There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 521 [522] Temporary crew, 25 sexy Models

Chapter 521 [522] Temporary crew, 25 sexy Models
After leaving Anle Village, Li Bu and his party went directly to the airport.

However, Zhang Jude and Cong Liang were arranged by Li Bu to send them back to Li's Village.

After arriving at the airport, Li Xiaomu asked Li Bu curiously while following Li Bu and the others through the security check; If not, will our Li Family Village grow a lot more..."

"Uh, isn't this a special situation? You see, Congliang is a child who has no one to adopt, and Uncle Zhang Jude is a widowed old man.

I adopted Cong Liang in the hope that he would be a grateful person when he grows up. I took in Uncle Zhang Jude, one is to help him fulfill his wish, and the other is to pass on his musical instrument making skills. "Hearing Li Xiaomu's words, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, and then explained dumbfoundingly.

Facing Li Bu's explanation, Li Xiaomu just shrugged his shoulders casually, and then walked towards the inside of the plane without looking back; "Hey, it's the first time I've chartered a plane when I grow up so big, this feels so cool , the plane is so big that we can sit wherever we want, hahaha.”

"You think I want to charter a flight. Forty or fifty people are here. If I don't charter a flight, we can buy so many air tickets?"

After replying to Li Xiaomu with a wry smile, Li Bu walked into the first class cabin of the plane, sat down beside Xiao Xiaobu, girl, and Li Ranran and asked, "Are you tired after walking so much today?" ah?"

"Dad, I'm so tired, my short legs are almost broken, and you lied to me, you said that there are beautiful sisters in that place, but in the end there is no one, only a bunch of dirty little kids." When Li Bu asked, Xiao Xiaobu was the first to stand up and express his dissatisfaction with him.

Li Ranran followed closely behind, and also pointed to his short legs to express his dissatisfaction; "I'm tired, after walking this day, Ran Ran has changed from fragrant to stinky, hmph."

"Hehehe, cousin, I'm fine. I think it's okay. I didn't have time to come out to play at my grandma's house before. Now I can come out to play." Unlike Xiao Xiaobu and Li Ranran, the girl not only said that she was not Tired, but also expressed his joy at being able to come out to play.

Facing the girl's joy, Xiaobu and Li Ranran said directly with contempt on their faces; "Sister, you must not be tired, you were hugged by your parents all the way, we all walked by ourselves, hum. "

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, after we go to the next stop, I'll take you to the hotel to wash your hands, and then sleep in a super comfortable big bed, okay?" Facing the angry Xiaobu and Li Ranran, Li Bu, who has always doted on children, can only compromise in the end and give them the comfort they want and what they need.

Sure enough, Li Ranran and Xiaobu, who were so tired that they wanted to sleep, immediately nodded obediently after hearing Li Bu's words; Big bed!!"

"Okay, okay, I promise you all, so you are all sitting in your seats now, and after the plane takes off, we can sleep for a while again." Smiling to the three little guys After putting on the seat belt, Li Bu, who was also a little tired, was ready to put the three little guys to sleep.

It's just that children are so easy to arrange, the answer must be NO.

After Li Bu fastened their seat belts, the three little guys pointed to the small screen on the seat opposite them and said, "Dad, Uncle Li Bu, cousin, I want to watch TV and cartoons. "

"Okay, but you watch TV as long as you watch TV, and you can't yell loudly and disturb others." After touching the heads of the three little guys with a smile, Li Bu opened the seats for them with a wry smile. Come on the small screen and show them cartoons.

While Li Bu was showing the three little guys to watch TV, a stewardess suddenly came in from the outside and asked Li Bu respectfully, "Mr. Li, it's like this. This plane is the only one with vacant seats at this time, so no one else after you can contract another plane to Guizhou within today."

"Well, but is there something wrong? Is it because of our chartered flight, did you have any trouble?" Hearing the stewardess' politeness, Li Bu interrupted her directly and asked about the actual things. up.

Seeing that Li Bu was so straightforward, the stewardess was not polite, and said directly to Li Bu with a smile; "That's right, right now there happens to be a team boss who needs to charter a flight, but because there are no more planes, they can't." Smooth charter.

Then the other party’s itinerary is very tight, and they still have some connections. They found out that there are more than 20 vacancies on your chartered flight, so they want to discuss with you to see if they can charter the flight with you. Then you will pay five to five. "

Hearing what the stewardess said, Li Bu immediately stood up and shouted to the other people in the plane: "Hey, do you mind if there are more than [-] people on this plane with us?"

"Don't mind, there are only so many of us, and the seats on this plane are also empty, but boss, where did you get more than 20 people, you can't call the girl who is in your heart, right?" When Li Bu shouted, everyone said yes, and some even joked if he called his artists again.

"Don't make trouble, they are all running activities in the capital right now, they are just a team that happened to be in a hurry, I don't know what the other party is doing.

Also, if you all said that there is no problem now, then give them more than 20 rows of seats. By the way, I will treat you to delicious food with the money they subsidize. "

After smiling and asking the big guys to give up some seats, Li Bu turned to look at the stewardess and said, "OK, no problem, you can ask them to come in, but I hope you will let them in later, not in their twenties." An old man who needs someone to take care of..."

"Ah, oh, thank you very much, and don't worry, the other party is a team of models, and there are more than [-] tall beauties, hehe..." After explaining a few words to Li Bu with a smile, the stewardess turned around and left Notified the people outside, Li Bu agreed to their affairs and went.

The stewardess wasn't joking. About five or six minutes later, a group of as many as 6 long-legged people walked in from the outside under the leadership of several agents.

Li Xiaomu and Li Xiaoye were all stunned, even Yixin and a few bachelor members of the foundation almost drooled.

Ignoring Yixin's appearance, the model agent walked slowly to the first-class cabin after setting up the models, and thanked Li Bu with a smile; "Hello, Boss Li, I am Zhang Weifeng. The boss of the cross-sea model company, thank you very much for your help this time, thank you."

"You are welcome, everyone is a person who eats in this circle, everyone looks up and down, it is my honor to help you." Facing Zhang Weifeng's thanks, Li Bu did not put on airs, and directly got up to talk to him politely. They shook hands with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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