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Chapter 528 [529] The desire of the grandma in the mountain village, come and see us in the child ch

Chapter 528 [529] The desire of the grandma in the mountain village, the children come back and see us
"Primary school grades 25 to 48 are the first in the class, [-]th in the city, and [-]th in the province. This is not bad."

"Three good students, top students, No.1 in mathematics competition, No.1 in composition competition, No.1 in track and field race, there are quite a lot of awards."

After briefly reading the test papers and certificates of the teenager and the girl, Li Bu looked at the two of them and said with a smile; "raise your head, look into my eyes and tell me, what is your dream? I want to listen to the truth, don’t lie to me!!”

Hearing Li Bu's words, although the boy and girl were still a little shy and inferior, they still gritted their teeth, raised their heads firmly, and looked at Li Bu face to face.

After looking at Li Bu, the young man who was the elder brother stood up first and said, "My dream is to grow up quickly, and then earn a lot of money back, so that my brothers and sisters can be like other people's children, have a new life." Clothes, delicious food, and money to go to school, and then take my parents to live in the city, so that my father no longer has to work so hard to make money."

"You are very real. Brother Li Bu knows that you are not lying, but can you tell Brother Li Bu, have you thought about how to make money, have you ever planned for your future...have you planned?" Li Bu couldn't help but chat with him a few more words.

And the young man who heard Li Bu's question said with a serious face after hearing Li Bu's words; "I have more than a year to take the college entrance examination, so my plan is, in the next few days, if If I have the opportunity to study, I will study hard and strive to be admitted to a good university.

After being admitted to university, I will learn from the experience of some talented people. First, I will go out to work part-time when I am in university, go out and find a company that can do a part-time job for a long time, and then try my best to use my part-time job during the four years of university. I have learned everything about this job, and then I will optimize it myself to improve them.

After the optimization is closer, I will use the money I have saved from living frugally for four years in this university, and come back to our Guizhou to open a shop. When the time comes to make money, I will take my parents out to live. , Going to the park, watching TV and playing chess like the people in the city. "

"Okay, I like you who have dreams and ambitions. From now on, I will cover your tuition and living expenses until you graduate from university.

As for me, brother, I don’t need you to repay my brother or anything. My brother only hopes that you can do everything you said today. After making money, it’s enough to treat your younger siblings and your parents well! ! "

After smiling and patting the boy on the shoulder, Li Bu turned to look at the girl, and said with a smile on his face, "What about you, what is your dream? Tell me!!"

"My dream is to study hard and become a teacher. I may not have a lot of money in the future, but I will definitely respect my parents." Hearing Li Bu asked her side, the girl After a little hesitation, he finally bit his lip and told Li Bu his real dream.

Hearing the girl's dream, Li Bu first smiled, then nodded and said, "Very well, brother, I hope that after many years, I will see you standing on the sacred general platform, cultivating our next generation.

In the future, you will be the same as your brother. I will cover your tuition and living expenses for both of you. And my brother, I hope that no matter how you live in the future, you must remember to be filial to your family, because it is not easy for your father to raise you. "

"Well, brother Li Buken, thank you. We will stick to our dreams and be useful to society." After hearing that Li Buken sponsored his two brothers and sisters to go to school, the boys and girls immediately became excited. He stood up and thanked Li Bu.

After the boy and the girl thanked Li Bu, the staff of the foundation handed each of them a piece of information and said, "Take this information back and fill it out, and by the way, each of you can open a bank card, and then send this information before school starts." Send us the information, and we will send you the money when the time comes.

After that, you still need to send us your admission notice and tell us your school contact information, so that we can evaluate the living expenses for you and send you daily necessities by mail. "

"Good people, thank you so much. If you don't mind that, come into our house and have a cup of tea. There is nothing I can do to entertain you, but if you don't mind tea, there is still a little more." After the staff of the foundation sent the list to his child, Wang Sigui, who knew that his child's schooling was settled, immediately stepped forward excitedly and invited Li Bu and the others to come in for tea.

After shaking his head slightly, Li Bu took out a few red envelopes from his pocket and distributed them to Wang Sigui and his children, and then he said with a smile; Hurrying to the next village, this is the red envelope that my brother gave you, my brother wishes you a happy new year in advance."

"Thank you Li Bu brother, Li Bu brother, we also wish you good health, all the best, happy family, happy heart, and abundant wealth..." After receiving Li Bu's red envelope, the young girl took her other brothers and sisters, Immediately, he happily blessed Li Bu with all the words that could be blessed.

"Okay, okay, it's fine if you want it, then brother will go first, remember to study hard!!" After smiling and telling the little guys to stop blessing, Li Bu turned around and walked in Wang Sigui's room. Under the escort, they turned around and left with a few little guys, Li Xiaomu and the others, and went back to the bus.

After returning to the bus, Li Bu smiled and waved to Wang Sigui, then took the three little guys into the bus, and set off to the next village with the car.

The next village is not far from Wang Sigui's home, just a few bends away.

However, this village is a big village, and there are many Miao people living in it, and they are still holding some programs at this time, which is very lively.

And in this village, there are actually only two families, which meet the criteria for funding, so Li Bu and the others quickly ordered the convoy not to leave this village after seeing the other party's bustling scene and the scenes of people drinking everywhere. , continue to the next village.

Then Li Bu and the others came to a village similar to an uninhabited village again.

However, the situation in this village is a little bit better. There is no need to enter the village to see people. In this village, as soon as Li Bu and the others arrived at the entrance of the village, they saw an old man looking around at the entrance of the village.

The old man looked very old, he should be over eighty years old, and he was already bent over with a hunchback.

But Li Bu and the others didn't know what was going on. When their car stopped, the old man ran towards them excitedly.

After coming over, she didn't talk to Li Bu and the others, but tried hard to open her cataract-affected eyes, and looked at Li Bu's faces seriously, as if she was looking for something.

[The rest will be updated tomorrow. After cleaning for a whole day, my back is sore. The new book will be on the shelves tomorrow at [-] o'clock. If you like clown works, you can go and have a look. You will definitely not be disappointed. 】

(End of this chapter)

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