There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 55 [55] Li Bu is crazy and happy, Li Yanmei is pregnant

Chapter 55 [55] Li Bu is crazy and happy, Li Yanmei is pregnant
"Huhuhu, it's really not easy for a group of mud-legged people to open their minds."

After heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, Li Bu nodded and said to the villagers with a smile, "Okay, everyone agreed, so let's sign the contract tonight.

After signing the contract, I can take my father-in-law down the mountain tomorrow to discuss the construction of the bridge with the government.

The sooner the bridge is built, the sooner our Lijia Village can face the world, and the sooner our wallets will bulge. "

Hearing Li Bu's words, all the villagers applauded spontaneously, and shouted to Li Bu in unison when it was over, "Xiao Bu, we entrust you with the future of Li Family Village. Yes, we believe in you, take out the contract, we will sign now!!"

"Okay, let's sign the contract now. Sign the contract tonight. Tomorrow morning, I will take my father-in-law down the mountain to discuss the matter of building the bridge." After nodding his head and agreeing with the villagers, Li Bu turned and walked towards Li Yanmei who was outside. Go, then took the document she was holding, and issued the contract according to the number of families.

The villagers were also very forthright. After winning the contract, they all gathered in front of Li Aiguo and asked him to explain the content of the contract.

After listening to the content of the contract, they readily signed their names with a pen and pressed their fingerprints on it.

After pressing the fingerprints and handing over the contract to Li Bu, all the villagers suddenly looked at Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli who just got out of the car.

Those sharp eyes seemed to be asking Li Bu who they were, especially the eyes of Li Yanmei, Lin Xiang, and Liu Yan, which were particularly clear.

Li Bu, who was accepting the contract, saw that everyone was looking at the position of the car. He was stunned for a moment, and then after looking over and knowing what was going on, he quickly explained to Li Yanmei and the others with a smile;
"She is the anchor Double Happiness who came to help us when we sold lychees last time, have you forgotten?

When I came back, I saw them halfway up the mountain. They couldn't go up or down, so I pulled them back. "

"Ah, it's sister Shuangxi?!

Sister Shuangxi, why are you in such a mess?
You didn't come up on foot, did you?
This road is very hard, right?
Have you had dinner now? Are you hungry? After hearing that the other girl was the anchorwoman who helped sell lychees last time, Li Yanmei immediately let Li Bu go, and went up to support Shuangxi and asked with concern.

As for Huang Xiaoli, she was directly and selectively ignored.

Hearing Li Yanmei's concern, Shuangxi's mouth smacked, and she burst into tears again; "Sister-in-law, why is the mountain road here so difficult, my legs are almost broken.

Also, we came here by car, but when the driver was at the foot of the mountain, he refused to take us up the mountain, no matter how much money he added, he said it was too dangerous to drive up the mountain, and he dared not come up... . "

"You didn't walk up along the main road, did you? The main road is for cars, and we all walk by trails.

If you come on the main road, you will walk for a whole day, and you will not be able to make it up. Don’t you ask others how to get there before you come up? Hearing Shuangxi's complaint, Li Yanmei knew instantly that she must have come up from the main road.

After nodding with a flat mouth, Shuangxi immediately looked aggrieved again, and said in a crying voice, "I want to ask someone too, but we haven't seen anyone, how do you want us to ask?

In the morning, we met a van going down the mountain. We wanted to stop the way to ask him, but it passed by with a whoosh, without even the intention of stopping. "

"Okay, don't cry, wait for my sister-in-law to take you to take a bath, and then rub the medicinal wine on you, so that you will be able to live and breathe again tomorrow."

After comforting Shuangxi, Li Yanmei took Shuangxi with her as she prepared to go home, and at the same time looked back at Huang Xiaoli and said, "You are Shuangxi's friend, you must be tired from the journey up the mountain, come home with me to wash up first, Now it’s impossible for you to go down the mountain, so just rest with us for one night.”


After bursting into tears, Huang Xiaoli immediately carried her backpack and followed Li Yanmei back home with tears in her eyes, while she nodded heavily and said, "Well, okay, thank you sister-in-law."

After the three of Li Yanmei and the others left, the villagers who had been quiet for a while looked at Li Bu with a puzzled expression and asked, "Xiao Bu, what's going on with you? Why did you bring the woman back? What happened between you guys?" Is there nothing wrong?"

Hearing what the villagers said, Li Bu was speechless for a while, but after seeing the murderous eyes of Li Aiguo and Li Wanfu.

Li Bu was so frightened that he immediately pulled Li Hong out of the car, who was stealing chicken legs for his wife and son to eat, and said, "It's really just an anchor I met when I was selling lychees.

When my elder brother and I came back just now, we happened to meet them in such a mess on the way, we can’t just leave them alone, right? "

"Well, that's true.

In addition, when we went down the mountain in the morning, we met them going up the mountain, but we ignored them at that time.

I ignored them in the morning, and then when I came back this evening, I saw them on the road again, and they were so scared that they were crying.

It's late at night, the two weak girls will definitely not be very safe on this mountain road, and they are still people that Xiaobu knows, so we pulled them back. "Li Hong, who was caught stealing the chicken leg, handed the chicken leg to his son in embarrassment, and then helped Li Bu explain what happened with an apologetic smile.

After getting Li Bu's explanation and Li Hong's confirmation, Li Aiguo and Li Wanfu breathed a sigh of relief; "It's fine if there is nothing else, Yanmei is pregnant now, if you dare to mess with me, I will beat you up." Broken, hum."

"Uh, wait, Dad, what are you talking about? Are you saying that Yanmei is pregnant?
But, didn't my brother say that my sister-in-law was pregnant? Why is Yan Mei now?
Are you sure you are not mistaken? "Hearing Li Aiguo and Li Wanfu's words, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, then immediately looked at them expectantly and in disbelief, and asked urgently.

Hearing the conversation between Li Bu and Li Aiguo and Li Wanfu, Li Hong, who didn't know what was going on, also asked with a stunned expression; "Yes, Dad, Uncle Aiguo, did you make a mistake? I wasn't the one who was pregnant. Wife, how come my brother and sister are Yan Mei?"

"That's right!!
When Yanmei was eating at my house at noon, I found that I ate a lot more than before, and I was still not full, so I took her pulse and found it was Xi pulse.

And Yanmei also said that she hasn't had that since she got married, so if there is no accident, she is pregnant. Facing Li Bu and Li Hong's questioning, Li Aiguo nodded his head to indicate that it was true, and then he explained why he confirmed that Li Yanmei was pregnant.

Hearing Li Aiguo's almost guaranteed explanation, Li Bu immediately seemed to go crazy. While dancing, he shouted and sang indiscriminately; I'm going to be a dad, I'm going to be a dad, yeah yeah yeah...

It's this feel, feel so cool, so cool, so cool, so cool, so cool, so cool, so cool,

The sky is so bright, the land is so vast, the emotion is so turbulent, the heart is so turbulent, the song is so melodious, the song is so crazy, I am happy to see everything, today I am very happy. "

Looking at Li Bu, who was dancing and yelling, the villagers of Lijia Village couldn't help but have this doubt in their minds; "This guy, Li Bu, couldn't be too excited, and then his brain got stuck?? "

(End of this chapter)

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