There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 529 [530] An old man who was targeted by fate and had a rough life

Chapter 529 [530] An old man who was targeted by fate and had a rough life
Seeing the appearance of the old man, Li Bu and the others showed puzzled expressions.

At the same time, I was also confused about what the old man was looking for, or who she was looking for.

As if seeing Li Bu's confusion, the old man smiled apologetically and walked back to where she was just now; "It's not our little Cui coming back, when will my little Cui come back?" Ah, it's almost Chinese New Year, and I have prepared a lot of things that Xiao Cui likes to eat."

Hearing the old man's words, Li Bu immediately looked at the staff of the foundation with a puzzled expression, waiting for him to answer himself... what's going on.

Seeing the look in Li Bu's eyes, the staff of the foundation quickly took Li Bu aside, and then explained helplessly; "This old man is the target of our visit this time. She is 97 years old this year. And the reason why she has been at the entrance of the village is because she is waiting for someone to come back.

The old man's name was Ren Cuihua, and her original ancestral home was in Guangxi Yulin. She was also born in a rich family before, which was the so-called...child of a landlord's family at that time.

It was about 77 years ago. At that time, due to family accidents, something happened to their family that caused her to leave her hometown. She married Li Zaitian, a farmer here.

After marrying here, she gave birth to five children for Li Zaitian, but because the family was poor at the time, only two of the five were supported, and the remaining three were in their teens. And died, and the two children who grew up were a girl and a boy.

After the girl grew up, she got married and went to the island. It may be because of the inconvenient transportation at that time. After she got married, she was cut off immediately and lost contact. I don't know if there is still anyone there.

After the girl lost contact with her, she has been living with his son. His son's name is Li Guitian. Later, he married her a daughter-in-law and gave birth to five children. Also for some reason, the five children were only raised. I gave birth to two, and three died before they grew up. The ones who grew up were also a girl and a boy.

After the two children grew up, one married to Sichuan, and it was also the kind that would not come back. I heard that she would come back once after ten years of marriage. Later, because of illness, the girl was three years old. After giving birth to a baby, she died of illness there early, and after that, she completely lost contact with her.

The remaining male baby is the old man's grandson. This grandson's brain is not very good. He found a wife with a bad brain when he was in his thirties. After that, he gave birth to five children, but the last survivor was still a girl. A boy.

Then within a few years after the two babies were born, disasters began to strike their family. First, the old man’s wife got old and left, then the old man’s son got old again, and then the old man’s grandson also left, followed by the old man’s daughter-in-law. gone.

Now, there are only four people left in the family, an 85-year-old man who is still working hard, a granddaughter-in-law with a bad mind, and two children who are only four or five years old. .

But there is no way, even if this is the case, in order to continue the family's blood inheritance, the old man still gritted his teeth and worked alone to support her mentally handicapped granddaughter-in-law and great-grandson.

As for her great-granddaughter, she really couldn't support her anymore, she was always sick and refused to eat, so she was sent outside and adopted by others.

It's just that sometimes fate is really targeted at people. The old man and his family are like this, and God still made her another ordeal. When her mentally handicapped granddaughter-in-law went out to work with her, she saw There were fruits to eat on the edge of the cliff, so I went to pick them.

Everyone knows that people with poor brains have no sense of crisis at all, so her mentally handicapped granddaughter-in-law fell, and the body was never found in the end. "

Halfway through the speech, Li Bu's eyes were already red, and the staff of the foundation who was speaking had tears streaming down their faces and could not make a sound, and even the language became Guipu as they spoke.

After reaching out a tissue to the staff of the foundation, Li Bu took a bottle of water from Li Xiaomu and handed it to him, asking him to drink the water before continuing.

The employees of the foundation were not hypocritical, and after wiping their tears and drinking water, they continued to speak in a hoarse voice; "After the granddaughter-in-law is gone, the old man will continue to raise her great-grandson alone.

She grew sweet potatoes, rice, sweet-scented osmanthus fish, pigs, cows, chickens, ducks and geese by herself. She worked hard to raise her great-grandson and brought up her great-grandson. Sent her great-grandson to college.

When she was studying outside, her great-grandson would come back once a week to accompany her for a day when she was in junior high school, and would come back once a month to accompany her for a day when she was in high school. Come back to accompany her for more than a month.

After graduating from university, her great-grandson would come to accompany her to celebrate the New Year every year, and every time her great-grandson came back, she would wait for him at this intersection.

It's just that the fate of her great-grandson was also very rough. Three years ago, she ran to rescue the child who fell into the water, but the current was too fast at that time, and both the child and her great-grandson disappeared.

Her great-grandson was gone, and no one dared to tell her because she was already 94 at the time and was afraid that she would not be able to accept it. Later, when there was no other way, the government wanted to arrange for her to go to a nursing home, but she said nothing.

When others come and ask her to go to a nursing home, she will scold them, and when it is serious, she will beat them with a stick. In addition, she always says that she is not old yet, and she can still work and earn money. She has already saved tens of thousands, which is enough for her The great-grandson married a wife.

In the past three years like this, she has been here year after year, day after day, as long as there is a festival, she will come here to wait, and it may be because she has not waited for her great-grandson to come back. The old man has aged a bit in the past three years. Now I'm too old to recognize people.

But this old man is really hardworking. Even though she is too old to recognize people and can't see clearly, she still insists on farming and raising pigs.

And in her words, the great-grandson hasn't married a wife yet, he has no parents and I'm the only family member, if I don't save money for his wife, who will save money for him! ! "

After finishing speaking, the staff of the foundation immediately lost their voice; "Boss, boss, why does God like to target people so much sometimes, and why can't fate treat this old man kindly?
She has worked so hard all her life to raise four generations, but in the end, all four generations are gone, but she is left alone in this world. Sometimes fate is really a dog! ! "

"You go to the next family first. I will take care of the old man. It is enough for me, Xiaobu, and Li Ranran to be there. You can go to the next village first. When you are finished and you are going down the mountain, remember to come back to pick him up." I will." After hearing the old man's story, Li Bu was going to do something for her, even if it was a little white lie, he didn't mind.

At the same time, Li Bu also felt that fate was too bad for this old man, too much for her, and her life was too bitter.

So he should help her, help her in her bitter life, add a spoonful of honey to make her sweet.

Even if the honey might be fake, made from white sugar or saccharine, it doesn't matter.

[Happy New Year!The new book, Little Servant, is on the shelves, everyone can go over and subscribe! 】

(End of this chapter)

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