There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 522 [523] Shocked, fans and reporters

Chapter 522 [523] Shocked, fans and reporters
"Hey, this guy is so talkative??
Isn't it rumored that he is domineering and likes to fight?

It seems that things on the Internet are really unbelievable! ! "

Seeing that Li Bu was so talkative, Zhang Weifeng muttered a few words in his heart, then quickly sat down on the empty seat opposite Li Bu, and asked him with a smile; "Boss Li, as far as I know, you must have met some It's right to be troublesome, but why can't I see a trace of tension and fatigue on your face?"

"Some things get used to after a lot of experience, and once you get used to it, you don't care about it anymore.

Like when I first became popular, I made news headlines every three or four days. At that time, I was not just as nervous as hell, but I got used to it after getting used to it. After getting used to it, I even didn’t want to go on it, because It doesn't make sense to be famous.

And some of the things you have heard should be about my wife's premature birth, dangerous driving, being tricked by my cousin while watching a live broadcast, and fights, right?

How should I put these things, you are not in my position, you will never understand why I did that at that time.

In addition, those netizens don't understand me, and they all want to hack me, so why don't I follow their wishes and let them hack me to their heart's content... Facing Zhang Weifeng's puzzlement, Li Bu waved his hand directly and explained a few words to him with a smile.

Zhang Weifeng understood the general meaning of Li Bu's explanation. He probably meant that what he did at the time was right and the best choice in his opinion. As for what other people think and how to hack him, he not give a damn about.

After understanding Li Bu's meaning, Zhang Weifeng changed the subject and asked Li Bu; "Oh, that's it, then let's not talk about this topic. By the way, there are so many of you, what are you going to do?"

"Hey, speaking of it, it might be a matter of luck. Children born in our Li family are more prone to disasters. I have experienced everything I can experience in my life, and I have experienced everything I cannot experience.

As for my four sons, they fought in my daughter-in-law's stomach for just over seven months, and then they were forced to come out early. They were really naughty at that time. .

In addition, the luck of these four little guys seems to be exactly the same as mine. I also ran out in seven months, so if there is no accident, their future roads will be very similar to mine, full of disasters.

So in order not to let my four sons grow up with many disasters like me, I have this nationwide charity, the Chinese New Year send love activity. "Seeing that the other party was easy to get along with, Li Bu couldn't help being a little bit verbose, and chatted with him about the reason for this trip.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Zhang Weifeng really wanted to ask him, isn't it because you are saving your movie, but after thinking that it would be impolite to ask, he didn't open his mouth.

After he didn't open his mouth, there was nothing to talk about, so after chatting casually with Li Bu, Zhang Weifeng exchanged contact information with Li Bu casually, and then retired and went back to accompany his models.

After seeing Zhang Weifeng and the others leave, the three little guys immediately said to Li Bu with a laugh; "Father, Uncle Li Bu, cousin, we are sleepy and going to sleep."

Hearing the words of the three little guys, Xuexue not far away quickly brought over three coats, covered the three little guys, and helped them adjust the seats to a suitable sleeping position, and then threw them away again. Li Bu took care of her, and she herself went back to the back to accompany Liu Tiancai.

Seeing that Xuexue covered the three little guys with coats, Li Bu touched the heads of the three little guys one by one, and then said to them with a smile; "Sleep well, good night, my little baby us."

"Father, Uncle Li Bu, cousin, good night!!" After saying good night to Li Bu, the three little guys lay down obediently, began to sleep, and soon fell asleep.

After the three little ones fell asleep, Li Bu also began to lie down in his seat to sleep, and there were quite a few people on the plane who had already closed their eyes and rested just like them.

Lin Keman, Zhao Yuhan, Han Dongxue, Meng Xiaoqiao, Huang Xueting, who were sitting in the innermost part of the first-class cabin, were all asleep in their seats at this time.

Not only these delicate beauties are already asleep, even Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, Zhang Suifeng, Li Chongyang, Zhang Xiaofeng, you should be careful, those who have worked hard all day are already sleeping in their seats caught.

And just when the big guys were almost asleep, the plane also started to take off slowly at this time, and then it went straight to the sky, escorting Li Bu and the others to fly towards Guizhou.

The plane didn't take long this time, because the meeting was not very far away, Li Bu's plane took Li Bu and the others to Guizhou smoothly in less than two hours.

Didi Didi.. [Dear passengers, good evening everyone, it is now exactly [-]:[-] p.m. The plane from Guangxi to Guizhou has arrived in Guizhou smoothly. Passengers, please pack your bags. Personal belongings, and then get off the plane one by one under the arrangement of the staff. Thank you for your cooperation and wish you a pleasant journey. 】

Hearing the notification sound of the plane, Li Bu, Liu Tiancai, and Xuexue quickly got up, then unfastened the seat belts of the three little guys, and then started to get off the plane with one in their arms.

At this time, at the pick-up gate outside the airport, there were already hundreds of Internet celebrities and fans from Guizhou, holding signs welcoming Li Bu and the others, waiting for them to get out of the plane with stretched necks.

The fans were not kept waiting for a long time, and soon, never expecting the crew, they pushed their luggage at the front, and came out of the airport in a mighty manner under the escort of security.

"It's coming out, it's coming out, they're coming out, they're coming out, you never expected the crew to come out, it's Wang Sledgehammer, Call Beast, and Xiao Qiao, wow my sledgehammer is so handsome!!"

"Sledgehammer, you are so handsome, I like you so much!!"

"Your bald head is so stylish, I like you so much."

"Little Joe, I like you!!"

Seeing that there are so many people from my production team picking up the plane, Zhang Xiaofeng, Yixin, Meng Xiaoqiao, and the members of the whole team who never expected, immediately waved happily to the fans, and then went out with the security guards Got in the car outside.

I never expected that after the crew came out, the crew of Journey to the West: Moonlight Treasure Box, led by Lin Keman, Zhao Yuhan, Han Dongxue, three beauties, followed by a large group of security guards, walked out of the airport up.

"Lin Keman, Linkeman, I love you!!"

"Zhao Yuhan, I like you, shall I marry you?"

"Han Dongxue, I love you, Han Dongxue, you are so beautiful!!"

"Whispering Tang Monk, I want to hear you recite scriptures."

"Zhao Yuhan, I want to draw your purple gold sword, I am your supreme treasure."

"Han Dongxue, will you be my spider spirit?"

The editing and publicity of Westward Journey: Moonlight Treasure Box has already been posted on Donggua Video, Douyin, Jinhot Toutiao, including jokes, and so on.

At this time, the crazy bombing mode of publicity has already begun, so many people are already familiar with the movie Westward Journey: Moonlight Treasure Box.

Lin Keman and the others, who didn't know about this, just waved to the fans, and then went out of the airport and took a car under the escort of the security guards with a smile on their faces.

"Fuck, what's going on!!"

"I'll go, what's going on?"

"My god, am I dazzled? It's exciting!!" After Lin Keman and the others left, the fans and reporters in the airport were all stunned by the scene behind them. Several of the many fans who have overworked recently have already had nosebleeds.

(End of this chapter)

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