married, my family's conditions were not very good. My daughter-in-law gave me the dowry at the time, but now that the living conditions are better, I don't have any." Treat them badly."

"Then you are lucky, but I am as lucky as you. My daughter-in-law also fell in love with me, and then came to live with me regardless of the opposition of my family. So, there are fewer and fewer good women now. ah."

"Yes, brother, you are also a lucky person. Now there are not many men who can be loved by women like us. Hahahaha, brother is fate. When I am free in the future, I will ask you to have a drink."

"I heard that your Lijia Village is going to open a scenic spot and a resort in the future, right? When I go to your place to play, remember to give me a little discount."

"What kind of discount? Brother, if you come to my house as a guest, I can still charge you money. It's free, everything is free. When the time comes, you go to Lijia Village and come to me directly. I will entertain you, and I promise to arrange it for you." Properly go."

In this way, Li Bu and the big man who drove the boat chatted for more than an hour, and the two chatted directly from the shore to Anle Village, the destination of Li Bu's trip.

After arriving at the destination, as soon as the fishing boat stopped, Lin Keman and the others rushed ashore to vomit.

After vomiting, they all looked at Li Budao sadly; "Boss, I won't take you who bully people like you, and you didn't tell us in advance that we didn't even bring motion sickness medicine for such a long waterway."

"I didn't know that the waterway would be so far away. If I knew that the waterway was so far away, I would let you guys go to rest. I'll just bring some people over here myself."

Smiling and comforting Lin Keman and the others, Li Bu saw that they had just vomited a few times and were fine, then he called the big guys to start carrying things ashore again.

This time I really have to move things ashore by myself, because there are only a dozen families in this village, and there are not forty people in total, so they don't have a village head and secretary at all, so no one knows in advance that they will come out to greet them. What are they.

However, although no one came to greet them on purpose, a few villagers who passed by greeted them, but they only spoke the local dialect, so Li Bu and the others could not understand at all; "Hey, boss, what are you doing?" yes?"

"Ah, hello, uncles and aunts. We are from the Li Charity Foundation. Isn't it the Chinese New Year? We have brought you New Year's supplies." members, hurriedly stepped forward and said to them with a smile.

Hearing the words of the members of the Love Foundation, the elders and aunts immediately asked in confusion and confusion; "Are you sent by the government? Didn't the government send things before? Why are you here again?"

"Uncle and Aunt, we are not sent by the government, we are sent by this Mr. Li Bu, that is, our boss.

Our boss made some money this year, and his wife gave birth to four sons, so in order to thank fate for being kind to him, he organized this love-giving event to send New Year’s gifts to people in mountainous areas all over the country and red packets.

Now it's your village's turn as we walk along the way. By the way, uncle and aunt, can you greet the big guys in the village so that we can distribute things. "Hearing that the uncle and aunt had misunderstood, the staff of the Love Foundation quickly pointed to Li Bu and introduced them to them.

After hearing the explanation from the staff of the Love Foundation, the uncle and aunt came forward immediately and said to Li Bu with a grateful expression; "Boss, thank you so much, I wish you a wealth of wealth, a happy family, and a loving husband and wife." , the children also grow up healthy and happy, and grow into young talents..."

Hearing the words of the uncle and the aunt, the staff of the foundation quickly translated the words to Li Bu, and then Li Bu smiled and said to the uncle and the aunt; "Thank you for your blessings, Xiao Bu, I am here to give you Say hello to an early New Year."

Hearing Li Bu's words, the uncle and aunt were stunned for a moment, and then they changed their dialect into vernacular and replied to Li Bu; "Boss, you are welcome, and you follow us, I will help you get rid of the village. Everyone shouted together."

After nodding his head with a smile, Li Bu waved his hands and led the big guy to carry the daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, etc., and followed the uncles and aunts towards the village.

After entering the village, Li Bu realized that what the strong man who sailed the boat before was right. This village is really a village where young people don't want to come back.

After everyone had arrived in Nuoda's village, Li Bu and the others immediately discovered that it had been closed in recent years, and there was not even a young man in the village, only some old villagers and young children.

(End of this chapter)

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