There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 56 [56] This is also the boss's

Chapter 56 [56] This is also the boss's
While everyone was looking at Li Bu and yelling, one person sneaked up to him.

And this person is Li Zhiyou, a bachelor in the village.

After Li Zhiyou stepped forward, he immediately smiled and flattered Li Bu, "Xiao Bu, congratulations, you have a good harvest for your family and business."

"Thank you, thank you. We are happy together. After the bridge is built, everyone's economy will be improved. You will be a father sooner or later, haha..." Hearing Li Zhiyou's words, Li Bu immediately beamed with joy. replied to him.

After receiving Li Bu's reply, Li Zhiyou saw that the time was almost up, so he continued to smile and said, "By the way, Xiao Bu, I heard that you are going to raise chickens.

But look at this, your daughter-in-law is pregnant and can't do heavy work, and you earn a lot of money and are not suitable for heavy work, so your family needs to find a worker to help raise chickens or something? "

"Based on what you've said, I find it's time for me to find a worker.

But the question now is, in our place, will anyone be willing to come up and work? Hearing Li Zhiyou's words, Li Bu couldn't help worrying about finding workers again.

Hearing Li Bu's words, the villagers didn't wait for Li Zhi to speak, and laughed instead of him and replied; "Xiao Bu, do you still need to go down and look for it?

People have asked so clearly, are you pretending to be stupid, or have you been dazzled by the fact that your wife is pregnant? ?”

"Ah, that's right, brother Zhiyou, you don't have much to do at home, I think you are quite free, why don't you come to my orchard to help.

If you are a long-term worker, I will give you [-] packs a month to eat two meals. If you want a place to live, you can live in my orchard. Hearing what the big guy said, he remembered that Li Zhiyou was Li Bu who was an idler in the village, and he smiled and asked him if he would come to his orchard to help.

Hearing Li Bu's words, and remembering that Li Bu and Li Zhiyou didn't come here often, Li Zhiyou quickly said, "Give me [-] a month, and I'll help you with raising chickens and ducks and chores in the orchard. In addition, I can also work part-time as a security guard at your orchard at night.

As for eating, forget it, judging from the fact that your young couple has fired less than five times in two months of marriage, if I eat with you, I will starve to death, so you still give me some extra wages, and I will fire myself Just make dinner.. "

"A salary of four thousand, right? That's not too much to say, and you are worth the price, so I agree.

Don't eat with our family, right? We really don't start fires very often, so it's okay. I'll give you another 500 yuan subsidy for food expenses.

Also, you can also work part-time in the orchard at night, as a security guard for me, and show me those chicken coops, right?I'll give you an extra five hundred for this too.

If all these are counted, I will give you a salary of [-] a month. Brother Zhiyou, do you think [-] a month is okay?
If it works, you can start working now, if not, then I can only find someone else tomorrow. "Li Bu, who has long been accustomed to the salary supplement on the earth, heard that Li Zhiyou could work part-time as a security guard if he didn't eat with him, so he immediately and voluntarily asked to subsidize him.

Li Zhiyou originally just wanted to find a job with a salary of around [-].

As a result, now Li Bu gave him a sky-high salary increase, which went from three thousand five thousand to five thousand in one month, so this shocked him directly.

After being shocked for a while, Li Zhiyou, who came to his senses, stepped forward and hugged Li Bu, and said excitedly, "Xiao Bu, you are a good man, he knows how to support the poor households in the village after making money.

Boss, I will call you boss from now on.

Boss, I will definitely work hard and will not let you down.

I, Li Zhiyou, promise you that if I can't do it, I will swear that I will never find a wife. "

"Don't make those boring vows. I was still thinking that when Li Family Village develops, the first thing I will do is to find you a wife. Don't curse yourself. Curse me away."

After jokingly pushing Li Zhiyou away, Li Bu waved his hand, looked at the other villagers looking forward to him and said, "One person is enough to work in the orchard, so I can only recruit brother Zhiyou for the time being." one already.

But if the big guy has nothing to do, after my father-in-law and I go down the mountain to finish building the bridge tomorrow, I will get out the design drawing of the homestay we are going to make in the future, and then the big guy will help if he can build a house Build a house, if you don’t know how to build a house, just help build the home.

Anyway, in the past two years, you won't be able to relax. "

"This is possible. Our homestay can first have some antique tile-roofed houses, then some two-story suites, and finally some low-cost houses in the style of high-rise buildings.

Moreover, the projects of these homestays are not very big, and the people in our village can do it by themselves.

Building a bridge requires big tools, and we can only earn the money for others, but we can earn the money for building a homestay, hehehe. "After hearing Li Bu say that he would arrange jobs for everyone, some villagers who knew how to build houses and homes immediately stood up and expressed their agreement.

Those who agree, of course have concerns.

No, soon a woman came forward to ask questions; "Xiao Bu, it's not that my aunt likes to be a bad person, but if you want to engage in development, we've already mortgaged all the land to you.

But you still want us to work for you for a year or two. Do you have to think about it, give us a little wages, after all, we also have to eat. "

"Give me money, of course I have to give you money, you all worked hard, how could I not give you money.

Uh, sorry about that, I've been really busy this time, so busy that I forgot to pay you guys the money for the chicken coop. After nodding his head to say that he would give the money, Li Bu remembered in embarrassment that the wages for his orchard hadn't been settled yet.

After hearing that Li Bu wanted to settle the wages for the big guy, Li Aiguo immediately stood up and commanded; "Little Bu, the total wages are [-], just transfer them to my mobile phone later, and I will settle the wages for you.

You'd better get your chickens and ducks up there now, or if you don't go, they will be smothered to death by you later. "

Hearing this, he casually took it out of his hand, and quickly turned it to Li Aiguo for [-], Li Bu immediately said with an embarrassed smile, "Okay, thank you for your hard work.

Also, for uncles and uncles who are paid, you can just go to my old man to get it.

I've got to get these little guys to the orchard now, or they'll really suffocate.

Brother, big brother, Comrade Li Hong, come back to me, you can ask your sister-in-law to get your money, and you don’t want your chicken and duck seedlings?

Hurry up and get in the car, I'll take you to the orchard, and Brother Zhiyou, you're also up to work, starting to count wages today. "

After explaining a few words, Li Bu called Li Hong and Li Zhiyou back, and then Li Bu started the car and went to the orchard.

Instead of going directly to his own orchard, Li Bu first drove the car to Li Hong's orchard, and moved his [-] chicken seedlings and [-] duck seedlings down, but he felt that the number of [-] was unlucky. Before leaving, he gave him one hundred chicks and one hundred ducks.

After giving Li Hong one hundred chickens and one hundred ducks, Li Bu started the car and drove to his orchard.

Then, together with Li Zhiyou, they moved the chicken seedlings into the orchard and put them in the small wooden house where the chickens were raised, and moved the ducklings to the pigeon coop and temporarily placed them in the small wooden house where the pigeons were raised.

After the chickens and ducks were settled, Li Bu and Li Zhiyou put a nest, a water tank, feed and water for the chicks to feed and drink the chickens and ducks.

After everything was settled, Li Bu first gave Li Zhiyou a set of keys to the orchard, a pair of good life cigarettes, some drinks, and the roast chicken that Li Hong had stolen two chicken legs from.

Afterwards, they drove directly to Li Hong's orchard, and brought Li Hong, who had settled the chicks and ducks, with him, and then the two brothers went home for dinner in the same car.

Tonight, Li Bu's house still didn't open fire, so tonight he was going to Li Wanfu's house, that is, Li Hong's house, for dinner.

[Thank you Dongxue Liming for the reward of [-] book coins, thank you Motorola for the reward of [-] book coins, thank you for the reward of [-] book coins from Yin Yang, and thank you for the reward of [-] book coins for three laughs and three cries, Thank you for the reward of [-] book coins that are not difficult to climb up the stairs, thank you for the reward of [-] book coins for your embarrassment, thank you to all the friends who gave rewards and support, thank you for every penny of support, today is the fourth update. 】

(End of this chapter)

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