There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 525 [526] Qiu Mingzhu on the whole network, Zhang Jude calls you Zhang's family

Chapter 525 [526] Qiu Mingzhu on the whole network, Zhang Jude calls you home
After Li Bu's video was posted, Li Xiaomu, Shuangxi, Huang Xiaoli, Tian Xiaoxin, Li Xiaoye, Zhang Suifeng, Lin Keman, Zhao Yuhan, Han Dongxue, and other artists under Li Bu's banner almost all reposted his video at the same time.

After reposting it, Li Xiaomu directly wrote in the above comments [This is my first time as a reporter, and also my first interview, and this is a touching story, I cried during the interview. 】

After reposting it, Li Xiaoye commented [A man is willing to wait for a woman for more than 50 years for a promise. With such a love, do you women still dare to say that our men's mouths are deceitful ghosts? 】

And because most of the eel army of the two of them are men, so when his fans watched the video, they all started cursing immediately.

[Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, you two bastards, you have a grudge!Playing this video at night to harm people, I don’t know that my brother and I are emotional people, and I can’t watch these affectionate things! 】

[Yes, Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, you two bastards, don’t catch eels well, go to make some kind of movie, let’s forget about making movies, but now you’re acting as a reporter for me, what the hell are you going to do? ? 】

[Although this video made me cry, I still think it would be better for you to come back and catch the rice field eels, but we can see you every day. 】

Without replying to the fans' comments, after Li Xiaomu and the others, the three members of Heartbeat Girl also reposted it.

After Shuangxi reposted it, she commented on it like this [This is an unforgettable love, and it is also a wait that I gambled with my whole life. Grandma Qiu Mingzhu, go home, Grandpa Zhang Jude is waiting for you. 】

After Huang Xiaoli reposted it, she commented on it like this [This is a wait for several eras, and it is also a wait with regrets. After 50 years, I don’t know if Grandma Qiu Mingzhu is still there, but I know that Zhang Jude Grandpa is old and it is impossible for another 50 years.. 】

After reposting it, Tian Xiaoxin commented: [Young people nowadays talk about love all day long, but do you really understand love? Take a look at this, this is love. 】

As Li Xiaomu and Heartbeat Girl began to repost, the number of reposts of this video increased, and it was spread more and more widely.

In addition, the Chinese New Year is approaching recently, and there are no celebrity speculators who choose to speculate on gossip at this time, so there is no big event on the Internet, and soon there is a search for people because of this.

Winter melon video Li Bu’s video below, comments, likes, and reposts are crazy. In one night, there were more than 800 million comments, 100 million likes, more than 500 million reposts, and as many as [-] million praises. More than ten thousand RMB.

李家军#The most handsome of me [Brother Li, I hate you, you let me watch such a video at night, I am going to divorce my wife tomorrow, but after watching your video, how can I still have the courage Go divorce her?
My wife is my first love who has been with me since high school. It has come and gone. She accompanied me from having nothing to being worth billions of dollars. She has never complained to me for 20 years.

But because I became rich, I started to dislike her no matter what I looked at. I even often felt that I should find a beautiful wife because I am so rich, and she is not good enough for me.

After watching this video, I realized that I was wrong. I was wrong. Without the support of this silly woman, how could I have the assets I have today. Without her, who can support me?

Here, I would like to say sorry to all the family members of Li Jiajun, and I also promise to our 5000 million Li Jiajun army that from today onwards, I will be a good man and a good father, and I will only treat my wife and children from now on. 】

李家军#我是富娘【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Woo. 】

Five mines at home [Li Bu, are you a devil? You made passersby know about such a sad video, which made me come in out of curiosity, and then cried so much that I dare not go back to the room now, I am afraid to go back, My daughter-in-law will ask me why I cried. 】

Li Wei, an emotional expert [I thought that Li Bu would be promoting his movie or something after making such a big noise, but I was disappointed, because what he sent was not a movie promotion, but a missing person video, a touching one. Deep, 50-year-old missing person video.. 】

If you miss it, you will miss it [What a touching wait, 50 years, how many 50 years can there be in life, and someone waits for a person for 50 years for a promise, is this the so-called love? 】

I don't know who you really love [There seems to be an old man in my hometown named Qiu Mingzhu, who seems to be in her 80s this year, maybe it's not her... 】

李家村#爱你的人【Show me this video at night, brother Li Bu, did I offend you? Are you going to do this to me? ? 】

……Dividing line……

Far away in Haishi, Jiao Mengyu, who had just returned home from the sound recording, sat lazily on the sofa, looked at her increasingly obvious belly and said, "Son, that bastard your father added four more for you." Brother, you now have five older brothers.

If you are a boy then, with so many older brothers protecting you, no one will dare to bully you. Even if you want to fight, you don't have to be afraid of anyone, right?

If you are a girl, then you will definitely be pampered, because the Li family village can't give birth to daughters, so they are very rare daughters, especially the ones born by themselves.

But I won't let them recognize you and go back. When I have the most free time, I will take you to their Lijia Village as a friend. Hmph, who made him have a wife so early. "

After rubbing her belly and muttering a few words, Jiao Mengyu, who felt a little bored, took out her mobile phone to watch the entertainment news, wanting to see if anyone would come out to be a monster in the near new year.

It's just that she was speechless as soon as she opened the entertainment news, because all the headlines on it had been taken over by Li Bu.

The headline news was about Li Bu helping people find their relatives. Many of the comments below said that he cried miserably, so Jiao Mengyu didn't dare to read it.

The second one is also Li Bu's, which is an interview reporting that Li Bu himself has given up on the new movie and bluntly said that the movie is hopeless.

The third article is still Li Bu's. It reports on whether Li Bu's nationwide charity is for his son's good deeds, or just to save the film.

After reading a few headlines, Jiao Mengyu finally clicked on the headline news, and 10 minutes later, she cried and reposted the video with a comment... Qiu Mingzhu, Zhang Jude calls you home! !
The appeal of Tianhou is not a joke. It didn't take long for Zhang Youxue, Diba, Ning Ke'er and other singers to follow and start retweeting.

And the comments are all the same [Qiu Mingzhu, Zhang Jude calls you home! ! 】

In this way, it spread layer by layer, and the call of love became a game in a short time.

Playing the game, you can see... Qiu Mingzhu, Zhang Jude calls you home! !subtitles.

You can also see the news...Qiu Mingzhu, Zhang Jude calls you home! !subtitles.

Watching TV you will still see...Qiu Mingzhu, Zhang Jude calls you home! !subtitles.

Even some boring people can even watch martial arts movies from island countries...Qiu Mingzhu, Zhang Jude calls you home! !subtitles.

(End of this chapter)

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