There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 549 [550] It's amazing that you have foreign employees, my wives are all foreign

Chapter 549 [550] It's amazing that you have foreign employees, my wives are all foreign
Under the comfort of the two little guys, the old man sat on the plane for more than two hours without knowing it, and arrived at Guangdong Laochao Airport smoothly.

After the plane arrived, Xiaobu and Li Ranran immediately shouted happily to the old man; "Old Ancestor, we have arrived, let's get off the car later, and we can go back to our Lijia Village. "

"Ah, that's it. Is the distance between Guizhou and Guangdong so close now? Why do I feel that I don't spend as long by plane as I do by car from home to the airport?" Hearing Xiaobu Talking to Li Ranran, the old man immediately looked out the window in disbelief.

The plane had indeed landed smoothly at this time, so upon hearing what the old man said, Li Wanfu and Li Wanda immediately stepped forward, supported her and said, "Grandma Zeng, we have indeed arrived in Guangdong. Let's go, we have to Get off the plane, take a car after getting off the plane, and we will arrive at Lijia Village."

"The traffic is very convenient now. When I passed by Guangdong to Guizhou, I walked for more than two months, and it took nearly three months to get there." Confirmed from Li Wanfu and Li Wanda, I After arriving in Guangdong, the old man immediately said with a sigh.

"Yes, now that the transportation is developed, it is convenient to go anywhere, and not only the plane is fast, but now even the high-speed rail is fast. It only takes a few hours for the high-speed rail to go from Guangdong to Guizhou." Laughing After returning a few words to the old man, Li Wanfu and Li Wanda took the old man one by one and started to get off the plane.

After getting off the plane, the old man looked at Laochao Airport, which was better than Guizhou Airport, and immediately asked in doubt; "Hey, why is the airport in your city bigger than the one in Guizhou?" Is it even better?"

"The current economy is different from the previous one. In the past, the poorer you are, the more glorious you are. Now, the richer you are, the more capable you are. In addition, Guangdong is at the forefront of economic development, so it will be better than some places in Guizhou. is very normal.

Grandma Zeng, your image of Guangdong is probably still in the era when there were mountain roads everywhere, old Guangzhou, Lao Chao, and Hakka fighting everywhere, right? ? "Hearing what the old man said, after Li Wanfu and Li Wanda answered her a few words, they directly helped her get off the plane, and then began to walk out of the airport under the guidance of the staff, entered the office area and then went to pick up the luggage, and then a large group of people Walked mightily towards the exit.

As soon as he walked out of the airport, looking at the crowds outside, the old man sighed again; "Sure enough, the development of Guangdong is better than that of Guizhou, and there are more people here than there. Hey, why do those people seem to be Hold up Xiaobu's name!!"

"Oh, those are all fans of Xiaobu and Xiaohong. Xiaohong is a lecturer and has tens of millions of fans on the Internet. Xiaobu used to run a live broadcast, and now he runs a company. His fans also have Tens of millions.

These fans will appear here today, probably because they know the route of Xiaobu and Xiaohong! ! "After security came to escort them, Li Wanfu and Li Wanda explained to her with a smile while continuing to support the old man to go outside.

These fans probably know that Li Bu's grandmother is almost 98 years old, so they consciously did not scream or shout.

They were all waving their arms and signs, welcoming Li Bu, Li Hong, Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, Zhang Suifeng there.

And Li Bu, Li Hong, Li Xiaomu, Li Xiaoye, Zhang Suifeng didn't put on airs, they just waved their hands to greet the fans, bowed and made a thank you gesture, and then followed Li Wanfu and the others out of the airport , got on to pick up their convoy, and then went straight back to Lijia Village.

After getting in the car, the old man asked Li Wanfu and Li Wanda again; "By the way, children, what are you talking about here? I used to speak Hakka. What are you talking about here? ah?"

"In the past, more Hokkien was spoken here, and some Hakka was also spoken here, but now the internationalization has begun to speak Mandarin, so you can speak Mandarin." Hearing that the old man was worried that he would not be able to speak the language after coming here, Li The two brothers Wanfu and Li Wanda hurriedly explained again.

After listening to what Li Wanfu and Li Wanda said, the old man nodded first, and then sighed; "Hey, the changes are really big now. When I passed by Guangdong, it was a small town. It's a different language, which made me unable to understand what others said several times.

But now it’s better, the national language has been unified in the whole country, which is much more convenient, and there will be no communication problems.

Hey, there are foreigners here. Is that blond hair a foreigner? "

"Well, with the current rapid development, there are already many foreigners coming to work in Huaxia.

By the way, there is a foreign girl in Xiaobu's staff, with a big nose and big eyes, she is so beautiful, hehehe. "During the communication with the old man, Li Wanfu involuntarily said that some achievements of Li Bu came.

Hearing what Li Wanfu said about Li Bu's achievements, Li Wanda was a little unconvinced immediately and said, "That's right, there are already a lot of foreigners working in my Xiaotian construction site!!"

Hearing Li Wanda's words, Li Bu, Li Hong, and Li Xiaomu all looked at Li Tian collectively, their eyes seemed to ask, why don't we know anything about this?

Seeing everyone looking towards him, Li Tian immediately smiled awkwardly; "Although it's true that I'm a foreigner, my foreigner can't compare with Xiaobu's foreigner.

Xiaobu’s foreigners cost tens of 10 RMB for a random event, while my foreigners are just low-cost labor I bought from Myanmar and Vietnam, and my employees, a dozen or so, add up to [-] yuan. That foreigner who is not as good as Xiao Bu earns more! ! "

"If this is considered a foreigner, wouldn't it be true?" After listening to Li Tian's words, Li Bu, Li Tian, ​​Li You, Li Wanfu, Li Wanda, Liu Yan, and everyone in the car except the driver They all looked at Li Hong and Li Xiaowang.

Seeing that everyone was looking at Li Hong and Li Xiaowang, the old man immediately asked with a puzzled expression; "Why are you looking at Xiao Hong and his father and son like this, and we are talking about foreigners now?" Woolen cloth."

"Cough, cough, that grandmother, my daughter-in-law is actually a foreigner, she is from Vietnam, hehehe." Hearing the old man's words, Li Hong scratched his head and explained in embarrassment.

Hearing Li Hong's words, the old man was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Li Hong in puzzlement and asked, "Xiao Hong, you are not bad looking, and you are so rich, why do you need to buy a wife? ?”

"Grandma, please don't get me wrong, Xiaohong and his wife are in free love, not what you think, and it's illegal to buy a wife now, how can we know the law and break the law..." Hearing the old man's words, I was worried She misunderstood Li Wanfu and Liu Yan, and quickly explained to the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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