There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 526 [527] In the mountains of Guizhou, one household guards one village

Chapter 526 [527] In the mountains of Guizhou, one household guards one village

Li Bu didn't care much about the things on the Internet, and he didn't feel that his energy was so strong that he could help Zhang Jude find that woman with a short video.

At about nine o'clock the next morning, Li Ranran got up from the bed and shouted to Li Bu who was on the opposite bed; "Uncle Li Bu, Uncle Li Bu, the sun is shining on your ass, get up quickly, of course. Little belly is hungry again!!"

"Emma, ​​I'm exhausted, my waist, my feet.

Hey, it seems that I haven't exercised for too long, and my body is not working well.

No, I have to exercise more after the Chinese New Year, or I will be in trouble if I get old before I get old. "

Hearing Li Ranran's yelling, Li Bu got up from the bed with a sore back and a feeling of wanting to scold his mother, while pushing Xiao Bu next to him and shouting; "Little lazy pig, get up and wash up, we are going to I went to play with my beautiful sister."

"Beautiful sister, where is the beautiful sister, where is the beautiful sister, Dad, where is the beautiful sister?" Little Bu, who was still sleeping soundly, jumped out of the bed with a whoosh after hearing Li Bu's words. sat up.

Seeing his nympho-like son, Li Bu stretched out his hands to lift him up and got off the bed, and said angrily, "Can you be a little bit better, you were Zhu Bajie in your last life, and you haven't seen a woman before, have you?"

"Father, I know that Zhu Bajie you said is ugly, but you actually said that I am ugly. When I go back to Lijiacun, I will tell grandma and grandpa to go, and I will tell them that you despise me." Li Bu said Little Bu, who has read the story of Journey to the West, heard that Li Bu used Zhu Bajie as a comparison to him, his little face immediately became serious, and he threatened Li Bu angrily with his mouth pouting.

"Go, go, hurry up, anyway, you have sued me a lot, and I'm used to being sued by you."

After disliking Xiaobu for a few words, Li Bu picked up Li Ranran with the other hand, and then carried them to the bathroom and put them down. Then, while getting them washing tools, he looked at them and said, "Hurry up!" Just brush your teeth and wash your face, and then Dad will take you down for breakfast.

After breakfast, after you Uncle Li Xiaomu and the others pack up, we're going to set off again by car to do some good deeds. Maybe this time we'll really have a good-looking little sister. "

"Okay, we want to eat buns, meaty buns with meat, I want to eat three [I want to eat two]." Hearing that Li Bu said that he was going out to do good deeds again, the two little guys immediately reported After eating the breakfast I wanted to eat, I squatted there obediently and brushed my teeth with a small toothbrush.

After the two little guys finished brushing their teeth, Li Bu directly took the soaked and wrung towel to wash the faces of the two little guys.

After washing the little faces, Li Bu dressed the two little guys in the same foundation outfits, and then took them to pack their things and went downstairs to have breakfast with the big guys.

"Cousin, cousin, brother Xiaobu, sister Ranran, I am here, I am here, I have delicious buns here, do you want to come over and eat?" Li Bu and the two little guys just went downstairs , I heard the girl who had been looking around, shouting at the three of them excitedly.

"Morning boss, Xiaobu, but good morning!!"

"Morning Li Buge, is Little Bu awake yet? Why are your eyes still fighting?"

"Morning boss, return to the cuties."

"Morning boss, we have a seat here, do you want to come here?"

"Morning boss, do you want Xiaobu to come to sister's place?"

After the girl's voice sounded, everyone who was eating breakfast greeted Li Bu and the two little guys with a smile when Li Bu passed by.

But Li Bu answered them one by one with a smile, and then said that he didn't need to have a seat, so he walked towards Liu Tiancai and the others.

After walking all the way to Liu Tiancai's table, Li Bu hurriedly hugged the two little guys onto the stool, and then made porridge and steamed buns for the two little guys with bowls and chopsticks, while smiling at Liu Tiancai and Xuexue. They smiled and asked, "Isn't it very tiring to rush around like this?"

"I feel pretty good. I was quite tired when I went to bed at night, but I brought some medicinal wine that my sister-in-law gave me. I drank a couple of sips before going to bed last night, and I felt pretty good, hahaha." Liu Tiancai also knew The medicinal wine that Li Wanfu gave him was for his son, so when talking about the medicinal wine, he subconsciously felt a little embarrassed.

"It's good if you're not tired. If you're tired, I can only arrange for you and Lin Keman to go back first. Those delicate beauties are too tired to get out of bed now, hehehe." Laughing After returning to Liu Tiantian for a few words, Li Bu started to pick up his chopsticks to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, the team that came out to do charity was reduced by half.

Lin Keman and the other members of the crew who talked about Journey to the West: Moonlight Treasure Box couldn't bear it any longer, so Li Bu had to arrange for them to go back first.

The whole crew of "Journey to the West: Moonlight Treasure Box" went back, but it never expected that except for Zhang Xiaofeng, Yi Xiaomeng and Xiao Qiao, the rest of the crew would go back with them.

That is to say, Li Bu and his current charity team, apart from members of the foundation, only Li Bu, Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, Li Chongyang, Liu Tiancai, Xuexue, Huang Xueting, Yixin, Zhang Xiaofeng, Zhang Suifeng, There are a dozen adults like Meng Xiaoqiao, and the three little guys Li Ranran, Xiaobu, and girl.

However, although the number of people is much smaller, their road to charity has not stopped there.

After seeing off the Moonlight Treasure Box of Westward Journey and Wanwan, Li Bu and the others started to drive towards the mountains of Guizhou with the large truck of supplies again.

Guizhou has been engaged in mountainous development in recent years, and with the development of small videos, many villagers in mountain villages have begun to get rid of poverty.

However, there are also some families that cannot remove the title of poor households due to some special reasons, so the purpose of Li Bu's trip is to give some help to these poor households so that they can have a good year.

After sitting in the car for about four hours, Li Bu and his car finally came to a village that looked a bit like a ghost village on the winding mountain road, and then the car slowly stopped at the entrance of the village. stopped.

After the car stopped, the staff of the foundation immediately came out with a report and said to Li Bu; "Boss, there is a poor household here. The head of the household is a 65-year-old uncle. He has a mentally retarded wife and five A child between the ages of six and 17, would you like to come with us to have a look?"

"Are you sure there are still people living in this village? Why do I feel like this is an uninhabited village?" Hearing the staff of the foundation say that there are still people living in this village that is almost covered in weeds, Li Bu Immediately, he asked back with an uncertain face.

"There are indeed people, but there is only one family in this village now, and because they are not aboriginals in the village, they cannot go to poor households yet.

The purpose of our visit this time is not only to deliver New Year’s supplies to their family, but also to support their family. The two eldest sons and eldest daughter go out to study high school. "Facing Li Bu's puzzlement, the staff members of the foundation patiently and carefully explained to him.

[The rest of the update during the day, I was too sleepy to open my eyes. 】

(End of this chapter)

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