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Chapter 575 [576] Named the 4 little guys

Chapter 575 [576] Give the four little guys names
After an hour-long supper, and after-dinner snacks.

The banquet for thousands of people tonight was successfully completed, and after the villagers helped clean up the dishes, they went back to their homes to rest.

But when Li Bu and the others got home, they got tangled up because of one thing, and the thing that made them tangled up was the names of the four little guys.

After Li Yanmei glanced at her four little guys, she asked the old man and Li Wanfu, "Dad, grandma, why don't we just choose a four-character idiom for the four little guys?"

"It's a good idea, but which of the four-character idioms should we choose? If it's too common, it's not good, and in front of the idioms, we are still one character short.

For this character, I think Li Xiaowang and Xiao Xiaobu have a small character in the middle, or we will continue with this small character. "Hearing Li Yanmei's words, Li Wanfu nodded in agreement first, and then expressed his opinion.

"How about Chengzhuanqihe, Li Xiaocheng, Li Xiaozhuan, Li Xiaoqi, Li Xiaohe, the four names sound pretty good, right?" Hearing what Li Yanmei and Li Wanfu said, Li Bu felt that he, as the father of the child, , it is necessary to fight for a good name for your children.

It's just that when Li Bu opened his mouth, he was directly scolded by the family; "It's too ugly to be in a good fit, look at how ugly it sounds when people call our child's name.

Xiaocheng, Xiaozhuan, Xiaoqi, Xiaohe feels like he is a generation younger than others, so it doesn't sound good, and... you go, you have already given the child a nickname, and the rectification of the name is not yours. It's over! ! "

"As the father of the child, why do you stop me from naming the child? Also, is it really okay for you to do this?" After expressing his dissatisfaction, Li Bu obediently went down to give the little ones a name. Ready for milk powder before going to bed.

"I'm the mother of the child, the little ones are still coming out of my stomach, I'm still in line now!!."

After replying to Li Bu with disgust, Li Yanmei looked at Li Wanfu and the others, and continued to ask, "Parents, grandma, why don't we four little guys use small characters, after all, they don't look like that at all. Small."

"That's right, this small character is really not very suitable for choosing a name, so let's change this kid to the character Jun. Our family's appearance has always been a problem. Let's see if we can make them handsome in the future by choosing the character Jun." It's one o'clock." Hearing Li Yanmei's words, Liu Yan and Li Wanfu agreed, and the grandmother agreed after thinking about it, after all, Li Xiaocui also has small characters, and it would not be so good to use small characters.

After changing the first character to Jun, Li Wanfu began to put forward his own opinions; "After changing to Jun, you can see if this works, the boss is called Li Junyang, the second is called Li Junming, and the third is called Li Junli , the youngest is Li Junwan, and the four together just happen to be famous."

"I think the names Li Junlong, Li Junhu, Li Junlin, and Li Junfeng are more suitable, and these four names sound more pleasing to the ear. In addition to the name, there is no rule that you must choose idioms." After thinking for a long time, the old man did not agree with Li. Wanfu's name, but chose to choose by himself.

Hearing the old man's words, Li Wanfu and the others gave a helpless wry smile, and then cautiously refused, "Grandma Zeng, your name is good, but it's called by too many people. Our village will be able to find these four people for you."

"Then let's change the first character to a character that no one knows how to use. Let's use the names of the little guys' fathers as the first character. Let's use cloth characters.

Then the eldest is called Li Bulong, the second is called Li Buhu, the third is called Li Buqi, and the youngest is called Li Bufeng. With such names, I still don’t believe that anyone would dare to have the same name as our children. "Hearing that his such a good name was rejected, the old man immediately became ruthless.

After the old man's voice fell, Li Bu felt as if he had been targeted [inner words]; "Li Bulong, are you saying that my ears are not good? Li Buhu, are you saying that I have a bad temper? Li Buqi , Are you saying that I am weird? What is more extreme is the last name, Li Bufeng, am I that crazy?"

What made Li Bu even more speechless was that after the old man's words fell, his father Li Wanfu actually agreed; "Bulong, Buhu, Buqi, Bufeng, it's okay, do you have any opinions? I don't have any. "

"Brother, are you really my father? It's true that you pronounce your name without the surname, but won't you pronounce it again without the surname? Don't you think this name means that your son is abnormal? "[Words from the heart] Hearing what Li Wanfu said, Li Bu suddenly lost the mood to make milk powder.

Unlike Li Wanfu, Li Yanmei and Liu Yan all looked at Li Bodao after reading the four names; "Grandma Zeng [grandmother] we have no objection, but Xiaobu may have Opinion.

After all, your name sounds a bit like saying that he is not serious. You can see for yourself. A Li Bulong sounds like Xiao Bu [Li Bu] is deaf. A Li Buhu sounds like It's talking about his tiger personality.

Li Buqi sounds like saying that Xiao Bu [Li Bu] is weird, let alone the last one, Li Bufeng, isn't this saying that Xiao Bu [Li Bu] is crazy? "

"Uh, when you say it like this, it seems like you're talking about him, no wonder he had a constipated expression on his face just now.

But now the name is really difficult to come up with. Forget it, Xiao Bu, you write the script, and you often use names, so you should choose a few names and let us choose. "After hearing Li Yanmei and Liu Yan's words, the old man thought about it, and finally left the power to Li Bu.

Hearing that he had the right to name his son, Li Bu immediately put down the baby bottle and thought seriously, "I have three sets of names here, let you choose.

The first set is that the eldest is called Li Tielong, the second is called Li Tiehu, the third is called Li Tieqi, and the younger is called Li Tiezhu. This name is named after the mythical beast in China.

The second set is that the eldest is called Li Chencheng, the second is called Li Chenzhuan, the third is called Li Chenqi, and the youngest is called Li Chenhe. The combination means that the idiom Chengzhuan fits together.

The third set is to pick up my uncle and my dad’s Wanzi name with thousands of characters. The eldest is called Li Qianyong, the second is Li Qianmeng, the third is Li Qiangang, and the youngest is Li Qianqiang. Which one do you think is suitable. "

"I think the second set is more suitable. The names of the first set and the third set are a bit too strong, and the second set has a little more connotation..." Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Yanmei chose the first set after thinking about it. Two sets.

"I also think the second set is more suitable, and the third set is not good. Who dares to choose a thousand characters for a name? In ancient times, Qiantui was very aggrieved." After Li Yanmei, Liu Yan felt that she had chosen a good choice, so she also followed by nodding.

Compared with the first and third sets, the second set is indeed a more suitable name, so the old man and Li Wanfu finally decided to choose the second set as the little guy's name after thinking about it.

And after the consensus of the big guys was confirmed, the little guys finally had their own big names, the eldest was called Li Chencheng, the second was called Li Chenzhuan, the third was called Li Chenqi, and the youngest was called Li Chenhe.

Then, as a grandfather, Li Aiguo, who was unanimously silent, picked up a pen at this time, and wrote their names for the four little guys on the genealogy of Lijiacun, and Lijiacun officially welcomed them. The four most naughty little troublemakers in history.

(End of this chapter)

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