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Chapter 548 [549.] Homeland 1 farewell, maybe it is a farewell

Chapter 548 [549.] A farewell to the homeland, perhaps a farewell

This sumptuous lunch was eaten until after one o'clock in the afternoon, and then it ended satisfactorily.

And at this time, some relevant local leaders brought a group of reporters over just right, and these reporters interviewed Li Bu as soon as they came.

A beautiful reporter, cough, cough, that Irene from last night, came to Li Bu directly in front of him, and interviewed Li Bu; "Mr. Li Bu, how do you feel at this moment?" ?”

“A little moved, a little relieved, and a little guilty.

I was moved because the local government and these two neighbors took care of my grandmother, which made me feel relieved and let me see the true feelings in the world.

The gratification is that all my charitable activities are worthy of my contribution, because there are really rewards after giving, and my reward is to find the old one after adding the young ones. I have four more sons and found my grandmother.

I feel a little guilty because I learned that my grandmother has lived alone these years, and I, a junior, didn’t even know her existence before, so I feel guilty for this. Seeing Irene rushing over in such a hurry, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, and then answered her question with a slightly guilty face.

Seeing Li Bu's rare willingness to answer her own interview, Irene hurriedly continued to ask: "We can understand your current mood, and we are also very happy to see that you have successfully found your grandmother.

By the way, Mr. Li Bu, it is said that your Li family is going to donate 5000 million yuan to the local area this time. Are you planning to donate the money to the local government, or donate to the local area in kind? "

"Thank you, to be honest, we originally planned to donate in kind for this donation, such as building roads and helping the poor to buy houses.

But since the Chinese New Year is approaching now, and I will go abroad next year, we don’t have time to do it ourselves this time, so we chose to donate 5000 million cash to the local government this time. "After looking back at the few leaders who came over, Li Bu finally chose to donate cash between physical objects and cash after thinking about it.

Hearing Li Bu's words, those leaders immediately showed happy smiles... After all, if Li Bu donates in kind, then they have nothing to do with them.

Ignoring those leaders, Irene continued to interview Li Bu; "Mr. Li Bu, you have mentioned more than once that you are going abroad. May I ask how long you plan to go abroad this time, and what your father said before?" Is it true that we are going to lose you?"

"After the next year, I will take Li Xiaomu and my wife to go abroad together. Our purpose of going abroad this time is to invest and make movies abroad. The specific time we will go abroad is still undecided.

As for the loss my father mentioned, maybe, maybe, you will rarely see my news in the domestic entertainment industry, but you have been watching me for a year, and you are probably almost tired of watching me Alright. "After replying to Irene with a smile, Li Bu ended her interview, and then went to the Foundation.

Later, at the request of several leaders, the entire Li family took some group photos with the old man in front of the house, and even several leaders and neighbors also took group photos together.

After the group photo was taken, Li Wanfu and Li Wanda, as the head of the family, came out as representatives and handed a super large check, one meter wide and two meters long, worth 5000 million, to several leaders.

After that, the members of the Li family declined all invitations, and directly helped the old man pack the valuables, and then they handed over the keys of the old man's house to two neighbors, asking them to take care of the house.

As for why they didn't dispose of the house directly, Li Bu's thinking is this: if the old man's body is still healthy in the future, they will take her back once a year to see the changes in her former residence, to see the old A change in the neighbors who took care of her.

After everything was settled, Li Bu and Li Hong supported the old man from left to right and said, "Grandmother, we're home, and you don't have to be here alone anymore!!"

"Grandma, let's go home!!"

"Grandma Zeng, let's go home!!"

"Old Ancestor, we're going home!!" Hearing the words of the two brothers Li Bu, the three generations of the Li family all shouted to the old man neatly.

The old man, who was a little reluctant at first, immediately beamed with joy after hearing the words of his juniors; "Yes, we are going home, we are going home!!"

"Let's go, let's go home, back to Lijiacun!!" This time, it was Li Xiaomu and everyone in the foundation who followed Li Bu and the others to shout, and after shouting, Li Bu and the others took the old man directly up The car leaves.

At this time, the old man had already put on glasses, so she could see things clearly, she was sitting directly at the window, pointing to the road outside and said to Li Bu; To save tuition fees, children need to carry a basket early in the morning, carrying sweet potatoes, pumpkins, yams, mushrooms and those to sell for money.

Don't look at the road now, it's very close to the market. In the past, this road was not easy to walk, and at that time, this road not only had no concrete floor, but also no street lights. Get up at three or four in the morning to go to the market, walk This road is like walking forward by feeling.

But it’s better now, there are roads, and every household has motorcycles and cars. With these things, people don’t have to be so tired. "

"Well, you don't have to be so tired in the future. From now on, you only need to play with the children at home, go shopping with my mother and others, and you can enjoy your happiness in the future." After returning to the old man with a smile, Li Bu didn't speak any more, just watched quietly along the way, and the old man bid farewell to the hometown where she had lived for nearly 70 years in silence.

The bus arrived at the airport after driving for several hours.

Before entering the airport, the old man held the portrait of her husband, looked back at the city behind him and muttered; "Old man, I have stayed in the city where you were born for 70 years, and I will take you to the city where I was born, Oh, let's go."

With the old man's voice, let's go. Li Bu and his group of dozens of people immediately entered the airport in a mighty manner under the escort of two groups of bodyguards, and then went through the security check, boarded the plane, and got on the plane.

After getting on the plane, the old man still chose to sit by the window, and the reason why she chose this was because she was very worried that her farewell would be a farewell, and she would never come back. of the city.

And Li Bu and the others obviously knew the old man's reluctance for the city of Guizhou, but as children they couldn't keep the old man here alone until he grew old, so facing the old man's reluctance at this time, they just I can send Xiaobu and Li Ranran to comfort the old man.

"Grandpa, grandpa, my dad has a lot of pigeons. After we get home, I'll take you to see if you want to let the pigeons go. It's fun to let the pigeons go."

"Old ancestor, old ancestor, Xiaobu lied to you. It's not fun to release pigeons. It's the best to catch pigeons and stew them. The fragrant pigeons are delicious."

"Your father has pigeons. That's a good relationship. The pigeons will go home by themselves. And the ancestors can also roast pigeons. In the future, the ancestors will roast pigeons for you to eat."

Sure enough, the best way to comfort the old man is to let the children play with her. As soon as Xiao Bu and Li Ranran passed by, the old man immediately put his reluctance to parting behind him, and chatted happily with the two little guys Here comes the matter of pigeons.

(End of this chapter)

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