There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 518 [519] A song from the heart, slow in the past

Chapter 518 [519] A song from the heart, slow in the past

After entering the village, Li Bu suddenly felt as if he had walked into the Lijia Village when he was young, and the Lijia Village at that time was just like the village in front of him.

The same dilapidated, the same poverty, the same surrounded by mountains and rivers, the same village where young people don't like to go back, only old people and children live.

In addition, seeing those children with bare feet and tattered clothes, Li Bu seemed to see himself in the past.

At that time, he was so weak, so inferior, so helpless, and so hated the injustice, especially when he was going to school.

Walking slowly to a little boy with bare feet and thin clothes, Li Bu squatted down, looked at him and asked, "Little friend, how old are you this year? Have you studied?"

"Uncle, I'm nine years old this year. I just entered the first grade of primary school. Now that the school is on holiday, I came home. By the way, uncle, are you here to give us a gift?" Seeing Li Bu approaching The little boy was stunned for a moment, and then cautiously looked at the people and supplies behind Li Bu, while carefully replying to Li Bu.

After lightly nodding his head, Li Bu reached out and took a small leather jacket from Lin Keman's hand for the little boy to put on, and then said to him softly; "Son, study hard, although we can't choose Our own birth, but we can choose our own future...”

"Thank you uncle, thank you uncle for your new clothes, uncle, I will remember your words, thank you." The little boy had forgotten how long he hadn't worn new clothes, so when he saw the new clothes on his body, he was immediately excited cried aloud.

"Don't cry, a manly man bleeds and doesn't shed tears, remember what your uncle said, study hard, and strive to be a useful person in the future, and if you have no money for studying in the future, you can come to Laochao Lijia Village in Guangdong to find your uncle, and your uncle will help you You go to school."

After telling the little boy to study hard again in a gentle tone, Li Bu turned to look at Li Xiaomu and the others and said, "Give uncle and aunt a gift for each family.

One quilt per person, one bag of rice, one bag of bacon, one barrel of oil, ten bags of salt and ten catties of pepper, a 500 yuan Chinese New Year red envelope, and a set of winter coats for the elderly and children... "

Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Xiaomu and the others nodded and began to distribute gifts to the villagers. In addition, because there were many elderly people in the village, Li Xiaomu and the others had to provide door-to-door service and send them home directly. went.

And just when Li Xiaomu and the others were going to deliver gifts, Li Bu brought Xiaobu and Li Ranran with supplies, and came to a house with only one lonely old man; "Hello, uncle, we are here to give you a New Year gift gift."

"Hello, welcome to our village. If you don't mind, please come in and sit down. Your two children are so cute." The old man is very old, but to Li Bu's surprise, in this place full of In a village where few people speak even vernacular, there is such an old man who is fluent in Mandarin.

After looking at the old man suspiciously, Li Bu followed the old man into their house slowly, and then Li Bu was stunned by the things inside, erhu, guzheng, pipa, leather drum, bamboo chair, and the things that looked Although it looks shabby, it is full of memories and quaint earth courtyards.

Of course, what surprised Li Bu was not the existence of these musical instruments, but that these musical instruments were all made by the old man himself. The tools for making these musical instruments are now placed in the old man's yard.

Seeing Li Bu's surprised look, the old man smiled, picked up an erhu, and said to him with a smile, "Son, what do you do? Why do you come to this poor mountain valley to do good deeds?"

"Hi Uncle, my name is Li Bu. I'm a singer, songwriter, and composer. How about you? When I look at the musical instruments in your room, you must not be an ordinary person, right?" Seeing the old man holding the erhu, Li Bu curiously asked about the old man's life experience, because he felt that this old man was not simple, and there must be a touching or affectionate story about him.

After handing the erhu as a toy to Xiaobu and Li Ranran to play with, the old man walked up to an iron stove, and while adding water to the iron pot to boil, it looked like making tea, and said to Li Bu with a smile; Me, I am not what you think, I am just a person who is waiting for someone."

"Can you tell me your story? I'm a composer, and I really need a story like yours as inspiration." The more he listened to the old man, the more Li Bu felt that he had a story, so he immediately went to The smile encouraged the old man to tell his own story.

Hearing Li Bu's words, the old man first picked up the hot water pot, cleaned the tea set aside, then made tea for Li Bu, and said to him with a smile; "My story, it probably happened more than 50 years ago. In the early 70s, China was still a relatively closed and backward country at that time.

However, I was not born here at that time. I was actually a native of the capital city, but I was assigned here in the later action of going to the countryside.

When I was assigned here, I felt very lucky, because the transportation here is inconvenient, and many things outside can’t be controlled inside, so here, even in the most difficult times, we can still barely eat full.

It's just that this luck didn't last long, because not long after, I met, knew each other, fell in love with a college student from other provinces, and we got together. At that time, we even agreed to spend the rest of our lives together.

Maybe it was a trick of good fortune. In [-], my daughter took the exam, and she got the chance to go to university smoothly.

Then she told me that when she went out to study first, let me wait for her here, and then after she finished studying, she would come back and live a better life with me.

But this wait is 50 years. During the 50 years, I went out to find her but couldn't find her. I also wrote to her, but I didn't receive a single reply.

Only once when I went out to look for her, the villagers told me that she had come back to look for me, but I was not there at the time, so she left soon.

That is, after that time, I was worried that I would miss her again, so I stopped going out, and then I have been waiting here for her all my life, so I have been waiting for her all my life, hehehehe.

Hehehe, child, you said that it would be great if it was as good as it is now. With a mobile phone, you can find someone with a phone. Unlike our era, everything is slow. Only the time of waiting for someone passes quickly. I In the blink of an eye, I have changed from a young guy to a bad old man in his 70s, hehe [laughing with tears]. "

Hearing the old man's words, the song "Once Upon a Time" came to Li Bu's mind immediately.

Then he subconsciously stretched out his hand, took the erhu that Xiaobu was playing with, and then began to pull it up slowly with his eyes slightly closed, and began to sing a song while pulling it;

"I remember when I was a teenager, everyone was sincere,

Say one sentence is one sentence, say one sentence is one sentence,

In the early morning, the train station, the long street is dark and there are no pedestrians, and the small shop selling soy milk is steaming
In the past, the sun became slow, the carriages and mails were slow, and there was only enough to love one person in a lifetime
In the past, the locks were beautiful, and the keys were exquisite and stylish. Once you lock it, people will understand it. Once you lock it, people will understand it. "

The song Li Bu sang was obviously not about the old man, but the old man was easily brought into it.

He seems to have returned to that poor and simple age, he seems to see a coal-burning train, he seems to see a train station with people coming and going.

He seems to have returned to the situation when he saw her off at the train station, and then the sentence [The days in the past became slow, the carriages and mails were slow, and there was only enough to love one person in a lifetime. 】It made him burst into tears.

In the past 50 years, he has not been in touch with the outside life. He only waits for her return in his own small world. The cars, horses, and mails are slow. He has spent his whole life waiting for her, so how can he still Time to love others..

(End of this chapter)

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