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Chapter 7 [7] Making Money Step 1: Give Aunt Cheap and Give Yourself Business

Chapter 7 [7] The first step to make money is to give money to the aunt and give yourself a business
Now that I have the idea of ​​making money, I have borrowed the car, and the rest is the lychees at home.

Li Bu and Li Yanmei were separated from each other on their wedding day.

They didn't live with Li Yanmei's parents, nor did they live with Li Bu's parents, but Li Bu's parents gave three houses and 800 yuan, and Li Yanmei's parents gave an orchard, and then let the couple go out by themselves.

Li Bu's parents and Li Yanmei's parents, both of them planted a lot of lychees, and there were still many fruits hanging on the fruit trees at this time, but unfortunately, there were no lychees in the dowry orchard given to Li Yanmei by Li Yanmei's parents Tree.

There is no lychee tree, and I want to go out to sell lychees, so what to do now, of course, I lick my face, take the only 700 yuan, go to the two parents' houses, buy lychees on the account and sell them.

When he saw Li Bu driving a van to the door of his house, Li Aiguo asked in a dazed expression; "Xiao Bu, Xiao Mei, what are you doing? Has it been opened?"

"I rented the car from Dawei's father. Didn't I think that Yanmei and I just got married and have nothing at home, so we have to buy everything, so I thought about doing business, hehehe Seeing the old man speak, Li Bu immediately got out of the car, rubbing his hands and laughing.

Thinking that Li Bu was here to ask for money to go shopping, Li Aiguo took out his wallet after a toothache and said, "Little Bu, you guys are old enough, you should fight on your own, parents will grow old Yes, this time..."

"Dad, what are you doing, we are not here to ask for money, we are here to buy lychees from you.

We are going to sell lychees outside to make a profit. We are not here to ask you for money. What money will you give, hmph. "Hearing Li Aiguo's words, Li Bu was stunned, but Li Yanmei who was at the side shot directly, pushing Li Aiguo's wallet back, and said angrily.

Hearing what his daughter said, Li Aiguo was stunned for a moment, and then after confirming that they really didn't come to ask for money, he waved his hand and said angrily; "I want to pick the lychees by myself, it's all my family wants Money, just take it off and sell it, and treat it as your father supporting your career."

Li Bu, who originally thought that he would need to keep accounts and slobber to get the lychees, never thought that he would get... free lychees from his father-in-law.

Repeating the old trick, he returned to his parents' house with a tentative heart, but the result was the same, he went to pick the lychees by himself, and the money from the sale was given to you, and it's okay if you lose money.

After getting the support of the two families.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Bu and Li Yanmei didn't go to the school to help out. After finishing their lunch break early, they went up the mountain with baskets to pick lychees.

After picking the lychees, Li Bu directly took them to soak in the mountain spring for 10 minutes, then tied them into bundles and spread them out in the shade of the house.

Doing so can make the lychees full of water, and when they are sold the next day, it will give people a feeling that they have been soaked in dew last night and just picked off in the morning.

Of course, this is actually not good, because if the soaked lychees are not sold on the second day, on the third or fourth day, each one will burst because they are too ripe.

But at this time, Li Bu had to do it even if he didn't want to.

Why, because it takes three or four hours to go down the mountain from the village, if he goes to the orchard to pick lychees tomorrow morning, then they will not be able to catch up with the morning market tomorrow.

People in the countryside, even in towns, go shopping in the morning. If you miss the morning market here, it is almost equivalent to missing a day in vain.

Back and forth, they picked about a thousand catties of lychees and soaked them in water. After putting them away at home, Li Bu and Li Yanmei had an early dinner at four o'clock in the afternoon, and then went to take a bath and go to bed.

After sleeping until three o'clock in the morning the next day, when the sky was gray, the two of them got up early and ate some pancakes that they made by the way last night, then loaded the lychees into the van, and carefully drove the somewhat worn-out car. The Wuling van went down the mountain.

The road down the mountain is really not easy to walk, and this road is still the kind of dirt road that has no cement and is purely excavated by hand.

Therefore, Li Bu and Li Yanmei, who had woken up so early and were still a little drowsy, were very awake at this time.

Both of them were looking in front of the headlights, afraid that something would suddenly pop up on the mountain road, causing their car to accidentally lose control.

I don't know whether to say that Li Bu's driving skills are good, or that they are lucky. After driving down the mountain road for three hours with fear, Li Bu finally drove the van onto the normal concrete road after six o'clock.

After getting on the concrete road, Li Bu, who didn't have a driver's license, didn't dare to drive indiscriminately. Instead, under Li Yanmei's guidance, he drove the car into a small farmers' market. Open the car door and move down the lychees to start selling.

"Young man, how do you sell your lychee? Is it sweet? Can you try one?"

Li Bu's lychees are plump and beautiful, and they sell lychees separately, so when Li Bu's lychees moved out, the aunts who came out to buy vegetables immediately came to see them.

In the previous life, Li Buna became a multi-millionaire from moving cement and doing business, so Li Bu, who knew the thoughts of these aunts, just took a bunch of lychees and handed them to the aunt with a smile; "Auntie, try it, These are all grown by the family, and the fruit grown by drinking mountain springs in the mountains costs 15 yuan per catty, 250 catties will cost you [-] yuan, and [-] catties will cost you [-] yuan."

"It's quite sweet, and the taste is not bad, but it's a bit expensive. Others' big supermarkets are only thirteen. Your fifteen is too expensive. If you count ten yuan a catty, I'll have five catties." Li Bu's generous aunt was very satisfied. After trying a bunch of lychees, the aunt wanted to take advantage of it, so she immediately bargained for Li Bu's price.

After shaking his head with a smile, Li Bu said with an approachable face; "Auntie, it's not easy for us to pick lychees on the mountain, and the way down the mountain is also very dangerous. We came down at one or two o'clock in the morning, and it's only after six o'clock. came here.

In addition, this lychee is not our own. It is from several of our families. It is really not expensive at 15 yuan a catty. There may be 13 yuan in big supermarkets, but their quality and taste are definitely not as good as ours.

Auntie, you can try a few more. If you think it is suitable, you can buy it. If you think it is [-] expensive, you can treat it as me asking you to try something new, okay? "

"You young man really made me look like a big mom who loves to take advantage.

Okay, okay, auntie, to save your face, you can buy me a twenty-pound one, a total of 250 yuan, right, remember to choose the best one for me. "

Now the price of lychees in the supermarket is eighteen pounds, and the quality is still very poor, which is completely incomparable with Li Bu's lychees, so after pretending to compromise, the aunt directly took out 250 yuan and said It's about twenty catties.

[What I want most now is the collection, investment, and recommendation tickets of book friends. My wish is very small, so let me give it a chance to realize it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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