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Chapter 576 [577] 4 New Years and 3 full moons, cute

Chapter 576 [577] Four New Year's Eve full moon, cute
After the name was settled, because tomorrow is the New Year's Eve and the full moon of the little ones, there will be a lot of things to be busy, so Li Bu and the others went back to take a bath and rest early.

There was nothing to say all night, and Lijia Village became very lively in the early morning of the next day. Several breakfast shops appeared on the streets of Lijia Village, including bun shops, dumpling restaurants, noodle restaurants, and sausage noodle shops. There are old-fashioned specialty snack bars.

Right now, in front of these stores, there are many people queuing up to receive food. You guessed it right, Li Bu specially invited people to come to Lijia Village to make free breakfast for everyone during the Chinese New Year.

Today is the New Year's Eve and because of the full moon of the little guys, so Li Bu is very busy today. He woke up early this morning just to pay the employees, and he went to tens of millions. He also spent nearly one million on those Lijia Village's subsequent expenses, including the supplies needed from the New Year to the Lantern Festival.

After finishing the money matters, Li Bu immediately came out to line up to bring breakfast for the two little guys at home and Li Yanmei, and then he hurried to discuss with Zhang Xiaofeng and Yixin without eating. The stage setting for the evening went to those.

And just when Li Bu and the others were setting up the stage, Jiao Mengyu came to him; "I think the environment in your Lijia Village is good, and it's also more suitable for me to raise a baby, so I plan to stay here to have a baby, okay?"

"Do you think I dare to refuse??" After replying to Jiao Mengyu a few words in a funny way, Li Bu gave Zhang Xiaofeng and the others a look, then took Jiao Mengyu to the corner and said; "I can know who the father of the child is ?"

"It's you, didn't I tell you before, did you think I was joking with you?" After replying to Li Bu with a smile, Jiao Mengyu changed his tone and said; "Test tube Baby, I don't know who his father is, besides, I don't intend to let him have a father."

"This joke is not funny at all, because I can easily take it seriously. And if you want to stay here to give birth, do you need me to arrange a doctor for you? ?

After all, after the Chinese New Year, I will take my daughter-in-law abroad, and I will not have time to take care of you here, so it is more appropriate to arrange the doctor in advance. After rolling his eyes to indicate that the joke was not funny, Li Bu asked Jiao Mengyu if he wanted a private doctor.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Jiao Mengyu nodded directly and said, "You'd better arrange a complete set for me, I don't really want to go out to give birth, so you'd better hire someone who can deliver my baby and help me A doctor who takes care of children."

"Okay, after the next year I will arrange an obstetrics and gynecology doctor for you. As for taking care of the children, you can let the two private doctors I hired take care of them. Anyway, they probably don't mind taking care of a few more. , By the way, your belly is so big, it should be several, not one?" Maybe it was subconscious, when Li Bu was talking, he couldn't help feeling that Jiao Mengyu's belly was the same as when his wife was pregnant with four little ones. It's big.

After stretching out his hand to push away Li Bu's eyes staring at his belly, Jiao Mengyu said to him directly with a look of disdain; "Your wife is allowed to give birth to a few, the number is not very sure, but it can be determined now." It's more than two."

"You may be tainted by my luck, you see, all the people around me who have been pregnant recently are two or more.

I have four daughter-in-laws, two sister-in-laws, and two daughter-in-laws from my worker’s family. Now you have more than two, so you have to thank me, hehehe.. "Although Jiao Mengyu was pregnant with other people's children, there was some envy and hatred, but when he mentioned that the people around him were all pregnant several times, Li Bu couldn't help but started to feel a little bit embarrassing again.

"I'm really thanks to you, I just wanted a child to be taken care of when I get old, but you bastard's winning rate is so high, you just got me a few, bastard.

And your sister, if I knew that you, a bastard, had such a high winning rate, I would never come to you, a bastard, even if I was going to choose a test-tube baby.

You bastard, I have been hurt by you, you better pray that my mother can lose weight after giving birth, or you can wait for me to make trouble for you, hmph. "

After scolding Li Bu in his heart, Jiao Mengyu turned around and left without turning his head and said, "I thank you, big-headed ghost, I'm going back now, remember to give me a hand to get angry if I don't talk to you." Arrange the doctor's affairs!!"

"Hey, really, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I get. You said we are acquaintances, why would you rather go to the hospital than ask me to borrow it? My genes are not bad..." Lost After muttering a few words, Li Bu turned around and continued to work on his stage work.

As soon as the time turned, it was one o'clock in the afternoon. After Lijia Village raised five big balloons, it started to sound, calling everyone to eat the little guy's full moon wine.

[Respected guests, dear villagers of Lijia Village, this year is New Year's Eve, and it is also the day of my grandson's full moon, Li Aiguo, the son of our Lijia Village Li Bu, here I, Li Aiguo, on behalf of Lijia Village, wish everyone a happy new year and all the best , more than every year, every year is better than every year.

At the same time, I also wish my four lovely grandchildren to grow up healthy, happy, and happy, and then, like their father, will bring greater changes to our Lijia Village.

Okay, enough nonsense, let's all start to sit down, we will start eating later, and because of the Chinese New Year tonight, everyone will not drink at noon, and save the wine for the evening. Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy new year! ! 】

As soon as Li Aiguo's voice fell, thousands of villagers in Lijia Village and those celebrity guests immediately came out of their respective residences and began to enter the venue in a mighty manner.

And just after everyone entered the venue, Li Yanmei, Lin Xiang, Liu Yan, and Chunmei came out to recognize people with four little guys in their arms, and there was another one behind them to collect red envelopes basket.

Still the same old rules from old to young, the old man was the first to reach out and hug the little guy, then took out four bags of money wrapped in red paper from his arms, handed it to Li Yanmei and said, "Thank you for your hard work, my child." Brought me four, such lovely Zengzeng grandsons, this is the red envelope given to the little ones by my ancestor.

Little guys, our ancestors bless you to grow up healthy and healthy, and you will be more handsome than the other in the future, and you will be more talented than your father and better-looking than your mother in the future. "

"Quack quack quack quack quack giggle." Seeing the old man laughing at himself, the four little guys who were already familiar with the old man burst out laughing happily. The laughter was very loud and very Nice to hear.

After the old man, Li Yanmei and the others hugged the little guy in order, and gave each table a look at the guests.

At the same time, they don't look at the size of the red envelopes given by the guests. They just smile and let the guests put them in the baskets, and treat all the guests equally.

In addition, there is a table of particularly interesting guests at today's banquet, that is, a table of guests who are pregnant women. The guests on it include Li Hong's daughter-in-law Chunni, Li Zhiyou's daughter-in-law Qing Aiyun, and Zhang Xuelong's daughter-in-law That's right, this big guy really made his wife pregnant with a second child just by driving it as a joke, and the rest are the wives of some villagers in Lijia Village.

In the end, Li Yanmei drank some fruit juice alone with them, which is what is called a successful pregnancy in the current fashion. After that, everyone started to sit down and eat with chopsticks.

(End of this chapter)

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